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Strange Quotes

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I do not know why it matters that I should tell the truth to myself at night, why it should matter that the truth should be spoken at least once in the world. Because the world is a place of silence, the sky at night when the birds have gone is a vast silent place. Words will make the slightest difference to the sky at night. They will not brighten it or make it less strange. And the day too has its own deep indifference to anything that is said  (Strange Quotes) They say there were birds who used to soar through the skies like planes.It seems strange that a small animal could achieve anything as complex as human engineering, but the possibility is too enticing to ignore  (Strange Quotes) Strange that mankind should ever have used the mushroom. All the various species of this substance are of a leathery consistence, and contain but little nutriment. The condiments or seasonings which are added are what are chiefly prized. Without these, we should almost as soon eat saw dust as mushrooms  (Strange Quotes) The bottom line may be that my inventing buildings is, indeed, a very private kind of activity. But it’s done to be shared. It is comforting and consoling. From the reactions I get I can see I’m not doing something strange  (Strange Quotes) I have tried, with little success, to get some of my friends to understand my amazement that the abstraction of integers for counting is both possible and useful. Is it not remarkable that 6 sheep plus 7 sheep makes 13 sheep; that 6 stones plus 7 stones make 13 stones? Is it not a miracle that the universe is so constructed that such a simple abstraction as a number is possible? To me this is one of the strongest examples of the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics. Indeed, I find it both strange and unexplainable  (Strange Quotes) It was not until some weeks later that I realized there is no need to restrict oneself to 2 by 2 matrices. One could go on to 4 by 4 matrices, and the problem is then easily soluable. In retrospect, it seems strange that one can be so much held up over such an elementary point. The resulting wave equation for the electron turned out to be very successful. It led to correct values for the spin and the magnetic moment. This was quite unexpected. The work all followed from a study of pretty mathematics, without any thought being given to these physical properties of the electron  (Strange Quotes) It’s a strange, eerie sensation to fly a lunar landing trajectory not difficult, but somewhat complex and unforgiving  (Strange Quotes) It’s very strange how electronic music formatted itself and forgot that its roots are about the surprise, freedom, and the acceptance of every race, gender, and style of music into this big party  (Strange Quotes) Reading in a sound booth seems very strange. Everyone has a process they are comfortable with; this was uncomfortable for me  (Strange Quotes) There is a strange kind of tragic enigma associated with the problem of racism. No one, or almost no one, wishes to see themselves as racist; still racism persists, real and tenacious  (Strange Quotes) I don’t like to talk about what my paintings mean since they are so personal, so I like to leave it up to the viewer’s interpretation. It’s very strange to pour your heart out onto canvas and then put it on display for the whole world to see  (Strange Quotes) Since puberty I’ve always had this strange awareness that all the keener experiences I would have in my life would happen later than it would to my contemporaries. When it came to the career thing, I never worried about it. It’s better if you’re still peaking when you’re 60, which I feel I am  (Strange Quotes) It is my hope that photography may fall in line with all the other arts and with her infinite possibilities, do things strange and more fascinating than the most fantastic dreams  (Strange Quotes) Strange, isn’t it, that warfare has come down to fencing with complicated toys that only a few seedy scholars can make or understand  (Strange Quotes) Some men are by nature explorers; my nature is to stay under the same moon and stars, and if the weather is wet, under the same roof. It’s a strange world, why make it stranger?  (Strange Quotes) Life itself is the real and most miraculous miracle of all. If one had never before seen a human hand and were suddenly presented for the first time with this strange and wonderful thing, what a miracle, what a magnificently shocking and inexplicable and mysterious thing it would be  (Strange Quotes) ... that horrible moment of suspense when the artist shows one of his creations to strange eyes for the first time  (Strange Quotes) It sounds strange to say it, but you can be in a war zone and have a lot of fun. Even though war is essentially pain on all sides, human beings have the capacity to enjoy themselves. The soldiers are mostly young people, full of enthusiasm and energy, and that’s an exciting thing for an old guy like me  (Strange Quotes) I’m a fan myself, so when a fan does something that might be strange, I understand it  (Strange Quotes) Strange how love coexists with hate, how they render eachother mute, how the swilling of them together makes a new and softer, sympathetic thing  (Strange Quotes) You know, I used to be made fun of as a kid for being really articulate; it was sort of like a strange thing  (Strange Quotes) I remember being at school during morning meeting and looking around at everybody, 350 kids, saying a prayer. We’re all very young and no one knows what it means, and I remember feeling strange that people were just repeating words that they didn’t understand. I refused to participate. For some reason I always rejected it, but respectfully  (Strange Quotes) In life you get one take, and it’s perfect. It’s strange, afterwards you might think I shouldn’t have reacted that way, but that’s the way you reacted. That’s your take; that’s all you get  (Strange Quotes) I was a strange kid in that, while most kids hate school and want to turn 18 or 21, I loved high school  (Strange Quotes) Some writers are more natural public performers than others; personally I find it quite strange giving interviews. But everyone has parts of their job that they like more than others. You can’t complain if you get to do what you love doing most of the time, can you?  (Strange Quotes) The people who carried the burden, who marked in strange field in search of an answer, and ended their journeys an unwilling hero  (Strange Quotes) She barely understands her dreams of belly button rings and other kind of things. Symbolic of change, but the thing that is strange, it that the changes occur, and now she’s just a part of the herd  (Strange Quotes) Studying consciousness tells us more about how the world is fundamentally strange. I think we have a few revolutions to go yet before we get to the bottom of it  (Strange Quotes) I think objectivity is like this strange myth that people think you’re supposed to achieve, but actually, the dirty little secret is that it’s not attainable any more than pure justice is attainable by the courts  (Strange Quotes) It’s always very strange to have your life dramatized because it never happens like that. Things will be different  (Strange Quotes)
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