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As a longtime practitioner of yoga and a person who’s been involved in physical fitness my whole life, I can tell you, yoga helps you achieve altered states of consciousness. It is not just stretching. The only way you can say that it’s stretching is if you haven’t done it, or that you haven’t done it rigorously for a long period of time  (Stretching Quotes) It is really a matter of ending this silence and solitude, of breathing and stretching one’s arms again  (Stretching Quotes) Even still, we run. We have not reached our average of 57.92 years without knowing that you run through it, and it hurts and you run through it some more, and if it hurts worse, you run through it even more, and when you finish, you will have broken through. In the end, when you are done, and stretching, and your heartbeat slows, and your sweat dries, if you’ve run through the hard part, you will remember no pain  (Stretching Quotes) Embraces do not matter; they merely indicate the will to love and may as well be followed by defeat as victory. But disregard means that now there needs to be no straining of the eyes, no stretching forth of the hands, no pressing of the lips, because theirs is such a union that they are no longer aware of the division of their flesh  (Stretching Quotes) In her mind’s eye she saw it, saw it all at last: the rolling armies and the flames of battle; the graves and pits and dying cries of a hundred million souls; the spreading darkness, like a black wing stretching over the earth; the last, bitter hours of cruelty and sorrow, and the terrible, final flights; death’s great dominion over all, and, at the last, empty cities, becalmed by the silence of a hundred years. Already these things were coming to pass  (Stretching Quotes) One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of an old arcade without meeting an instrument of time. Time is visible in all places. Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all  (Stretching Quotes) Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love  (Stretching Quotes) It feels like some part of me that was curled down and waiting in the dark has risen, and now stands stretching and strong in the sunshine. I knew it  (Stretching Quotes) It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he or she is potentially. Each photographer, then, should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through an understanding of others and the world we inhabit. When that happens, the results, like photographs, are really the expressions of the life of the maker  (Stretching Quotes) The truth I’ve discovered is that you don’t have to lift enormous weights to grow muscle. By using stricter form, slower negatives, and stretching between sets you can get an incredible pump in all your workouts. Numbers are an abstraction, especially to muscles. Your body doesn’t know the absolute weight of what you lift, it only recognizes how heavy it feels. The secret is to make lighter weights feel heavier  (Stretching Quotes) It hurts to love wide open stretching the muscles... It hurts to thwart the reflexes of grab, of clutch; to love and let go again and again  (Stretching Quotes) The only way we can develop muscle is through regular exercise. As soon as we stop stretching and working toward higher ethics, our standards start to sag. The muscle gets soft, and instead of excellence we have to settle for mediocrity. Maybe something even worse  (Stretching Quotes) When you run in the morning, you gain time. It’s like stretching 24 hours into 25. You may need less sleep and get up earlier, but if you can get by that, running early seems to expand the day  (Stretching Quotes) A handsome young guy is stretching his arms and waking up. He is just about to reach for his coffee and is now being wished good morning by me. Have a lovely day ahead  (Stretching Quotes) Birth is what women do. Women are privileged to stand in such power! Birth stretches a woman’s limits in every sense. To allow such stretching of one’s limits is the challenge of pregnancy, birth, and parenting. The challenge is to be fully present and to allow the process because of inner trust  (Stretching Quotes) For me, comedy literally is way more terrifying than doing drama, so it’s always about stretching what I think I can do and putting myself out there in different context  (Stretching Quotes) You go through your 20s sort of like a chrysalis in many ways, stretching into your own skin and trying to bust out of a cocoon  (Stretching Quotes) All of the physical universes put together, stretching out endlessly, are only a fraction of the totality of reality. In other words, all of the physical universes are only part of the physical dimensional plane, and there are thousands of dimensional planes  (Stretching Quotes) There are only two possibilities. You are either going for your dreams or giving up your dreams. Stretching for what you could be or settling for what you are  (Stretching Quotes) By stretching language we’ll distort it sufficiently to wrap ourselves in it and hide  (Stretching Quotes) People are most creative when they care about their work and they’re stretching their skills  (Stretching Quotes) ...evolution is the gradual development and stratification of progressive series of wholes, stretching from the inorganic beginnings to the highest level of spiritual creation  (Stretching Quotes) A beach walk is for stretching your legs and your mind, for looking at life with newfound eyes  (Stretching Quotes) You may have had countless lives, and many more stretching before you, and what else have you got to do with your time?  (Stretching Quotes) I like everything in my room has to be in order. If there’s a wrinkle in the comforter, I’m stretching it out. But this is only when it comes to my room. Outside of there, I’m not as intense  (Stretching Quotes) So we must love, while these moments are still called today, take part in the pain of this passion play, stretching our youth as we must, until we are ashes to dust, until time makes history of us  (Stretching Quotes) Making scary movies and creating tension is very technical and it require a lot of coverage. It requires the stretching of time  (Stretching Quotes) I listen to music a lot, if I need to get into a particular space. I do stretching and breathing, and take time to mostly be quiet and find the stillness. I think that’s important  (Stretching Quotes) If you look up at the sky after falling down the blue sky is also today stretching limitlessly and smiles at me... I’m alive  (Stretching Quotes) Don’t keep reaching for the stars because you’ll just look like an idiot stretching that way for no reason  (Stretching Quotes)
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