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Stretch Quotes

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We laid the track on a smooth stretch of ground about one hundred feet north of the new building  (Stretch Quotes) Well, I think the camera freedom is something that we’ve resisted for a long time and feels like probably the biggest stretch. But it has some huge benefits  (Stretch Quotes) Awake, my soul! Stretch every nerve, and press with vigour on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, and an immortal crown  (Stretch Quotes) Overhead the hollow stretch of whitish cloud shutting out the sky was as a tent which had the whole heath for its floor  (Stretch Quotes) I have loved skipping since I was a little girl and I have never been able to restrain myself when an open stretch of sidewalk or path beckons me  (Stretch Quotes) The beauty is that people often come here for the stretch, and leave with a lot more  (Stretch Quotes) Stretch a bow to the very full, and you will wish you had stopped in time  (Stretch Quotes) For I am bound with fleshly bands, joy, beauty, lie beyond my scope; I strain my heart, I stretch my hands, and catch at hope  (Stretch Quotes) Skilled to pull wires he baffles nature’s hope, who sure intended him to stretch a rope  (Stretch Quotes) It ever is the marked propensity of restless and aspiring minds to look into the stretch of dark futurity  (Stretch Quotes) I have no idea why I write. The old standards are: I like to express my feelings, stretch my imagination, earn money  (Stretch Quotes) There are amazingly wonderful people in all walks of life; some familiar to us and others not. Stretch yourself and really get to know people. People are in many ways one of our greatest treasures  (Stretch Quotes) It is undeniable that a woman’s ability to stretch and pursue her total competence outside the home and get paid what she’s worth for it makes for happier and more fulfilled women  (Stretch Quotes) But let’s face it, I still have to look at my self and look at the things I’ve done down the stretch  (Stretch Quotes) I am conscious of trying to stretch the boundaries of non-fiction writing. It’s always surprised me how little attention many non-fiction writers pay to the formal aspects of their work  (Stretch Quotes) In my opinion we can never think of God in big enough terms. He is bigger than our biggest thoughts of Him. Our imaginations cannot stretch wide enough to take in all of God  (Stretch Quotes) As an actor, I’m always so excited about those things that I get to stretch my legs and really get to do something that’s hard to do  (Stretch Quotes) People come up to me and say, ‘You are such a great bad guy.’ The fact is that the antagonist in a movie is usually the most fun to play. You can stretch the role and do so much with it  (Stretch Quotes) I love boxing, MMA, and hiking with my dog. I work out 3 times a week, and on my off days, I do yoga to keep my body relaxed and to stretch  (Stretch Quotes) The fields stretch out in long unbroken rows. We walk aware of what is far and close. Here distance is familiar as a friend. The feud we kept with space comes to an end  (Stretch Quotes) In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men  (Stretch Quotes) We lived always in the stretch or sag of nerves, either on the crest or in the trough of waves of feeling  (Stretch Quotes) Thou art an eagle, thou doest belong to the sky and not to the earth, stretch forth thy wings and fly  (Stretch Quotes) Each activity of daily life in which we stretch ourselves on behalf of others is a prayer in action  (Stretch Quotes) The direction in which we are moving is more important than where we are at the moment. Goal setting should cause us to stretch as we make our way  (Stretch Quotes) I don’t stretch my body as if it is an object. I do yoga from the self towards the body, not the other way around  (Stretch Quotes) I love comic books. I was weaned on them, so it’s not like it’s a stretch for me, but I have other interests, as well  (Stretch Quotes) But as an actor you do want to challenge yourself and step outside what you have done in the past and that what I like to do, I like to jump around and try different things and stretch myself  (Stretch Quotes) I work out twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. I’ll start with half an hour of running and then some yoga to stretch everything out so everything is warm  (Stretch Quotes) I come from the New York theatre world, and I have a lot of gay male friends, so this friendship of Will and Grace’s isn’t such a stretch  (Stretch Quotes)
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