Struggle Quotes

Text Quotes
Success is a dangerous element in any endeavor. Embrace the struggle. Beware the achievement. For it steals your caution even as it leads you down the next unknown pathway (Struggle Quotes)
There is an old and a new consciousness of the age. The old one is directed towards the individual. The new one is directed towards the universal. The struggle of the individual against the universal may be seen both in the world war and in modern art (Struggle Quotes)
You don’t have to push or pull or fight or win, the struggle is illusory. Sometimes or rather, all times, you just have to be (Struggle Quotes)
We struggle with, agonize over and bluster heroically about the great questions of life when the answers to most of these lie hidden in our attitude toward the thousand minor details of each day (Struggle Quotes)
The great struggle of history has been for the control over money. It is almost tautological to affirm that to control the production and distribution of money is to control the wealth, resources, and people of the world (Struggle Quotes)
By placing confidence in violent means, one has chosen the very type of struggle with which the oppressors nearly always have superiority (Struggle Quotes)
The struggle for true openness and intimacy is a lifelong struggle for all of us, gay and straight alike. And besides, a difficult life brings you to the core of yourself, where you learn what justice is and how it has to be fought for (Struggle Quotes)
I don’t care if the world or anyone in it tries to drag me down. Because I know that in the end, they will be the ones left tired from the struggle to hold me back (Struggle Quotes)
The history of the human race is a continual struggle from darkness into light. It is, therefore, to no purpose to discuss the use of knowledge; man wants to know, and when he ceases to do so, is no longer a man (Struggle Quotes)
For the only great men among the unfree and the oppressed are those who struggle to destroy the oppressor (Struggle Quotes)
Where there’s life, death is inevitable. Dying’s easy; it’s living that’s hard. The harder it gets, the stronger the will to live. And the greater the fear of death, the greater the struggle to keep on living (Struggle Quotes)
Character develops in stream of struggle and adversity. Character is foundation of your inner beauty which reflects in your personality (Struggle Quotes)
The abjectly poor, and all those person whose energies are entirely absorbed by the struggle for daily sustenance, are conservative because they cannot afford the effort of taking thought for the day after tomorrow; just as the highly prosperous are conservative because they have small occasion to be discontented with the situation as it stands today (Struggle Quotes)
Although I am a strong political conservative, I now believe that the costs of our fruitless struggle against illegal drugs are not worth the modest benefits likely to be achieved (Struggle Quotes)
When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future (Struggle Quotes)
We need to make a change while there’s still time, it is hard, and at times I struggle trying to reveal mine (Struggle Quotes)
I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people’s eyes who have no heart, and can’t see the difference anyway (Struggle Quotes)
I am personally not advocating violence. I am simply saying that it is a morally acceptable tactic and it may be useful in the struggle for animal liberation. I don’t know (Struggle Quotes)
It is not necessary for a man to be actively bad in order to make a failure in life; simple inaction will accomplish it. Nature has everywhere written her protest against idleness; everything which ceases to struggle toward an ideal, the constant effort to get higher and further, which develops manhood and character (Struggle Quotes)
Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live (Struggle Quotes)
The measure of human character is our reaction to dark times. No one can sidestep darkness. It is the throne upon which light sits. If a soul has not known sadness and struggle, there is no chance of overcoming, no cherishing the dawn (Struggle Quotes)
Today, chess programs have become so good that even grandmasters sometimes struggle to understand the logic behind some of their moves (Struggle Quotes)
Struggle and survival, losing and winning, doesn’t matter. It’s entering the race that counts. You enter, you can win, you can lose... but it’s all about entering the race (Struggle Quotes)
A struggle for existence is not a decent living. A man or woman or child may die of starvation in a city teeming with plenty. Only human life is concerned (Struggle Quotes)
The patient must be at the center of this transition. Our largest struggle is not with the patient who takes their medication regularly, but with the patient who does not engage in their own care. Technology can be the driver that excites a patient with the prospect of wellness (Struggle Quotes)
The individual who no longer has a rigid mind has found freedom. Life can be so easy. Refuse to let go and you are a person drowning; the more you struggle, the faster you sink (Struggle Quotes)
If that means going onto their farms, releasing their animals and burning the place to the ground, that’s morally justifiable, in our opinion... There were always innocent people who got hurt somewhere along the way but it was important that those who oppressed one group of people be stopped, and we don’t see the animal liberation struggle being substantially different from these other struggles... A sustained campaign against a particular industry or a particular organization has the potential to be quite effective (Struggle Quotes)
We may not have demon fathers dangling offers of infernal power before us, but everyone understands what it means to struggle with temptation or resist the urge to give in to our baser natures (Struggle Quotes)
If you love a medium made of software, there’s a danger that you will become entrapped in someone else’s recent careless thoughts. Struggle against that (Struggle Quotes)
An economy where advertisers thrive while journalists and artists struggle, reflects the values of a society more interested in deception and manipulation than in truth and beauty (Struggle Quotes)