Struggle Quotes

Text Quotes
You can tell people of the need to struggle, but when the powerless start to see that they really can make a difference, nothing can quench the fire (Struggle Quotes)
In other words, it was a struggle with himself. And the product of that struggle: anger, bitterness, resentment, envy or transformation, aspiration, hope, decency.. the product of that struggle is the quality of your life and the nature of your soul (Struggle Quotes)
For something to be great, there has to be some kind of trial or some type of struggle that actually makes it special or valuable to you. Otherwise, anything could be easily taken for granted (Struggle Quotes)
I loved her more than she loved me, that was the problem. A basic imbalance. Relationships like that never last, however hard you try. And now she’s pregnant and in love with a man who’ll never love her the way she loves him. It’s a series of vicious circles, and the only way to stop it is to find someone who loves you the same. No power struggle. No insecurities. Just friendship. Because you can never be friends with someone if you love them too much (Struggle Quotes)
It’s about living in the moment and appreciating the smallest things. Surrounding yourself with the things that inspire you and letting go of the obsessions that want to take over your mind. It is a daily struggle sometimes and hard work but happiness begins with your own attitude and how you look at the world (Struggle Quotes)
If we look for ways to get rid of necessary pain, we’ll be disillusioned or misled. For people who define real change as the elimination of inevitable struggle, the final chapters will be terribly disappointing (Struggle Quotes)
To be obsessed by the idea of freedom, for instance, is itself a form of slavery. Such people are in the chains of the hope of freedom, and are therefore able to do little else than struggle with them (Struggle Quotes)
Pain, pleasure and death are no more than a process for existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is a doorway open to intelligence (Struggle Quotes)
Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives... May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge... May you open your wings and fly! (Struggle Quotes)
What else is life from the time you were born but a struggle to matter, at least to someone? (Struggle Quotes)
The weak are dominated by their ego, the wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in a constant struggle against their ego (Struggle Quotes)
Life is dear to every living thing; the worm that crawls upon the ground will struggle for it (Struggle Quotes)
I’m very excited about dance and love it with a deep passion. I also struggle, tire and become discouraged. But what has always revived me... has been the rebirth of energy each time the creative process is awakened and artistic activity begins to unfold even in some infinitesimal measure (Struggle Quotes)
No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person. Ever meet someone who’s always had everything work out for them with zero struggle? They usually have the depth of a puddle. Or they don’t exist (Struggle Quotes)
We frail humans are at one time capable of the greatest good and, at the same time, capable of the greatest evil. Change will only come about when each of us takes up the daily struggle ourselves to be more forgiving, compassionate, loving, and above all joyful in the knowledge that, by some miracle of grace, we can change as those around us can change too (Struggle Quotes)
The earth is too small a star and we too brief a visitor upon it for anything to matter more than the struggle for peace (Struggle Quotes)
We add our voice... to those who struggle for the recognition and protection for their rights and cultures, because to the extent that we respect our differences, we shall build a life with more justice (Struggle Quotes)
Happiness is to take up the struggle in the midst of the raging storm and not to pluck the lute in the moonlight or recite poetry among the blossoms (Struggle Quotes)
The best learners... often make the worst teachers. They are, in a very real sense, perceptually challenged. They cannot imagine what it must be like to struggle to learn something that comes so naturally to them (Struggle Quotes)
Emotional maturity is ability to stick to a job and to struggle through until it is finished; to endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and frustration; to give more than is asked for or required; to size things up and make independent decisions; to work under authority and to cooperate with others; to defer to time, other persons, and to circumstances (Struggle Quotes)
When I am halfway there with a painting, it can occasionally be thrilling... But it happens very rarely; usually it’s agony... I go to great pains to mask the agony. But the struggle is there. It’s the invisible enemy (Struggle Quotes)
I’ve got a feeling that, if it’s so easy for you, the struggle and the initiative are not as strong as they are for a person who has to struggle and therefore has more to say (Struggle Quotes)
A main part of the struggle of art has been to make an art that is direct, simple, humane, unconnected with powers that be in their essence... To the degree that it is connected with the bourgeoisie via the marketplace and so on is not necessarily an artist’s problem (Struggle Quotes)
Is it not in the struggle to obtain knowledge that happiness exists? I am very ignorant, consequently the conditions of happiness are mine (Struggle Quotes)
The prodigious waste of human life occasioned by this perpetual struggle for room and food, was more than supplied by the mighty power of population, acting, in some degree, unshackled, from the constant habit of emigration (Struggle Quotes)
The fact that we have not had a terrorist attack in this country in the last six years is not a cause for complacency or a time to celebrate the end of the struggle. The threat is not going away. The enemy has not lost interest... Fundamentally, we’re in a struggle about ideology. Terrorists want to remake the world in their own image and it is the image that is intolerant of the kinds of institutions that we cherish (Struggle Quotes)
After the demands of the ego and its greed surrendered, the struggle for fulfillment of personal desires lessens; life takes on a new zest like a breath of fresh air (Struggle Quotes)
I think it went really well. There was part of me that really wanted to go with the rabbit. But, honestly one thing that I struggle with a lot is really just competing... being in a pack, running with a lot of bodies. I’m 17 and I’m still not really used to it, so the goal today was to just race (Struggle Quotes)
There is always a struggle, a striving for something bigger than yourself in all forms of art. And even if you don’t achieve greatness, even if you fail, which we all must, everything you do in your work is somehow connected with your attitude toward life (Struggle Quotes)
Every painting is a war. You have to struggle every day, and to struggle every day with your inadequacies is a damn nuisance (Struggle Quotes)