Study Quotes

Text Quotes
I must study alone, as I am condemned to do every thing alone, I believe, in this life (Study Quotes)
I can’t believe the world was created in six days. I do not take Genesis or Revelation literally. I AM OUT. I am alone. I am an outsider for Christ. I will study my Bible, and pray to God in private and alone. I have no other choice. (Study Quotes)
Some of my favorite media is the still cartoon that you can sit and study. You can get amazing metaphors across really quickly. I’m in awe of a Charles Schulz. (Study Quotes)
When you really study espionage movies, or spy movies, the beginnings are really set up to have, like, an amazing bit of action, but at the moment you’re watching it, you have no idea why or what it’s about. (Study Quotes)
The shortest distance between where we are today as a nation and an effective return to increasing our freedoms and widespread prosperity is for regular American citizens to read and study the great books. (Study Quotes)
My mom was a history teacher, so I couldn’t really avoid history when I was growing up. But we’re very light on American history. We don’t really have great opportunities to study both the Civil War and the Revolution. (Study Quotes)
Right before ‘American Dreams,’ I started to pursue these avenues, like short films and getting into a couple night courses to really study photography and cinematography, and the language of visual storytelling. (Study Quotes)
It is imperative that young white men and women study the black American history. It is imperative that blacks and whites study the Asian American history. (Study Quotes)
Nearly every study shows that competition from cheap foreign labor undercuts the wages of American workers and legal immigrants. (Study Quotes)
The study of the amino acid sequence around the disulphide bonds of the immunoglobulins was my own short-cut to the understanding of antibody diversity. (Study Quotes)
From the pastor who has an affair with his secretary, to the jerk at the office who happens to be a deacon, to the overbearing boss who can’t miss his Monday night Bible study, Christians today cause more problems for the gospel than all the devil’s demons put together. (Study Quotes)
Don’t get fancy. Have you cooked an apple pie? You don’t know what you did wrong? Do this: Take two or three apples. Put them on a table. Study them. (Study Quotes)
It’s a shame to be called educated those who do not study the ancient Greek writers (Study Quotes)
The mental disease of the present generation is impatience of study, contempt of the great masters of ancient wisdom, and a disposition to rely wholly upon unassisted genius and natural sagacity. (Study Quotes)
The knowledge of the nature of a horse is one of the first foundations of the art if riding it, and every horseman must make it his principal study. (Study Quotes)
According to an article on, a new study says people who are bad kissers don’t get laid. Where are you supposed to learn how to kiss? If you go to Catholic school, it’s from your priest; in public school, you learn from your teacher; and some guys learn from their sisters... if their sister is Angelina Jolie. (Study Quotes)
When you are offended at anyone’s fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. By attending to them, you will forget your anger and learn to live wisely. (Study Quotes)
I was always interested in animals, but when I was little, animal behavior was still a new science. It was available to become a veterinarian, it was available to study biology, but not specifically animal behavior. In the 60s, Jane Goodall was the founder of this new science. (Study Quotes)
Scientists are supposed to study animals in a totally objective fashion, similar to the way we inspect a rock or measure the circumference of a tree trunk. Emotions are not to interfere with the assessment. The animal-rights movement capitalizes on this perception, depicting scientists as devoid of compassion. (Study Quotes)
The chimpanzee study was - well, it’s still going on, and I think it’s taught us perhaps more than anything else to be a little humble; that we are, indeed, unique primates, we humans, but we’re simply not as different from the rest of the animal kingdom as we used to think. (Study Quotes)
I am interested in 18th century natural philosophy, science, particularly botany, the study of hybridity in plants and animals, which, of course, then allows me to consider the hybridity of language. (Study Quotes)
Study not man in his animal nature - man following the laws of the jungle - but study man in all his glory. (Study Quotes)
Don’t be discouraged if the answer to your prayer does not come immediately. Study, ponder, and pray, sincerely having faith, and live the commandments. (Study Quotes)
Any time you have coaching changes and things like that, you go and study everything (Study Quotes)
It was my study of the two Corinthian letters that first caused me to concentrate my attention more directly on the relation of the apostle Paul to the older apostles. (Study Quotes)
The learned are seldom pretty fellows, and in many cases their appearance tends to discourage a love of study in the young. (Study Quotes)
It was my interest in happiness that led me to the subject of habits, and of course, the study of habits is really the study of happiness. Habits are the invisible architecture of everyday life, and a significant element of happiness. (Study Quotes)
Well, I never studied design and I went to art school to study art, you know, sculpture and things like that, and ended up making things like sculpture and started making chairs and jewelry together and that’s how I started. (Study Quotes)
I’d love to go off to college to study photography, art history, humanities (Study Quotes)
I wanted to study film at an art school - I loved the idea of being surrounded by designers and artists. We were encouraged to be experimental. (Study Quotes)