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Stretch Quotes

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Art is like a kite. You have to pull the string hard in order to stretch it to its limit, but you don’t want to pull it so hard that you break the thread, because the thread connects you to the land and its peoples  (Stretch Quotes) I could be mistaken, but I believe the majority of artists are perverts, and that inspiration springs from the seat of perversity; that smooth stretch of consciousness between the balls and ass  (Stretch Quotes) The more we stretch the muscle called compassion and generosity, the stronger we get, the better we feel about ourselves, the more loving we become to the world around us  (Stretch Quotes) The earth’s warmth under me, as I stretch out at night, is astonishing. It is like the warmth of another body that has absorbed the sun all day and now gives out again its store of heat. It is softer, darker than I could ever have believed, and when I take a handful of it and smell its extraordinary odors, I know suddenly what it is I am composed of, as if the energy that is in this fistful of black soil had suddenly opened, between my body and it, as between it and the green stalks, some corridor along which our common being flowed  (Stretch Quotes) I was forced to stretch my thinking, to realize that sincere and honest people could believe in very divergent religious doctrines  (Stretch Quotes) What people look to me for is a whole look. People come to me for icing on the cake, not a basic stretch pant  (Stretch Quotes) I don’t stretch my hand out anymore, but I never get tired of waiting for the next magic  (Stretch Quotes) Embrace your complexity, stretch your creativity, and live up to your potential, you are what makes the world great  (Stretch Quotes) Our bones ache only while the flesh is on them. Stretch it as thin as the temple flesh of an ailing woman and still it serves to ache the bone and to move the bone about; and in like manner the night is a skin pulled over the head of day that the day may be in a torment. We will find no comfort until the night melts away; until the fury of the night rots out its fire  (Stretch Quotes) In the context of general relativity, space almost is a substance. It can bend and twist and stretch, and probably the best way to think about space is to just kind of imagine a big piece of rubber that you can pull and twist and bend  (Stretch Quotes) There are those who never stretch out the hand for fear it will be bitten. But those who never stretch out the hand will never feel it clasped in friendship  (Stretch Quotes) Apple products aren’t simple technologies by any stretch, but there is a beautiful simplicity to them  (Stretch Quotes) It is in our power to stretch out our arms and, by doing good in our actions, to seize life and set it in our soul  (Stretch Quotes) I think sometimes parents and teachers fail to stretch kids. My mother had a very good sense of how to stretch me just slightly outside my comfort zone  (Stretch Quotes) I find that the hot yoga is sort of a false thing, so your body temperature goes up and you can stretch and you can injure yourself a little bit easier than if you work yourself into... if you heat yourself up  (Stretch Quotes) Nothing’s as easy as it is on a sitcom. Issues that we take care of in 20 minutes on the show can stretch out over years in real families  (Stretch Quotes) You do a film and you know where you’re going, you have this material to stretch and play with as much as possible because you know how it ends  (Stretch Quotes) Beyond this world are countless dimensions. They stretch on forever. You can travel to them and have experiences in them  (Stretch Quotes) The mind is infinite. It is not relegated to the brain or to thought or to emotion. It is made up of an endless series of realities that stretch on into infinity  (Stretch Quotes) Trying to write music that’s sensitive to 400 years ago takes a bit of madness, as it’s such a long stretch of time  (Stretch Quotes) Stretch out your hand and receive the world’s wide gift of joy, appreciation and beauty  (Stretch Quotes) The tragedy of human life consists in our vain attempts to stretch the limits of things which can never become unlimited, to reach the infinite by absurdly adding to the rungs of the ladder of the finite  (Stretch Quotes) The earth’s distances invite the eye. And as the eye reaches, so must the mind stretch to meet these new horizons. I challenge anyone to stand with autumn on a hilltop and fail to see a new expanse not only around him, but in him, too  (Stretch Quotes) If an artist tries consciously to do something to others, it is to stretch their eyes, their thoughts, to something they would not see or feel if the artist had not done it. To do this, he has to stretch his own first  (Stretch Quotes) A tough manager will have realistic quotas for his employees that he keeps to himself and aggressively stretch quotas, anywhere from ten percent higher to a lot more, which he imposes on his staff. If his people miss the stretch numbers but exceed the realistic goals, he’s happy. If he’s a superb manager, he knows how far they can stretch without breaking  (Stretch Quotes) If you get a certain amount of notoriety for doing something, and you can stick to that type of project for the rest of your life and make a decent living, I think you still have a responsibility to stretch. Flexibility is what keeps you alive  (Stretch Quotes) A modeled form is less striking than one which is not. Modeling prevents shock and limits movement to the visual depth. Without modeling or chiaroscuro depth is limitless: movement can stretch to infinity  (Stretch Quotes) Jump out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition and yawn and stretch and try to come alive  (Stretch Quotes) You must have the discipline and temperament to resist your impulses. Human beings have precisely the wrong instincts when it comes to the markets. If you recognise this, you can resist the urge to buy into a rally and sell into a decline. It’s also helpful to remember the power of compounding. You don’t need to stretch for returns to grow your capital over the course of your life  (Stretch Quotes) Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way  (Stretch Quotes)
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