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Strutting Quotes

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I can live without it all - love with its blood pump, sex with its messy hungers, men with their peacock strutting, their silly sexual baggage, their wet tongues in my ear  (Strutting Quotes) Behold him in conceited circles sail, strutting and dancing and now planted stiff, in all his pomp of pageantry, as if he felt the eyes of Europe on his tail  (Strutting Quotes) As for the herbal cigarettes, for the most part I don’t smoke as much as the guys do. I’m usually just strutting around a bit more so I don’t actually have to be inhaling it. I’m lucky because I do have scenes where the cigarettes work beautifully to punctuate certain things I’m saying  (Strutting Quotes) How ridiculous we often are in our negations, our strutting self importance, our penchant for making labels and sticking them on people. As though labelling a person disposed of him!  (Strutting Quotes) Like a domestic cat, purring on the sofa by day, but by night, a strutting queen, a natural killer, disdainful of her other life  (Strutting Quotes) And all of the big shots of the car industry are there, strutting their stuff. And that year, they’re feeling especially good because cars were selling more than ever before  (Strutting Quotes) It was strange, how readily authority could be conjured with nothing but a bit of strutting jackassery  (Strutting Quotes) As for the herbal cigarettes, for the most part I don’t smoke as much as the guys do. I’m usually just strutting around a bit more so I don’t actually have to be inhaling it. I’m lucky because I do have scenes where the cigarettes work beautifully to punctuate certain things I’m saying.  (Strutting Quotes) The average person is either a weakling, or just a happy person who wants to get along, or thinks being tough is having big muscles and strutting around town and having a good-looking girlfriend.  (Strutting Quotes) If you’re strutting around Beverly Hills and hitting up these big industry parties every night when you’re not making movies, then it’s going to eventually consume you. But for me, I live most of my life in Boston. I do things no different from the way my buddies back home do them, except when I go to work, I go to a film set.  (Strutting Quotes) And all of the big shots of the car industry are there, strutting their stuff. And that year, they’re feeling especially good because cars were selling more than ever before.  (Strutting Quotes) I never was strutting through the hallways like, Yeah, I’m a singer/songwriter. That’s never a cool thing to do - to be the brooding guy.  (Strutting Quotes) Like a domestic cat, purring on the sofa by day, but by night, a strutting queen, a natural killer, disdainful of her other life.  (Strutting Quotes) I can never see fashion models, lean angular cheeks, strutting hips and blooming hair, without thinking of the skulls at the catacombs in Lima, Peru.  (Strutting Quotes)