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Stud Quotes

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Its always nice to have a stud muffin at the table  (Stud Quotes) Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud  (Stud Quotes) I don’t know why you would trade a stud pitcher  (Stud Quotes) It’s cool not growing old. I like being the eternal stud.  (Stud Quotes) Well, sir, I ain’t a for real cowboy. But I am one helluva stud  (Stud Quotes) It’s cool not growing old. I like being the eternal stud  (Stud Quotes) Hold’em is to stud what chess is to checkers  (Stud Quotes) I’ve always had my ear pierced with a diamond stud. I did it myself when I was 16  (Stud Quotes) His breath in my ear, he ran his tongue along the curved edge, sucking the fleshy lobe and my small diamond stud into his mouth, and my eyes drifted closed while I babbled a weak sound of longing  (Stud Quotes) I’m cool with the way I look, I’m not an ugly dog, but I don’t see myself as a stud or anything  (Stud Quotes) So to me, texas Hold ‘em puts me to sleep. At least when you play stud, you can be funny as you deal. Somebody some day is going to come up with a Stud show that’s going to work  (Stud Quotes) Go to work and be a Hollywood stud, drive your four wheel drive right into the mud  (Stud Quotes) I’m comfortable with the hold ‘em, omaha and stud high - low. But the other two games aren’t my strongest games. I’m not comfortable at all with razz or stud  (Stud Quotes) I suppose when some people see you on TV, they expect you to be this flamboyant, champagne-drinking stud. But I’m not like that  (Stud Quotes) Cause if you were my girlfriend and a stud like me was livin' in your house, I'd kiss you in front of the guy every chance I got as a reminder  (Stud Quotes) I am a poker player, but I am not a good poker player. My favorite game is seven card stud, but I’ll play hi/lo, Hold ‘em, Razz, etc.  (Stud Quotes) I was complexed and awkward that I was good for nothing and was always lying. I would lie to my school friends that I was a stud in my colony and to my colony friends that I was a stud in the school cricket and football teams, though I was in no team.  (Stud Quotes)