Strange Quotes

Text Quotes
So sweet love seemed that April morn. When first we kissed beside the thorn, So strangely sweet, it was not strange We thought that love could never change. (Strange Quotes)
It’s true that cilantro has a strange, strong flavor. People seem to love it or not like it at all. Even I didn’t like it at first when I had it in Peru. But I got used to it - it’s hard not to in South America - and now I can’t live without it. (Strange Quotes)
People do all sorts of things impulsively and follow those impulses into strange places (Strange Quotes)
People say ‘follow in the footsteps’ but I always find that a strange expression because what you want to do is forge your own path, so to speak. (Strange Quotes)
I’ve had people following me home or standing outside my house. It’s strange. I just don’t think people were meant to be worshipped or idolised. (Strange Quotes)
Australia lives with a strange contradiction - our national image of ourselves is one of the Outback, and yet nearly all us live in big cities. Move outside the coastal fringe, and Australia can feel like a foreign country. (Strange Quotes)
Don Rickles and I are best friends. I know that might seem strange to those who know Don only by reputation, but somebody has to be his friend. Just to make sure I don’t forget, Don gave me a doormat that sits just outside the front door of my house. It reads: ‘The Newharts: The Rickleses Best Friends.’ (Strange Quotes)
Sometimes you wonder, I mean really wonder. I know we make our own reality, and we always have a choice, but how much is preordained? Is there always a fork in the road, and are there two preordained paths that are equally preordained? There could be hundreds of paths where one could go this way or that way -- there’s a chance, and it’s very strange sometimes. (Strange Quotes)
So small as to be negligible. It’s strange, but there’s something in that thought that makes me feel (Strange Quotes)
I have a lot of good people in my actual life, but I will say that it’s a strange time that we live in - it’s easy to make friends and to make connections through social media, and if you’re a good-hearted person, sometimes you can just assume people are who they say they are, and that isn’t always the case, which is why ‘Catfish’ is successful. (Strange Quotes)
Friendship is a strange animal. It only thrives in voluntary enjoyment of each other’s company, in the pleasure of nonobligatory connection. I repeat: You owe me nothing. (Strange Quotes)
In a strange way, you have to have a certain amount of distance from a thing in order to be able to write about it. (Strange Quotes)
Even when I make mistakes and people exploit my mistakes on television or on the Internet, and they use it to make fun of me, it’s just kind of working in my favor at the end. It’s really strange. (Strange Quotes)
The Marvel universe is a deep, weird, woolly place, and getting to expose strange corners of it is part of the fun of ‘She-Hulk.’ Honestly, it’s part of the fun of any Marvel book. (Strange Quotes)
It’s a bit like school camp, shooting a film. Everyone’s on heat. It’s a strange energy. It’s full of adrenalin. I funnel my excess energy in funny little ways. I do a lot of dancing in my trailer. I love music. (Strange Quotes)
Writing for ‘Rooster’ was a strange experience. It’s funny, once you tap into a voice, words just start to flow. You know when you’ve hit a spirit or captured something. (Strange Quotes)
But it is funny, because I saw Unbreakable recently and it’s a strange movie, I didn’t mind it, and it’s got some interesting things going on. (Strange Quotes)
If you can mix Hilary Duff and Gary Oldman into the same actor, that’s my goal. I know it’s strange to think about, but that’s the goal. (Strange Quotes)
I completely love playing and designing games and always will. I am so into games that I listen to game music all day. That may sound strange, but you can guarantee I’m a hardcore gamer and would never let you down by designing a crappy title. (Strange Quotes)
I think it’s fair to say that, yeah, I’m playing Doctor Strange, I get there (Strange Quotes)
I know, every time I get somewhere, it’ll be strange. But if I understand correctly, I also have fans here and it reassures me. (Strange Quotes)
I don’t always know how to communicate. I think I get a bit unfiltered and a bit strange to people. (Strange Quotes)
The first period of getting famous was incredibly strange to me and really fun at the beginning because you didn’t realise the consequences of anything. You could say or do whatever you wanted and it just didn’t matter. (Strange Quotes)
So we [Americans] have a history a taking care of each other. Now, for some strange reason starting sort of in the 20’s with Woodrow Wilson, the government started getting involved in everything. (Strange Quotes)
The strange thing about writing is that it’s so easy to write a novel. It is really easy. But it’s getting there to the point where it’s easy that’s hard. The hard part is to get there. (Strange Quotes)
It’s a strange world of language in which skating on thin ice can get you into hot water (Strange Quotes)
I’m spontaneous. I jump in. I kind of like getting married and then getting to know each other; I know that it sounds incredibly strange, but to me, it’s a more natural process. (Strange Quotes)
I’m just getting used to all the interviews and promo things, I’m slowly learning. It’s very strange. (Strange Quotes)
I used to tell strange, wild, improbable tales akin to ghost stories, and discovered a taste for spinning yarns. (Strange Quotes)
Stories about mental aberration and oddity only make sense in context. Just how do people live with someone who is peculiar, gifted, strange or alien? It’s odd because there’s a little part of me that wants to write about exotic, strange bizarre subjects. Instead, I’ve rather reluctantly realised that what I write about is families. (Strange Quotes)