Study Quotes

Text Quotes
Study is the bane of childhood, the oil of youth, the indulgence of adulthood, and a restorative in old age (Study Quotes)
Study is the bane of boyhood, the aliment of youth, the indulgence of manhood, and the restorative of age (Study Quotes)
There is no doubt: The study of man is just beginning, at the same time that his end is in sight (Study Quotes)
To see truth as truth, we don't need a lot of study. It's not complicated. What we need is pure observation. An open mind and fresh eyes will serve us well (Study Quotes)
The arts must study their occasions; they must stand modestly aside until they can slip in fitly into the interstices of life (Study Quotes)
And it has become a kind of a truism in the study of creativity that you can't be creating anything with less than 10 years of technical knowledge immersion in a particular field (Study Quotes)
Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith (Study Quotes)
I'm very interested in religion as something to study, but I'm not a religious person in the slightest (Study Quotes)
The most essential and fundamental aspect of culture is the study of literature, since this is an education in how to picture and understand human situations (Study Quotes)
And, in the warm silence, in the peaceful solitude of the study, Clotilde smiled down at the baby who was still sucking - his little arm in the air, pointing upwards, a symbol of hope and life (Study Quotes)
I know of no case study in history that describes an organization that has been managed out of a crisis. Every single one of them was led (Study Quotes)
We have not given science too big a place in our education, but we have made a perilous mistake in giving it too great a preponderance in method in every other branch of study (Study Quotes)
The study of crime begins with the knowledge of oneself. All that you despise, all that you loathe, all that you reject, all that you condemn and seek to convert by punishment springs from you (Study Quotes)
Even the most casual study of the record... would show that strange times to be a Jew have almost always been, as well, strange times to be a chicken (Study Quotes)
He says a million things without saying a word. I make a note to study David Pertrakis. I have never heard a more eloquent silence (Study Quotes)
When I study philosophical works I feel I am swallowing something which I don't have in my mouth (Study Quotes)
In all my study of history, I have never found a time or place I would rather have lived than now (Study Quotes)
Study is like the heaven's glorious sun, that will not be deep searched with saucy looks; small have continuous plodders ever won, save base authority from others' books (Study Quotes)
Cease to lament for that thou canst not help; and study help for that which thou lamentest (Study Quotes)
Most people have no concept of how an automatic transmission works, yet they know how to drive a car. You don't have to study physics to understand the laws of motion to drive a car. You don't have to understand any of this stuff to use Macintosh (Study Quotes)
Fall to them, as you find your stomach serves you: No profit grows where is no pleasure ta'en; In brief, sir, study what you most affect (Study Quotes)
I started to make a study of the art of war and revolution and, whilst abroad, underwent a course in military training. If there was to be guerrilla warfare, I wanted to be able to stand and fight with my people and to share the hazards of war with them (Study Quotes)
I'll be at charges for a looking glass and entertain a score or two of tailors to study fashions to adorn my body: since I am crept in favor with myself, I will maintain it with some little cost (Study Quotes)
I don't necessarily love the sports per se, I love the stories behind them. Also in a kind of perverse way I like to study what it does to us, why we care so much. It's caring about something that's utterly meaningless (Study Quotes)
To teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralysed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can do for those who study it (Study Quotes)
We study the injustices of history for the same reason that we study genocide, and for the same reason that psychologists study the minds of murderers and rapists. To understand how those evil things came about (Study Quotes)
What is the end of study? Let me know? why, that to know, which else we should not know. Things hid and barr'd, you mean, from common sense? Ay, that is study's God - like recompense (Study Quotes)
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience (Study Quotes)
Now, for not looking on a woman's face, you have in that forsworn the use of eyes, and study too, the causer of your vow; for where in any author in the world teaches such beauty as a woman's eye? (Study Quotes)
For any culture which is primarily concerned with meaning, the study of death - the only certainty that life holds for us - must be central, for an understanding of death is the key to liberation in life (Study Quotes)