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Take it from a guy: If you’re in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon. You’re going to get to her somehow, some way  (Stream Quotes) The jet stream is a very strong force and pushing a balloon into it is like pushing up against a brick wall, but once we got into it, we found that, remarkably, the balloon went whatever speed the wind went  (Stream Quotes) A truer image of the world, I think, is obtained by picturing things as entering into the stream of time from an eternal world outside, than from a view which regards time as the devouring tyrant of all that is  (Stream Quotes) In every age there has been a stream of popular opinion that has carried all before it, and given a family character, as it were, to the century  (Stream Quotes) Procrastination is illogical from every viewpoint. It is like the man who wanted to cross the stream, so he sat on the bank to wait for all the water to run by  (Stream Quotes) Great power which incites great envy, hurls some men to destruction; they are drowned in a long splendid stream of honors  (Stream Quotes) To be happy in this world, especially when youth is past, it is necessary to feel oneself not merely an isolated individual whose day will soon be over, but part of the stream of life slowing on from the first germ to the remote and unknown future  (Stream Quotes) E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream thy flowing wounds supply, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die  (Stream Quotes) He is a foolish swimmer who swims against the stream, when he might take the current sideways  (Stream Quotes) The stream of tendency in which all things seek to fulfill the law of their being  (Stream Quotes) We sit and talk quietly, with long lapses of silence, and I am aware of the stream that has no language, coursing beneath the quiet heaven of your eyes, which has no speech  (Stream Quotes) ... like that star of the waning summer who beyond all stars rises bathed in the ocean stream to glitter in brilliance  (Stream Quotes) It may be that when we no longer know which way to go that we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings  (Stream Quotes) The cold stream of visual impressions failed him now as if the eye were a cup that overflowed and let the rest run down its china walls unrecorded  (Stream Quotes) And all the voices, all the goals, all the yearnings, all the sorrows, all the pleasures, all the good and evil, all of them together was the world. All of them together was the stream of events, the music of life  (Stream Quotes) The tears stream down my cheeks from my unblinking eyes. What makes me weep so? There is nothing saddening here. Perhaps it is liquefied brain  (Stream Quotes) The man who lies asleep will never waken fame, and his desire and all his life drift past him like a dream, and the traces of his memory fade from time like smoke in air, or ripples on a stream  (Stream Quotes) Divorce lawyers stoke anger and fear in their clients, knowing that as long as the conflicts remain unresolved the revenue stream will keep flowing  (Stream Quotes) Crowds of questions stream through me like lines of people exiting a soccer ground or a concert. They push and shove and trip. Some make their way around. Some remain in their seats, waiting for their opportunity  (Stream Quotes) Maybe honesty is overvalued. What’s truly priceless is picking out from a stream of falsehoods the ones you most need to hear  (Stream Quotes) All things of the body stream away like a river, all things of the mind are dreams and delusion; life is warfare, and a visit to a strange land; the only lasting fame is oblivion  (Stream Quotes) ... it is a corrupting thing to live one’s real life in secret. One should live with the stream of life, not against it  (Stream Quotes) Nothing is forever, but there’s a continuing stream of people who go through our lives and continue with us... Nothing just stops and stays... But it flows on... Like a river  (Stream Quotes) When you put your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first of what is still to come  (Stream Quotes) If we are forced, at every hour, to watch or listen to horrible events, this constant stream of ghastly impressions will deprive even the most delicate among us of all respect for humanity  (Stream Quotes) Our evenings are farewells. Our parties are testaments. So that the secret stream of suffering. May warm the cold of life  (Stream Quotes) Persistence prevails, like a stream that is temporarily blocked by boulders and then collects force enough to overflow onward  (Stream Quotes) The stream of thinking has enormous momentum that can easily drag you along with it. Every thought pretends that it matters so much  (Stream Quotes) A river or stream is a cycle of energy from sun to plants to insects to fish. It is a continuum broken only by humans  (Stream Quotes) A man who cannot get angry is like a stream that cannot overflow, that is always turbid. Sometimes indignation is as good as a thunderstorm in summer, clearing and cooling the air  (Stream Quotes)
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