Stupefaction, when it persists, becomes stupidity

Stupefaction, when it persists, becomes stupidity
José Ortega y Gasset, a Spanish philosopher and essayist, is known for his profound insights into human nature and society. One of his most famous quotes is, “Stupefaction, when it persists, becomes stupidity.” This statement encapsulates Ortega y Gasset’s belief that ignorance and lack of critical thinking can lead to a state of foolishness and irrationality.Stupefaction refers to a state of astonishment or confusion, where one is unable to think clearly or make rational decisions. It is a temporary state of mind that can be caused by shock, surprise, or overwhelming emotions. However, when stupification persists over time, it can lead to a more permanent state of stupidity.
Ortega y Gasset argues that stupidity is not simply a lack of intelligence or knowledge, but a willful ignorance and refusal to engage in critical thinking. Stupidity is a choice, a conscious decision to remain in a state of ignorance and avoid challenging one’s beliefs or assumptions. It is a refusal to question authority or think for oneself, instead relying on others to dictate one’s beliefs and actions.
In the context of Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy, stupidity is a dangerous state of mind that can lead to conformity, prejudice, and intolerance. It is a barrier to personal growth and self-improvement, as it prevents individuals from questioning their own beliefs and assumptions. Stupidity is a form of intellectual laziness, a refusal to engage with the world and seek out new knowledge and experiences.
Ortega y Gasset believed that the only way to combat stupidity is through education and critical thinking. He argued that individuals must be willing to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions, and engage in open dialogue with others in order to overcome ignorance and cultivate a more rational and enlightened worldview.