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Stretch Quotes

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Shall we keep our hands in our bosom, or stretch ourselves on our beds of laziness, while all the world about us is hard at work, in pursuing the designs of its creation?  (Stretch Quotes) Dogs can bear more cold than human beings, but they do not like cold any better than we do; and when a dog has his choice, he will very gladly stretch himself on a rug before the fire for his afternoon nap  (Stretch Quotes) There’s always a tension between wanting to write a really concise, instant gratification type song that gets under your skin the first time you hear it, and wanting to really stretch out. I think it’s a healthy tension  (Stretch Quotes) I can’t help it if I stretch the truth, not if that’s the way it happened  (Stretch Quotes) The best way to support dreams and stretch is to set apart small ideas with big potential, then give people positive role models and the resources to turn small projects into big businesses  (Stretch Quotes) The suppressed lesbian I had been carrying in me since adolescence began to stretch her limbs  (Stretch Quotes) Life is made up of moments, small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of gray cement  (Stretch Quotes) Great boss is challenging people in the right way. Leading, not managing. Supporting them by giving them both a platform they can count on and expectations they can stretch for  (Stretch Quotes) I’m looking forward to playing some really despicable characters at some point in my career so I can branch out and stretch those acting muscles. But I wouldn’t want to do that on a regular basis  (Stretch Quotes) I got very keen on biography because I wanted to change it. I wanted to stretch the form. I think of it as a way of capturing souls  (Stretch Quotes) Between 12 and 14, I shot up a ridiculous amount. The muscles were struggling to stretch and grow at the rate my bones were growing. It gave me problems with my back and my hamstrings  (Stretch Quotes) When gravitational waves reach the earth, the waves stretch and squeeze space. This is a tiny stretch and squeeze. Far too small to detect with ordinary human senses  (Stretch Quotes) You can put up with everything in this world except not with a long stretch of beautiful days  (Stretch Quotes) I like the way you can stretch things out and leave a huge amount of space that, on a record, would feel like silence. I enjoy the possibilities  (Stretch Quotes) Every gain made by individuals or societies is almost instantly taken for granted. The luminous ceiling toward which we raise our longing eyes becomes, when we have climbed to the next floor, a stretch of disregarded linoleum beneath our feet  (Stretch Quotes) I always want to stretch myself and do something that I haven’t done before  (Stretch Quotes) I love to act, I love to sing and I love to entertain, so if I am passionate about a certain project and I want to do it, I hope to stretch my acting skills  (Stretch Quotes) As an artist, you want to stretch. That’s the only way you’re going to grow. If I stay inside my comfort zone, do roles that I’ve done before, then I’m never going to get better as an actress  (Stretch Quotes) It is not enough that our life is an easy one. We must live on the stretch, retiring to our rest like soldiers on the eve of a battle, looking forward to the strenuous sortie of the morrow  (Stretch Quotes) Raised voices lower esteem. Hot tempers cool friendships. Loose tongues stretch truth. Swelled heads shrink influence. Sharp words dull respect  (Stretch Quotes) Novel writing is the slowest art form in the world. It is not a sprint. It is not even a marathon. It is a series of marathons that stretch over and over across a continent  (Stretch Quotes) Idleness and constancy fix the mind to what it finds easy and agreeable. This habit always confines and cramps up our knowledge; and no one has ever taken the trouble to stretch and carry his understanding as far as it could go  (Stretch Quotes) I am definitely someone who needs to take a second by myself and stretch and breathe before a show  (Stretch Quotes) In all realms of life it takes courage to stretch your limits, express your power, and fulfill your potential... it’s no different in the financial realm  (Stretch Quotes) It’s a slight stretch of the imagination but most people are alike in most ways so I’ve never had any trouble identifying with the character that I’m playing  (Stretch Quotes) We talked about some of our experiences, focusing, hanging together down the stretch, important games. It’s not necessarily who has the most talent but what team sticks together and executes their fundamentals the best  (Stretch Quotes) It is a denial of justice not to stretch out a helping hand to the fallen that is the common right of humanity  (Stretch Quotes) Creation isn’t forcing or commanding something into existence. It’s more of a rolling over, a good stretch, blissing out, lying on the grass watching the flowers blowing in the breeze or the clouds floating by  (Stretch Quotes) I have starved and it isn’t nearly as bad as is generally supposed. Four days and a half was my longest stretch. Maybe there are pains that come later. Personally I think terror is the painful part of starvation  (Stretch Quotes) There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother  (Stretch Quotes)
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