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What things there are to write, if one could only write them! My mind is full of gleaming thought; gay moods and mysterious, moth-like meditations hover in my imagination, fanning their painted wings. But always the rarest, those streaked with azure and the deepest crimson, flutter away beyond my reach  (Streaked Quotes) Sir, the year growing ancient, not yet on summer's death nor on the birth of trembling winter, the fairest flowers o' th' season are our carnations and streaked gillyvors, which some call nature's bastards  (Streaked Quotes) That beautiful sister of mine was an overwhelming and volatile mixture. One had the feeling that she’d been shot from a canon and showered her sparks over an incredulous world with no thought or care where they fell, a carbon copy of father. She was like some silvery comet who streaked through life with daring speed, the wellspring of which was an inner confidence that I deeply admired. At times, particularly in childhood, I was intimidated by her but she dictated from an aura of affection for me that was never threatening  (Streaked Quotes) If the windows of your spirit are dirty, and streaked, covered with matter foreign to them, then the world as you look out of them will be dirty and streaked and out of order.? Go wash your windows  (Streaked Quotes) The last time I saw her was red. The sky was like soup, boiling and stirring. In some places, it was burned. There were black crumbs, and pepper, streaked across the redness  (Streaked Quotes)