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As I rolled over, stretching out, my only thought was to go back to the dream I’d been having, which I couldn’t remember, other than that it had been good, in that distant, hopeful way unreal things can be  (Stretching Quotes) For two hours I’d felt myself stretching tighter and tighter, like a rubber band pulled to the point of snapping. And now, I could feel the smaller, weaker part of myself beginning to fray, tiny bits giving way before the big break  (Stretching Quotes) Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach  (Stretching Quotes) There’s nothing wrong with stretching the truth. We stretch taffy, and that just makes it more delicious  (Stretching Quotes) When you engage in systematic, purposeful actin, using and stretching your abilities to the maximum, you cannot help but feel positive and confident abut yourself  (Stretching Quotes) We don’t see what we could be. We should be looking at our potential, stretching ourselves into everything we can become  (Stretching Quotes) Not everything you do is going to be a masterpiece, but you get art there and you try and sometimes it really happens. The other times you’re just stretching your soul  (Stretching Quotes) You were created to excel. There’s no limit to how high you can go in life. Keep stretching to the next level  (Stretching Quotes) I am just coming into my best years. This year I did new things; stretching and abdominal work  (Stretching Quotes) I’m not interested in cutting the feet off my characters or stretching them to make them fit my certain political view  (Stretching Quotes) To see helpless infancy stretching out her hands, and pouring out her cries in testimony of dependence, without any powers to alarm jealousy, or any guilt to alienate affection, must surely awaken tenderness in every human mind; and tenderness once excited will be hourly increased by the natural contagion of felicity, by the repercussion of communicated pleasure, by the consciousness of dignity of benefaction  (Stretching Quotes) When I hear the hypercritical quarreling about grammar and style, the position of the particles, etc., etc., stretching or contracting every speaker to certain rules of theirs. I see that they forget that the first requisite and rule is that expression shall be vital and natural, as much as the voice of a brute or an interjection: first of all, mother tongue; and last of all, artificial or father tongue. Essentially your truest poetic sentence is as free and lawless as a lamb’s bleat  (Stretching Quotes) It’s mainly about working hard and proving to people you’re serious about it, and stretching yourself and learning. The mistake a lot of actors make, particularly young ones, is allowing themselves to feel that they’re the finished articles, the bee’s knees, and it’s not true  (Stretching Quotes) I saw the days of the year stretching ahead like a series of bright, white boxes, and separating one box from another was sleep, like a black shade. Only for me, the long perspective of shades that set off one box from the next day had suddenly snapped up, and I could see day after day after day glaring ahead of me like a white, broad, infinitely desolate avenue  (Stretching Quotes) He was not my boyfriend. On the other hand, he wasn’t just a friend either. Instead, our relationship was elastic, stretching between those two extremes depending on who else was around, how much either of us had to drink, and other varying factors. This was exactly what I wanted, as commitments had never really been my thing. And it wasn’t like it was hard, either. The only trick was never giving more than you were willing to lose  (Stretching Quotes) Riding in advance, we passed over one of these great plains; we looked back and saw the line of scattered horsemen stretching for a mile or more; and far in the rear against the horizon, the white wagons creeping slowly along  (Stretching Quotes) By this time it was past six, and the enemy’s van and ours were at too great a distance to engage, I perceived some of their ships stretching to the northward; and I imagined they were going to form a new line  (Stretching Quotes) Sometimes the air is awfully clear here. You can look off to sea and see the soft, warm, raggedy roof of clouds stretching on and on and on. It almost seems as if you can look right on into eternity  (Stretching Quotes) When you engage in systematic, purposeful action, using and stretching your abilities to the maximum, you cannot help but feel positive and confident abut yourself  (Stretching Quotes) Heavens! What a goodly prospect spreads around, of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and spires, and glittering towns, and gilded streams, till all the stretching landscape into smoke decays  (Stretching Quotes) As a weak limb grows stronger by exercise, so will your faith be strengthened by the very efforts you make in stretching it out toward things unseen  (Stretching Quotes) Success is due to our stretching to the challenges of life. Failure comes when we shrink from them  (Stretching Quotes) When you’re stretching yourself, as a role like ‘Blue Jasmine’ did for me, you risk falling flat on your face  (Stretching Quotes) I try to hurt myself, to sprain something, writing every novel and story, because I’m stretching for something new and difficult that I haven’t done before  (Stretching Quotes) But why, she thought wryly, did a man seem more attractive as he became less available? How humbling to think one had so much in common with a cow stretching its neck through a gate for better grass  (Stretching Quotes) But we are mostly what we are, and the turtle stretching toward delicious buds on high does not lighten his carapace by his resolve  (Stretching Quotes) I exercise every morning. I do light weights - 5lb and 10lb arm exercises - and then lie and lift my arms and legs. It’s all about keeping core strength. I do a lot of stretching too  (Stretching Quotes) I love Nautilus and stretching. The results are immediate, and that gives me the motivation to continue  (Stretching Quotes) I never struggled with injury problems because of my preparation - in particular my stretching  (Stretching Quotes) The first trip of the Pony Express was made in ten days - an average of two hundred miles a day. But we soon began stretching our riders and making better time  (Stretching Quotes)
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