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Strange Quotes

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The imagination is a spiritual apparatus. Unable to invent the world, it does the next best thing, and that is to assemble it piecemeal, ugly and strange, bright and clear, and dumbly discovered  (Strange Quotes) Real myths are often strange and startlingly unfamiliar, and don’t always give up their meanings easily; you have to tease them out, and for me, that’s one of the pleasures of reading older collections of lore  (Strange Quotes) Talking about performance is such a strange thing because it’s so immaterial. We are talking about soft matter. We are talking about something that is invisible. You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. You just can feel it  (Strange Quotes) When there are strange things going on all around, every coincidence should be considered very carefully  (Strange Quotes) It is a strange irony that the principles of science should seem to deny the necessary conviction of common sense  (Strange Quotes) Pickover’s lively, provocative travel guide takes readers into the fascinating realm of mystic math, from perfectly strange numbers to fractured geometries and other curious nooks and crannies of ancient worlds and modern times  (Strange Quotes) When you’re in the desert, you look into infinity... It makes you feel terribly small, and also in a strange way, quite big  (Strange Quotes) I am not fitted to give concerts. The audience intimidates me, I feel choked by its breath, paralyzed by its curious glances, struck dumb by all those strange faces  (Strange Quotes) Watch out for dark streets in big cities because there are a lot of strange beings that hang out there at night, let alone the people. Don’t you remember anything from your other lives?  (Strange Quotes) I realize that’s why we play golf, to hit the ball into the hole. But it is a strange feeling when you hit the shot and it actually goes in  (Strange Quotes) I have been lucky that some critics joined the mob in loving something I’ve done, or in appreciating it. I’ve been lucky. But most of the critics don’t like what the people like. I think they have a very strange job, and they are meant to criticize  (Strange Quotes) It’s such a capricious, strange existence, basing your life on the whims of others, and basing your ebbs and flows of confidence and lack of confidence on the fact that people either choose you or don’t  (Strange Quotes) The thinking person has the strange characteristic to like to create a fantasy in the place of the unsolved problem, a fantasy that stays with the person even when the problem has been solved and truth made its appearance  (Strange Quotes) I was so shy and when my sister was born I found it hard. I was really strange and kind of too quiet  (Strange Quotes) Some things are strange to me, and some things are odd. But I don’t condemn. If you can accept me, I can accept you  (Strange Quotes) I look for people who have drive, who have ambition, who are humble. I’ve hired many people at very strange places  (Strange Quotes) Below the incandescent stars / below the incandescent fruit, / the strange experience of beauty; / its existence is too much; / it tears one to pieces / and each fresh wave of consciousness / is poison  (Strange Quotes) My parents were always philosophizing about how to bring about change. To me, people who didn’t try to make the world a better place were strange  (Strange Quotes) It is strange that there are times when I feel the stars are not at all solemn: they are secretly gay  (Strange Quotes) Atheism was natural enough, but heresy seemed strange. For, surely, if one could believe anything, one could believe everything  (Strange Quotes) How are we to account for the strange human craving for the pleasure of feeling afraid which is so much involved in our love of ghost stories?  (Strange Quotes) To most teenagers, life is a strange uncharted land filled with a mixture of new joys, intensely felt, and painful confusions for which they know no anodyne  (Strange Quotes) The nearer I come to the end of my days, the more I am enabled to see that strange thing, a life, and to see it whole  (Strange Quotes) ... an inaccurate use of words produces such a strange confusion in all reasoning, that in the heat of debate, the combatants, unable to distinguish their friends from their foes, fall promiscuously on both  (Strange Quotes) The human soul, by once suffering as much as it is capable of, purchases a strange and terrible immunity to all the rest of life’s sorrows  (Strange Quotes) I wanted to know more about the young... strange that though they laughed so loud, they so seldom smiled. Perhaps laughter was involuntary whereas smiling was part of an attitude to life  (Strange Quotes) It is strange how long we rebel against a platitude until suddenly in a different lingo it looms up again as the only verity  (Strange Quotes) Imagination is the supreme endowment of the poet and romanticist. It is a kind of second sight, which conveys the owner of it to places he has never seen, and surrounds him with strange circumstances of which he is merely the spiritual eyewitness  (Strange Quotes) Children from ten to twenty don’t want to be understood. Their whole ambition is to feel strange and alien and misinterpreted so that they can live austerely in some stone tower of adolescence, their privacies unviolated  (Strange Quotes) I think that anything you feel strange or nervous about, you weren’t cut out to do  (Strange Quotes)
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