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Stronger Quotes

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I have learned that a bitter experience can make you stronger. I now boastfully say that I have a hide like a rhinoceros... and I’m smiling. It’s an interesting thing  (Stronger Quotes) Cancer is like a cockroach. It just comes back stronger. I’m tearing apart the immune system of the cockroach and seeing how it ticks. I’ve opened up my own pathology center  (Stronger Quotes) My truth is that what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker rather than stronger, although it makes you wiser  (Stronger Quotes) The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will be rewarded with a more comfortable present and a stronger future for their children faces assault from just about every direction. That great enemy of democratic capitalism, economic inequality, is real and growing  (Stronger Quotes) I’ve always been seen as the underdog in everything I’ve ever done in my life, and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. The lessons have just made me stronger  (Stronger Quotes) It is the policy of the federal government to use all resources at its disposal to make our financial system stronger  (Stronger Quotes) You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!  (Stronger Quotes) I think every relationship is going to go through a few rough patches. Those are what make it stronger, I think  (Stronger Quotes) I think it’s my personality to overcome things, learn from them and become stronger, both personally and professionally. To be honest, I welcome those hardships  (Stronger Quotes) Healthy foods are great, but it’s important to keep your body active. Your muscles only get stronger and build more endurance for everyday things if you’re moving and get the blood pumping. Exercising stimulates certain brain chemicals and can put you in a better mood!  (Stronger Quotes) It’s of very little importance to me that I was born gay. It doesn’t make me a better athlete, it doesn’t make me a stronger person, it doesn’t really do anything to enhance my life. It’s just something I was born with, the same as green eyes  (Stronger Quotes) You are afraid of it because it is stronger than you; you hate it because you are afraid of it; you love it because you cannot subdue it to your will. Only the unsubduable can be loved  (Stronger Quotes) Everyone would like to have stronger faith. By themselves, the scriptures may not strengthen your faith, but being faithful to what they teach, does. In other words, faith cannot be separated from faithfulness  (Stronger Quotes) The tree that never had to fight for sun and sky and air and light but stood out in the open plain and always got it share of rain, never became a forest king but lived and died a scrubby thing. Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger wind, the stronger trees  (Stronger Quotes) She felt an enveloping happiness to be alive, a joy made stronger by the certainty that someday it would all come to an end. Afterward she felt a little foolish, and never spoke to anyone about it. Now, however, she knows she wasn’t being foolish. She realizes that for no particular reason she stumbled into the core of what it is to be human. It’s a rare gift to under stand that you life is wondrous, and that it won’t last forever  (Stronger Quotes) The stronger a culture, the less it fears the radical fringe. The more paranoid and precarious a culture, the less tolerance it offers  (Stronger Quotes) It’s ok to care about what other people think, but you should give a little more weight to what you, yourself, think... The habit of thinking is the habit of gaining strength. You’re stronger than you believe  (Stronger Quotes) The more you move, the stronger you’ll grow, not like a tree that can be killed if you uproot it  (Stronger Quotes) He was a mystery to her, and every time she tried to solve him it caused her a little more pain. But when she tired to give him up he pursued her in her thoughts, stronger each time  (Stronger Quotes) The problem with being a modern woman, I thought, as the front door swung wide, is that you have to pretend to be stronger than you are  (Stronger Quotes) I could wake her up and ask have you ever been to the ocean? but I already know that answer. She has not. You can tell. It would humble you I whisper to her sleeping if you for one time stood by something stronger than yourself  (Stronger Quotes) There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love, agape love, will not be swayed by time or circumstances  (Stronger Quotes) At the heart of the matter is a battle between wish and fear. Fear generally proves stronger than a wish, but it leaves a taste of disappointment on the tongue  (Stronger Quotes) It would be nice if there were some one thing constant and unchanging in the universe. If there is such a thing, then it is a thing which would have to be stronger than love, and it is a thing which I do not know  (Stronger Quotes) Courage cannot be left like bones in a bag. It must be brought out and shown the light again and again, growing stronger each time. If you think it will keep for the times you need it, you are wrong. It is like any other part of your strength. If you ignore it, the bag will be empty when you need it most  (Stronger Quotes) I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me it is a stronger desire than ever  (Stronger Quotes) If you focus on the humanity of your stories, your characters, then the horror will be stronger, scarier. Without the humanity, the horror becomes nothing more than a tawdry parlor trick. All flash and no magic, and worst of all, no heart  (Stronger Quotes) There is a rule for fantasy writers: The more truth you mix in with a lie, the stronger it gets  (Stronger Quotes) The common bond of humanity and decency that we share is stronger than any conflict, any adversity. Fighting for your convictions is important. But finding peace is paramount. Knowing when to fight and when to seek peace is wisdom. Ubuntu was right  (Stronger Quotes) I will never quit. My nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my enemies and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight  (Stronger Quotes)
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