Strongest Quotes

Text Quotes
The Phoenicians are entitled to be commemorated in history by the side of the Hellenic and Latin nations; but their case affords a fresh proof, and perhaps the strongest proof of all, that the development of national energies in antiquity was of a one-sided character. (Strongest Quotes)
If opponents of all important truths do not exist, it is indispensable to imagine them and supply them with the strongest arguments which the most skillful devil’s advocate can conjure up. (Strongest Quotes)
The coral that grows at the edge of the reef is always the strongest and most colourful because it faces the greatest battering. It’s the same if you’re called Honeysuckle. I’d have had a totally different life if I’d been called Mary. (Strongest Quotes)
It is not he that reads most, but he that meditates most on Divine truth, that will prove the choicest, wisest, strongest Christian. (Strongest Quotes)
I’ve done it all before, I tell myself, and I can do it again. Trust is the strongest weapon. (Strongest Quotes)
Money and women. They’re two of the strongest things in the world. The things you do for a woman you wouldn’t do for anything else. Same with money. (Strongest Quotes)
It is a hopeless endeavor to make the form and content of earlier architectural epochs usable for our time; in this, even the strongest artistic talent must fail. We see repeatedly how the outstanding builders fail to achieve an effect because their work does not serve the will of the age. (Strongest Quotes)
You can do the best research and be making the strongest intellectual argument, but if readers don’t get past the third paragraph you’ve wasted your energy and valuable ink. (Strongest Quotes)
Sheldon Vanauken wrote that the strongest argument for Christianity is Christians, when they are drawing life from God. The strongest argument against Christianity? Also Christians, when they become exclusive, self-righteous, and complacent. (Strongest Quotes)
Hope is the strongest driving force for a people. Hope which brings about change, which produces new realities, is what opens man’s road to freedom. (Strongest Quotes)
This visit [to Singapore] is an occasion to mark the 50th anniversary our bilateral relationship with Singapore, which is one of our strongest and most reliable partners in South-east Asia. (Strongest Quotes)
Sometimes I like to list the strongest arguments I can find to support a point of view I think is wrong. When I have them before me, I am up against a real opponent rather than a hypothetical one that is an easy target for me to hit. (Strongest Quotes)
The strongest thing I put into my body is steak and eggs. I just eat. I’m not a supplement guy. Steroids are not even a thought. (Strongest Quotes)
We aren’t leveraging this great economic engine, the strongest economy in the world. And yet we have this totally weak response. We import $500 billion a year more in products than we export. (Strongest Quotes)
Recognition in front of peers is the strongest motivator, and berating team members in private or public is the biggest demotivator. Check your use of rewards vs. penalties, with the negatives including emotional outbursts at no one in particular, a lack of feedback and veiled threats. (Strongest Quotes)
Merchandisers, by embedding subliminal trigger devices in media, are able to evoke a strong emotional relationship between, say, a product perceived in an advertisement weeks before and the strongest of all emotional stimuli - love (sex) and death. (Strongest Quotes)
These [religious ideas] are given out as teachings, are not precipitates of experience or end-results of thinking: they are illusions, fullfilments of the oldest, strongest and most urgent wishes of mankind. (Strongest Quotes)
The Endangered Species Act is the strongest and most effective tool we have to repair the environmental harm that is causing a species to decline. (Strongest Quotes)
I think as individuals, people overrate the virtues of local food. Most of the energy consumption in our food system is not caused by transportation. Sometimes local food is more energy efficient. But often it’s not. The strongest case for locavorism is to eat less that’s flown on planes, and not to worry about boats. (Strongest Quotes)
Friends, suffering, marriage, environment, study and recreation are influence which shape character. The strongest influence, if you are generous enough to yield to it, is the grace of God. (Strongest Quotes)
Evolution does not necessarily favor the longest-lived. It doesn’t necessarily favor the biggest or the strongest or the fastest, and not even the smartest. Evolution favors those creatures best adapted to their environment. That is the sole test of survival and success. (Strongest Quotes)
The proselytizing fanatic strengthens his own faith by converting others. The creed whose legitimacy is most easily challenged is likely to develop the strongest proselytizing impulse. (Strongest Quotes)
My wife is my favorite person I’ve ever met in my 40 years on the planet, and I’m sure she would agree that patience is not her strongest characteristic. I don’t know that golf would be the game for her. (Strongest Quotes)
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. (Strongest Quotes)
Our focus is on ensuring America has the strongest economy in the world for the next 100 years and to do that, we need to get to the role of the Federal Reserve and we need to get it right. (Strongest Quotes)
The novelist’s obligation to remake the sensuous texture of a vanished world is also the historian’s. The strongest fiction writers often do deep research to make the thought and utterances of lost time credible. (Strongest Quotes)
I’ve got, like, too many things that I’d like to try and do, so I’m trying to figure out where the natural pull is strongest. (Strongest Quotes)
Box office is one of the strongest tools we have toward preserving our ability to make our movies. We really can make a difference by purchasing a ticket each opening weekend to a movie made by a woman, even if you don’t like the movie or the filmmaker and even if you don’t see the film. (Strongest Quotes)
Romance? What is romance? Is it when I give you flowers? When I give you a gorgeous dinner? Or is it when I simply say, I love you. Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest. Love is not finding someone to live with; it’s finding someone you can’t live without. (Strongest Quotes)
The drive for control, or the perception thereof, is truly the strongest force in human nature (Strongest Quotes)