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Stupid Quotes

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Teams want me to do something stupid. You want to get to the point where nothing affects you, where you control them  (Stupid Quotes) You need to believe in your passion, no matter how stupid or insane that might make you look to the rest of the world  (Stupid Quotes) What am I doing on a level of consciousness where this is real? That is the first question to ask yourself when you become aware of something ugly or evil or stupid  (Stupid Quotes) When I was going through my cancer treatment, I learned that you can never ask a stupid question. I asked every single question that came to my mind, and I believe that helped to calm my own anxiety  (Stupid Quotes) When a man publishes a book, there are so many stupid things said that he declares he’ll never do it again. The praise is almost always worse than the criticism  (Stupid Quotes) When you’re photographing anything to do with war and conflict you’re photographing something impossible. Everything you do is just clumsy and stupid and half witted. Because it is impossible to portray the full width and breadth of everything that you are up against  (Stupid Quotes) The true wisdom of the philosopher ought to insist in enjoying everything. Yet we apply ourselves to dissecting and destroying everything that is good in itself, that has virtue, albeit the virtue there is in mere illusions. Nature gives us this life like a toy to a weak child. We want to see how it all works; we break everything. There remains in our hands, and before our eyes, stupid and opened too late, the sterile wreckage, fragments that will not again make a whole. The good is so simple  (Stupid Quotes) If you think too much about being original, you’re gonna be stuck some day. The most stupid or easy movements can be dope; don’t dig too deep!  (Stupid Quotes) We may have made one of the biggest and most stupid collective mistakes in history by getting so worried about global warming  (Stupid Quotes) I had this talent for these stupid little teenage songs. I just couldn’t get anyone to sing my songs, so I had to sing my own tunes... The thing is to be able to outlast the trends... They are actually manufactured entertainment groups. They are a product of technology. What you are listening to is technology  (Stupid Quotes) Sometimes it seems to me that things hold together only thanks to the borders, that the true identify of these lands and peoples is the shape of their territories in an atlas. It’s a stupid thought, but I can’t shake it  (Stupid Quotes) When we use stereotypes, we take in the gender, the age, the color of the skin of the person before us, and our minds respond with messages that say hostile, stupid, slow, weak. Those qualities aren’t out there in the environment. They don’t reflect reality  (Stupid Quotes) A eugoogoolizer... one who speaks at funerals... Or did you think I was too stupid to know what a eugoogooly was?  (Stupid Quotes) That’s an animal fable about humility. If you survive your mistake, you must learn from it. Accept that you’re fragile, vulnerable, and sometimes stupid. Realize that you’re not immortal and you’ve got to take care of yourself. And then laugh it off and fly away  (Stupid Quotes) I’m glad to be part of the war on sadness. I’m a part time employee of the illusion that keeps people stupid  (Stupid Quotes) Judging people you don’t know for things you don’t understand is just really stupid  (Stupid Quotes) I’m one of those people who can watch a stupid movie and end up crying  (Stupid Quotes) I can kick your head off, but I can’t, like, play a stupid little video game  (Stupid Quotes) The biggest things in life have been achieved by people who, at the start, we would have judged crazy. And yet if they had not had these crazy ideas the world would have been more stupid  (Stupid Quotes) When you give success to stupid people, it makes them more stupid sometimes and not more intelligent  (Stupid Quotes) I’ve become better at the net. I’ve got a 135 mph serve so I’d be stupid not to follow that in. Overall I’m a better player than I was last year  (Stupid Quotes) Because you see darling, darling, there are no false questions. All questions in life are true questions. Answers may be false, but questions cannot be false. Sure,they can be dumb, they can be stupid, but never false  (Stupid Quotes) Baseball is a sport where being stupid and keeping things really simple a lot of times is the right way to do things. There are very few guys that are capable of processing a lot of information and applying it and still being good at it. … I don’t want to name names, but there were guys I played with that were so stupid that they’re really good, because their mind never gets in the way  (Stupid Quotes) Stories matter. Stories are how we make sense of the world, which doesn’t mean that those stories can’t be stupid and simplistic and full of lies. Stories can exaggerate and offend and they always, always matter  (Stupid Quotes) We are smart enough to realise that we are stupid, and stupid enough to make the problem of becoming smarter hard  (Stupid Quotes) Lust tastes like tequila and love tastes like whiskey. Love burns for longer and warms you up on the inside and sometimes it makes you do stupid things. Tequila makes you wasted. You can get wasted on lust and warmed by love  (Stupid Quotes) I can remember being eight years old and having infinite possibilities. But life ends up being so much less that we thought it would be when we were kids, with relationships that are so empty and stupid and brutal. If you don’t find a way to break the chain and change in some way, then you wind up, as the rhyme goes: a murder of one, for sorrow  (Stupid Quotes) A lot of beautiful people are stupid. There are a tremendous number of idiots who look so good. It’s frightening  (Stupid Quotes) The key to running a good marathon is to not listen to anyone’s advice the last week before the race. That’s when people tend to do stupid things that disrupt all the input and training of the previous months  (Stupid Quotes) I made the decision to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and looking back that was a really stupid decision  (Stupid Quotes)
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