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Stretch Quotes

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Remember you must die whether you sit about moping all day long or whether on feast days you stretch out in a green field, happy with a bottle of Falernian from your innermost cellar  (Stretch Quotes) The conscience is the most flexible material in the world. Today you cannot stretch it over a mole hill; while tomorrow it can hide a mountain  (Stretch Quotes) I don't talk like House, or walk like him. I certainly don't think like him. I don't like to think for more than 15 minutes at a stretch actually; I am a fragile flower  (Stretch Quotes) A certificate of live birth is not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination as a birth certificate  (Stretch Quotes) Vex not his ghost; o, let him pass. He hates him that would upon the rack of this tough world stretch him out longer  (Stretch Quotes) But the moment you turn a corner you see another straight stretch ahead and there comes some further challenge to your ambition  (Stretch Quotes) Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time  (Stretch Quotes) The only liberty an inferior man really cherishes is the liberty to quit work, stretch out in the sun, and scratch himself  (Stretch Quotes) If little faults proceeding on distemper shall not be winked at, how shall we stretch our eye when capital crimes, chewed, swallowed, and digested, appear before us?  (Stretch Quotes) I love to read. I love to stretch. In the morning, I get up, and if I'm not in a hurry, I will lie on the floor on a rug, look through some books and magazines, and maybe listen to music and try to do stretching exercises to tune up  (Stretch Quotes) Matilda told such dreadful lies, it made one gasp and stretch one's eyes; her aunt, who from her earliest youth, had kept a strict regard for truth, attempted to believe Matilda: the effort very nearly killed her  (Stretch Quotes) I have a nervous breakdown in the film and in one scene I get to stand at the top of the stairs waving an empty sherry bottle which is, of course, a typical scene from my daily life, so isn't much of a stretch  (Stretch Quotes) Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. It is wholesome and bracing for the mind to have it's faculties kept of the stretch  (Stretch Quotes) By confronting us with irreducible mysteries that stretch our daily vision to include infinity, nature opens an inviting and guiding path toward a spiritual life  (Stretch Quotes) I yawned and stretched luxuriously in the morning. I make noises when I stretch because it feels ten times better than stretching silently  (Stretch Quotes) Since it doesn’t cost a dime to dream, you’ll never shortchange yourself when you stretch your imagination  (Stretch Quotes) I’d love to play more challenging roles, characters that would stretch my comfort zone and imagination  (Stretch Quotes) It is clear that the pharmaceutical industry is not, by any stretch of the imagination, doing enough to ensure that the poor have access to adequate medical care  (Stretch Quotes) Singing really oxygenates your blood. You stretch your lungs and take in much more air into them than before. It’s really good for your health  (Stretch Quotes) Some people have a terrible stretch between family and work. It is a difficult thing to achieve  (Stretch Quotes) Things are changing. I’ve been training since I was 9 years old to stretch my wings as an actor dramatically, but have never really been afforded the opportunity to show that  (Stretch Quotes) I think any actor should be aware of where they’re starting to stretch into what’s not truthful  (Stretch Quotes) Reading is a means of thinking with another person’s mind; it forces you to stretch your own  (Stretch Quotes) Busted is not the ideal band I’d like to be in by any stretch of the imagination  (Stretch Quotes) I think it’s important to stretch as you get older, but I try to do basically all the things I did when I played, except I can’t do them as well and as much  (Stretch Quotes) I’ve always tried to kind of stretch my wings as an actor and do things that are different  (Stretch Quotes) By asking a novel question that you don’t know the answer to, you discover whether you can formulate a way of finding the answer, and you stretch your own mind, and very often you learn something new  (Stretch Quotes) Usually I am on a work for a long stretch, until a moment arrives when the air of the arbitrary vanishes, and the paint falls into positions that feel destined  (Stretch Quotes) I think every album you have to stretch further and further, give people another piece of you. But then I always try to deviate from the norm  (Stretch Quotes) And because performing for a game involves real acting. The way they create a game is very similar now to how they create a film. I’ve always wanted to stretch my acting skills, and the timing being what it is, I couldn’t say no  (Stretch Quotes)
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