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Strange Quotes

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It seems strange to make a priori arguments about the relative performance of governments and the markets in health care when there is so much empirical evidence  (Strange Quotes) As soon as we put something into words, we devalue it in a strange way. We think we have plunged into the depths of the abyss, and when we return to the surface the drop of water on our pale fingertips no longer resembles the sea from which it comes. We delude ourselves that we have discovered a wonderful treasure trove, and when we return to the light of day we find that we have brought back only false stones and shards of glass; and yet the treasure goes on glimmering in the dark, unaltered  (Strange Quotes) To work magic is to weave the unseen forces into form; to soar beyond sight; to explore the uncharted dream realm of the hidden reality; to infuse life with color, motion and strange scents that intoxicate; to leap beyond imagination into that space between the worlds where fantasy becomes real; to be at once animal and God. Magic is... the ultimate adventure  (Strange Quotes) Heaven must be populated with some rather strange creatures if all they lived for was to go to a place where they can strum harps for eternity  (Strange Quotes) Dark energy is incredibly strange, but actually it makes sense to me that it went unnoticed, because dark energy has no effect on daily life, or even inside our solar system  (Strange Quotes) A photographer’s main instrument is his eyes. Strange as it may seem, many photographers choose to use the eyes of another photographer, past or present, instead of their own. Those photographers are blind  (Strange Quotes) The edge of the conflict swayed to and fro, with wild whirlpools and eddies. At times I saw around me more of the enemy than of my own men; gaps opening, swallowing, closing again with sharp convulsive energy. All around, a strange, mingled roar  (Strange Quotes) I see the origin of the irresistible attraction of metaphor and analogy, the explanation of our strange and permanent need to find similarities in things. I can scarcely refrain from suspecting some ancient, diffused magnetism; a call from the center of things; a dim, almost lost memory, or perhaps a presentiment, pointless in so puny a being, of a universal syntax  (Strange Quotes) I try so hard not to think that I am a stranger in a strange land. But I know that I stand out  (Strange Quotes) Of all the unexpected things in contemporary literature, this is among the oddest: that kids have an inordinate appetite for very long, very tricky, very strange books about places that don’t exist  (Strange Quotes) We’re a strange animal, so often destroying what we love for selfish ends, and yet tantalized by the sense that there are other choices if only we had strength to make them. In the politics of 400 years ago, we find the same questions we battle with today  (Strange Quotes) One of the most striking and fundamental things about probability theory is that it leads to an understanding of the otherwise strange fact that events which are individually capricious and unpredictable can, when treated en masse, lead to very stable average performances  (Strange Quotes) Those moments in between the moments, those are the most interesting. What’s unspoken, the way we talk around things, the way our actions are inconsistent with what we’re feeling, how anger and affection manifest themselves in strange ways at inappropriate times  (Strange Quotes) To demand that others should provide you textbook prognoses is like asking a strange woman to give birth to your baby. There are insights that can be born only of your own pain, and they are the most precious  (Strange Quotes) We can deny angels exist, convince ourselves they can’t be real. But they show up anyway, at strange places and at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They’ll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight  (Strange Quotes) What’s strange is how many beginning writers seem to think that grammar is irrelevant, or that they are somehow above or beyond this subject more fit for a schoolchild than the future author of great literature  (Strange Quotes) A single ear of corn in a large field is as strange as a single world in infinite space  (Strange Quotes) My plight has given me a strange kind of wealth, the most important kind. I value each moment that is not spent in pain, desperation, hunger, thirst, or loneliness  (Strange Quotes) You can talk any redneck into a challenge. That’s why so many rednecks die in strange ways  (Strange Quotes) Photography is a strange phenomenon... You trust your eye and cannot help but bare your soul  (Strange Quotes) Modern life has gotten so strange, we all get 150 emails and text messages a day, and it’s hard when things are moving that quickly to keep that sense of wonder about being alive  (Strange Quotes) It’s a strange lesson to learn in life that your differences, the things that make you feel uncomfortable about yourself are what will help you to grow into who you are. Those are your gifts  (Strange Quotes) Writers of novels live in a strange world where what’s made up is as important as what’s real  (Strange Quotes) The truth has a strange way of following you, of coming up to you and making you listen to what it has to say  (Strange Quotes) Strange that only a little problem of your own will take your mind far from a tragedy belonging to others  (Strange Quotes) While so much is said of the inferior intellect of woman, it is by a strange absurdity conceded that very many eminent men owe their station in life to their mothers  (Strange Quotes) How strange that excision – female circumcision, with several languages using the same term for both kinds of mutilation – of little girls should revolt the westerner but excite no disapproval when it is performed on little boys. Consensus on the point seems absolute. But ask your interlocutor to think about the validity of this surgical procedure, which consists of removing a healthy part of a nonconsenting child’s body on nonmedical grounds – the legal definition of… mutilation  (Strange Quotes) Friendship is a strange animal. It only thrives in voluntary enjoyment of each other’s company, in the pleasure of nonobligatory connection. I repeat: You owe me nothing  (Strange Quotes) That’s the strange thing about a good story. No pleasure if you can’t share it  (Strange Quotes) How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change  (Strange Quotes)
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