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Strange Quotes

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It’s true this world our breathing laboured inspires nothing more than obvious disgust a desire to flee without our share and no longer read the headlines we long to return to our ancestral home where our forebears once lived under an angel’s wing we long to find that strange morality which sanctified life to the end we crave something like loyalty like the embrace of mild addictions something that transcends yet contains life we cannot live far from eternity  (Strange Quotes) It was strange, I reflected.. that even in the weirdest circumstances, the most troubling episodes of one’s life, the greatest divides from home and familiarity, there were these moments of undeniable joy  (Strange Quotes) The first thing he noticed was how quiet it was. This was nothing like the kind of quiet he heard when he woke up in the middle of the night after a bad dream. When that happened, there were always strange, unidentifiable sounds seeping into his room from the tiny gaps where the windowpanes weren’t sealed together correctly. At those moments he could always tell there was life outside, even if all that life was fast asleep. It was a silence that wasn’t silence at all  (Strange Quotes) Thus, sped by currents of curiosity afloat the swift river of rumor do secrets sail to strange ports  (Strange Quotes) ... miles away from everthing and everyone I’ve ever known or loved. I feel as if I’ve entered a new era of my life. What strange places our lives carry us to  (Strange Quotes) My feelings were hurt. Once I started I couldn’t seem to let it go. Be strange if the person who matters most in the whole world couldn’t hurt your feelings, wouldn’t it?  (Strange Quotes) So I found myself telling my own stories. It was strange: as I did it I realised how much we get shaped by our stories. It’s like the stories of our lives make us the people we are. If someone had no stories, they wouldn’t be human, wouldn’t exist. And if my stories had been different I wouldn’t be the person I am  (Strange Quotes) The fire was silent, the little houses collapsing into the flames without complaint, flocks of sparks rising to the sky. At a distance it seemed beautiful, and I thought it was strange that powerful violence is often so pleasing to the eye  (Strange Quotes) There was something special about being in a strange place, all alone in a mass of people even if you had just screwed up your life, or perhaps especially if you had just screwed up your life  (Strange Quotes) It was a strange thing, this feeling of empathy. He’d never experienced it before. He realized that what hurt this woman hurt him as well, that what made her bleed caused a hemorrhage of pain within his soul  (Strange Quotes) I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it’s true I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you  (Strange Quotes) She was full of some strange energy that morning. Her every movement had purpose and life and she seemed to find satisfaction in every little thing  (Strange Quotes) It was strange how words meant something when they came out of your mouth. Inside your head they were safe and silent, but once they were outside, people grabbed hold of them  (Strange Quotes) ... I stayed because running seemed too strange and too complicated. All I knew was how to fall back, find a patch of solid ground, and then dig my heels in and fight to start over  (Strange Quotes) It is strange to hear your mother talk about being human because, honestly, it’s too easy to forget  (Strange Quotes) It’s strange how a person can have a distinct distaste for herself, but still she clutches on to life  (Strange Quotes) About 10 minutes ago, we all woke up because of this strange roaring sound. We all raced toward the sound, which turned out to be the washing machine going back on. Who knew the rinse cycle could be so scary?  (Strange Quotes) Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government  (Strange Quotes) It was strange to be naked in front of anybody. It was like that cold water out there in the bay: scary, you didn’t think you could stand it, but then you plunged in and pretty soon you got used to it. There was enough hiding in life. Sometimes you just wanted to show somebody your tits  (Strange Quotes) We’re all strange inside. We learn how to disguise our differences as we grow up  (Strange Quotes) Beware the dark pool at the bottom of our hearts. In its icy, black depths dwell strange and twisted creatures it is best not to disturb  (Strange Quotes) Sometimes they rose up inside her, these moments of fierce happiness, kindling out of their own substance like a spark igniting a mound of grass. It was a joy to be alive, a strange and savage joy, and she stood there in the warmth and destruction of it knowing it could not last  (Strange Quotes) When he talked his eyes went away from mine and then he forced himself to look straight at me and he began to explain and I knew that he felt very strange with me and that he hated me, and it was funny sitting there and talking like that, knowing he hated me  (Strange Quotes) It was strange to see someone you have only known alone begin interacting with other people, for that somebody known to you disappears and is replaced by a different, more complex, person. You watch him revolve in this new company, revealing new facets, and there is nothing you can do but hope you like these other sides as much as you like the side that seemed whole when it faced only you  (Strange Quotes) A withered maple leaf has left its branch and is falling to the ground; its movements resemble those of a butterfly in flight. Isn’t it strange? The saddest and deadest of things is yet so like the gayest and most vital of creatures?  (Strange Quotes) Tis a strange thing, that the only friends I have I found in the same way, lying flat in the meadows, crying as if their hearts would break  (Strange Quotes) As strange as it sounds, meditation may reveal that we are happier than we thought we were. We may discover that ancient conditioning rather than present circumstances is causing our dissatisfaction, and that this moment is quite sufficient or even wonderful, and we simply hadn’t noticed  (Strange Quotes) Thoughts are strange creatures. They lead you from one thing to another. Sometimes you don’t know how you got from one to the next  (Strange Quotes) It’s strange how sometimes you can be so happy it goes all the way round to sadness  (Strange Quotes) How strange that the world should change because of words, and words change because of the world  (Strange Quotes)
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