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Stretch Quotes

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Toy Soldiers was my introduction to film. I certainly didn’t think I was doing art by any stretch of the imagination  (Stretch Quotes) Under no stretch of imagination can war be regarded as an ethical process; yet war, force, terror, and propaganda were the evolutionary means employed to weld the German people into a tribal whole  (Stretch Quotes) A novel determines its own size and shape and I’ve never tried to stretch an idea beyond the frame and structure it seemed to require  (Stretch Quotes) I am not by any stretch an enthusiast or fan of marijuana. I don’t use it. I don’t want any kids anywhere to use it; if I ever find one of my kids using it, they are in big trouble  (Stretch Quotes) It’s always fun to get to do things that stretch you and that you don’t get to do a lot, but you never know until you see it  (Stretch Quotes) I grew up in Honolulu. It’s not the ballet cultural mecca by any stretch of the imagination. People are much more familiar with hula than they are with ballet  (Stretch Quotes) I enjoy being on my own. I feel like I have more room to stretch. I have to go with the flow  (Stretch Quotes) It’s wonderful that nothing you write is ever going to be as beautiful as what’s in your head, because that gap is where the art can enter and begin to stretch its limbs  (Stretch Quotes) Just so we’re clear, I’m not zen by any stretch of the imagination. However, what I’ve read about change being the only constant is a concept that I can grab onto and have used quite a lot  (Stretch Quotes) I don’t think I’ve reached perfection by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe someday I’ll become a perfectionist  (Stretch Quotes) In order to stretch ourselves we do need to experience the vulnerability of not knowing the outcome  (Stretch Quotes) I have brothers and was a tomboy, if that’s still a designation. It wasn’t a stretch for me to think and write as a 13-year-old boy - it is freeing  (Stretch Quotes) Heaven to me’s a fair blue stretch of sky, Earth’s jest a dusty road  (Stretch Quotes) I don’t define myself as an actor at all. Nor is that my greatest passion in life by any stretch of the imagination  (Stretch Quotes) Be bold. Go after what you want to do. Be who you want to be. Move through the discomfort you will feel as you stretch beyond your present conditions  (Stretch Quotes) Growth happens when you change things? When you try new things? When you stretch beyond your comfort zone  (Stretch Quotes) The larger-than-life thing is definitely what I’m after. I’ve always drawn dark stories. Occasionally, I’ll try a perfect hero, but it’s a real stretch for me. I like ‘em warts and all, and obsessive and weird  (Stretch Quotes) At Columbus Circle, a juggler wearing a trench cloak and top hat, who is usually at this location afternoons and who calls himself Stretch Man, performs in front of a small, uninterested crowd; though I smell prey, and he seems worthy of my wrath, I move on in search of a less dorky target. Though if he’d been a mime, odds are he’d already be dead  (Stretch Quotes) The challenge with ‘Watchmen’ is making sure that the ideas that were in the book got into the movie. That was my biggest stretch. I wanted people to watch the movie and get it. It’s one of those things where, over time, it has happened more  (Stretch Quotes) Research indicates that, as long as we keep using our brains in an active way, we continue to build neural pathways as we get older. This gives us not only the ongoing potential for creative thought, but also an additional incentive for continuing to stretch ourselves  (Stretch Quotes) I try to get away from the pits as quickly as I can. I speak to my engineer when I get out of the car, usually there’s some press to do, then I will go off and have a shower and get my dry, clean overalls and clothing on. I’ll have a massage, stretch and something to eat. I don’t sleep, but I try to close my eyes for a while  (Stretch Quotes) The ability to stretch my range into all genres and characters is something I take great pleasure in doing. I thoroughly enjoy it. I consider myself a character actor, though some think of me as a leading man. As an actor, I love shifting gears from character to character, and the more range I can expand, the better  (Stretch Quotes) I do think that there are certain parts, if you are lucky enough to play them, that are bigger than you, and they stretch you. I don’t think you become a bigger person, but you develop certain muscles you didn’t have before  (Stretch Quotes) When I stay focused and honest about who I am and the image that I hope to portray, then I won’t find myself stranded in unfamiliar territory chasing money or popularity. If the work that you do is quality, then you’ll be rewarded. It’s also good to stretch musically within the realm of your ability, but not if it compromises your integrity  (Stretch Quotes) As luck would have (it was) in God’s hands. It was me...The billionaire (part) was a stretch but I thought the almighty dollar was the way to be happy...and I woke up one morning and I had three retail establishments and a full-blown construction company with partners making great money and I was miserable  (Stretch Quotes) When I read it and I realized that Michael Landon, Jr. was the director of it, I thought...this could work out well. This is not gonna be a hard stretch for me to get the character figured out at all. Outside of the billion dollars, I was living his life...chasing money down. It was a lot of fun  (Stretch Quotes) I enjoy working on a series and having a long stretch of time to get to know and connect with my cast and crew. It also gives me the ability to play a character over the span of countless hours of television  (Stretch Quotes) The more we learn and stretch our comfort zone, the better our ability will be  (Stretch Quotes) We made love like two smiles torturing a frown. My advice is to put it on the rack, and really stretch out the event.  (Stretch Quotes) What happens is sometimes these congregations will still have the white style of worship, even though they’re mixed, because folks are willing to give up whatever they may have come with. So it’s still quite a stretch for African Americans, yeah.  (Stretch Quotes)
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