Study Quotes

Text Quotes
Academic sociologists have been trained to conceive of their discipline - sociology - as the scientific study of society, and to remit to the sister discipline of psychology the study of individuals (Study Quotes)
When you home study, you get a better education. I basically got to teach myself. Being naturally able to make my own opinions about the schoolwork I had to deal with, instead of being instructed under the tutelage of the teacher, was really nice academically (Study Quotes)
In the United States, one of the main topics of academic political science is the study of attitudes and policy and their correlation. The study of attitudes is reasonably easy in the United States: heavily-polled society, pretty serious and accurate polls, and policy you can see, and you can compare them (Study Quotes)
When I was 13, I won a scholarship to boarding school. My parents let me choose whether to go, and I decided I wanted to. Afterwards, I went to Cambridge to study law - in a way, I was carrying the academic hopes of my family, as Mum and Dad left school at 14 (Study Quotes)
I did study Shakespeare, that was sort of my thing; I got a Literature A-level, which is my only claim to academic fame (Study Quotes)
Someone will write a resolution that says, ‘I want to exercise more,’ or ‘I want to lose 15 pounds’ - which is great, that’s a great goal to have - but every study tells us that if you pose things in abstract, goal-related terms, it’s much less likely that you will accomplish it than if you structure it as an actual activity (Study Quotes)
The study of the art of motorcycle maintenance is really a miniature study of the art of rationality itself. Working on a motorcycle, working well, caring, is to become part of a process, to achieve an inner peace of mind. The motorcycle is primarily a mental phenomenon (Study Quotes)
I took a psychology class, and I think the study of the mind can help me further my acting ability. It’s also taught me about getting into an environment with new people and acting like you’ve known them forever (Study Quotes)
It is very hard, if not impossible, he wrote in his study, to justify active management for most individual, taxable investors, if their goal is to grow wealth. And he said that those who still insist on an actively managed fund are almost certainly deluding themselves. (Study Quotes)
What objectivity and the study of philosophy requires is not an ‘open mind,’ but an active mind - a mind able and eagerly willing to examine ideas, but to examine them criticially. (Study Quotes)
Children whose parents return to study do much better at school. Offenders who persist with studies are much less likely to reoffend. The national mental health strategy recognises the important role adult learning can play for people recovering from mental illness. (Study Quotes)
The greatest progress is in the sciences that study the simplest systems. So take, say, physics - greatest progress there. But one of the reasons is that the physicists have an advantage that no other branch of sciences has. If something gets too complicated, they hand it to someone else. (Study Quotes)
Moving is easy, exciting, an adventure - when you’re young. Later, not so much. I love Massachusetts, my old home. Sometimes, late at night, I even study the real estate ads in my old hometown. But it’s not even a fantasy. My parents are both gone. The world I left doesn’t exist anymore. Neither does the person I was. (Study Quotes)
Study what you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. It’ll be one great adventure. (Study Quotes)
I counseled many returning missionaries. I interviewed 1,700 missionaries all over the world. My advice to them is that you should study and prepare for your life’s work in a field that you enjoy. (Study Quotes)
Study after study, not only here but in other countries, show that the most affordable housing is where there has been the least government interference with the market - contrary to rhetoric. (Study Quotes)
Study as if you have not reached your goal - hold it as if you were afraid of losing what you have (Study Quotes)
The separate water foundations, park benches, bathrooms and restaurants of the Jim Crow South startled me. These experiences motivated my lifelong study of the status of African Americans and the sources of improvement in that status. (Study Quotes)
Thus, after finishing high school, I started with high expectations and enthusiasm to study chemistry at the famous Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. (Study Quotes)
A new medical study reports that men who eat ten pizzas a week are less likely to develop prostate problems at age 50. That’s because they are usually dead by age 40. (Study Quotes)
It was a day and age that saw no reason why one could not learn whatever was required - learn vitally anything - by the close study of books. (Study Quotes)
The intriguing aspect of food charges on airlines is that they create the perfect laboratory for any economist who wishes to study the question of how to price a good that possesses, by universal consensus, absolutely no objective value. (Study Quotes)
I grew up watching ‘Star Trek.’ I love ‘Star Trek.’ ‘Star Trek’ made me want to see alien creatures, creatures from a far-distant world. But basically, I figured out that I could find those alien creatures right on Earth. And what I do is I study insects. (Study Quotes)
Many retail stores have consumer trackers that study how long your eyes linger on one product, whether you follow it through by touch, and things that you buy. You can redesign things on a shelf, all by tracking such information. (Study Quotes)
I study people all the time. For some reason, we’re not very good at seeing what’s there or hearing what we’re hearing. (Study Quotes)
A lot of people have this live or die attitude with mediation. It has to be all or nothing. I don’t think it should be. It’s a study that you follow for the rest of your life. (Study Quotes)
I study children, and they’re my subjects in my studies. They’re my colleagues, really, all these little kids. And I owe them. (Study Quotes)
My all-time favorite topic in positive psychology is the study of positive emotions. I’m fascinated by how pleasant experiences, which can be so subtle and fleeting, can add up over time to change who we become. I’m especially excited these days about investigating how positive emotions change the very ways that our cells form and function to keep us healthy. (Study Quotes)
Every person under your supervision is different. They’re all different. They’re identical in most ways, but not in all ways. You have to study and analyze every individual under your supervision and try to work with them in a way that will be most productive. (Study Quotes)
I must confess that when I’m alone in my study, here in New York, writing; that’s when I’m happy. (Study Quotes)