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Strange Quotes

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I remember that feeling of skin. It’s strange to remember touch more than thought. But my fingers still tingle with it  (Strange Quotes) It’s strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man’s mind for so many years. Yet those memories can be awakened and brought forth fresh and new, just by something you’ve seen, or something you’ve heard, or the sight of an old familiar face  (Strange Quotes) It seemed the more I knew about people the more I knew about the strange magic hidden in their hearts  (Strange Quotes) The lamp sizzled as it burned. It made everything seem close and safe, a little family circle they all knew and trusted. Outside this circle lay everything that was strange and frightening, and the darkness seemed to reach higher and higher and further and further away, right to the end of the world  (Strange Quotes) A ssure you, the more I travel through time, the more I witness, the more I realize that there are things that are both strange and wonderful, far beyond human comprehension  (Strange Quotes) Science has revealed a universe that is vast, ancient, violent, strange, and beautiful, a universe of almost infinite variety and possibility one in which time can end in a black hole, and conscious beings can evolve from a soup of minerals  (Strange Quotes) It’s a strange grief…to die of nostalgia for something you never lived  (Strange Quotes) It was strange to find them here, still alive, with their shared bits of past that suddenly counted for nothing  (Strange Quotes) I commit her to memory. When I’m alone, I feel a strange yearning, the hunger of a man fasting not because he believes but because he’s ashamed. Not the cleansing hunger of the devout, but the feverish hunger of the hypocrite. I let her go every evening only because there’s nothing I can do to stop her  (Strange Quotes) Power’s a strange thing, lad. It’s a drug people like me crave it  (Strange Quotes) I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid  (Strange Quotes) What seems natural to us is probably just something familiar in a long tradition that has forgotten the unfamiliar source from which it arose. And yet this unfamiliar source once struck man as strange and caused him to think and to wonder  (Strange Quotes) I have this recurring nightmare where I’m lost in a strange forest, and my only hope is your sense of direction. Enough to give a fellow the sweats, it is  (Strange Quotes) India has always had a strange way with her conquerors. In defeat, she beckons them in, then slowly seduces, assimilates and transforms them  (Strange Quotes) I learned long ago that loss is not only probable but inevitable. I know what it means to lose everything, to let go of one life and find another. And now I feel, with a strange, deep certainty, that it must be my lot in life to be taught that lesson over and over again  (Strange Quotes) It’s a strange myth that atheists have nothing to live for. It’s the opposite. We have nothing to die for. We have everything to live for  (Strange Quotes) Death is never an ending, death is a change; Death is beautiful, for death is strange; Death is one dream out of another flowing  (Strange Quotes) The artist is a strange being. I think it’s safe to say that a real artist is conscious of having a personal singularity that is partly a blessing and partly a curse. An artist enjoys and suffers from isolation. As solitude, isolation can nurture. It can also destroy  (Strange Quotes) And you tried to change, didn’t you? Closed your mouth more. Tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake... You can’t make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that. And if he wants to leave, then let him leave. You are terrifying, and strange, and beautiful. Something not everyone knows how to love  (Strange Quotes) Silence is a strange thing to us who live: we desire it, we fear it, we worship it, we hate it. There is a divinity about cats, as long as they are silent: the silence of swans gives them an air of legend  (Strange Quotes) Strange as it may sound, the power of mathematics rests on its evasion of all unnecessary thought and on its wonderful saving of mental operations  (Strange Quotes) The mind likes a strange idea as little as the body likes a strange protein and resists it with similar energy. It would not perhaps be too fanciful to say that a new idea is the most quickly acting antigen known to science  (Strange Quotes) There is nothing like a gleam of humor to reassure you that a fellow human being is ticking inside a strange face  (Strange Quotes) The world is a library of strange and wonderful books, and sometimes we just need to go prowling through the stacks  (Strange Quotes) Every minute we were together, I felt like I was wandering in the dark through a strange house, groping for a light switch. And then, whenever I found one and turned it on, the bulb was dead  (Strange Quotes) The celebrity world can be so ugly. Everyone seems to have slept with everyone else and it’s some sort of strange weird cycle. I don’t want to get into that  (Strange Quotes) I think that happiness is a very strange thing. And we really feel that we have a right to this happiness. But I feel like it’s constantly fluctuating, and that you can make yourself happy. I think it’s an outlook. Having a positive attitude probably sounds like a corny thing to say, but a positive attitude really helps, and respecting your job really helps, and having the support of your family and friends really helps  (Strange Quotes) There are strange moments in life when the mind rests without any kind of worries. When our mind is quiet, when our mind is in silence, then the new arrives  (Strange Quotes) Golf does strange things to other people, too. It makes liars out of honest men, cheats out of altruists, cowards out of brave men and fools out of everybody  (Strange Quotes) Acting is a strange business; one day it’s there, and the next day nowhere to be seen  (Strange Quotes)
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