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Stupid Quotes

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I really can’t deny it, I am who I am. I’m pretty normal. I’m not that smooth type of girl. I run into things, I trip, I spill food. I say stupid things... I really don’t have it all together  (Stupid Quotes) The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards  (Stupid Quotes) Revolutionary politics, revolutionary art, and oh, the revolutionary mind, is the dullest thing on earth... What a stupid word! What a stale fuss!  (Stupid Quotes) I’m a ridiculous person. If you take anything any comedian says seriously, then you’re stupid  (Stupid Quotes) It would be stupid of me to rule out ever being the leader because that’s an impossible thing to rule out. I can’t predict future events  (Stupid Quotes) The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future  (Stupid Quotes) The reason for not going out and sinning all you like is the same as the reason for not going out and putting your nose in a slicing machine: its dumb, stupid, and no fun. Some individual sins may have pleasure still attached to them because of the residual goodness of the realities they are abusing: adultery can indeed be pleasant and tying one on can amuse. But betrayal, jealousy, love grown cold, and the gray dawn of the morning after are nobody’s idea of a good time  (Stupid Quotes) Guys behave like they’re naive, but they’re not stupid. They know what’s going on  (Stupid Quotes) I don’t want to lose ever. I don’t want to lose at anything. I want to make weight faster than the guy that I’m fighting if we both go into the sauna at the same time. When we’re doing interviews I want to have quicker wit so that I can make him feel stupid. I want to drink my water faster. And then when we get in the cage I want to beat him up. I don’t think people really truly understand the extent that I go to try not to use  (Stupid Quotes) I wish I could take back every interview. Over and over again, I read them later, and either I’m misquoted or I said something stupid. I’m just not very good at it  (Stupid Quotes) People come up with stupid ideas all the time. That’s why your detergent tells you not to eat it  (Stupid Quotes) Nothing had changed. I was the stupid one again. I was the girl who never understood who she was to people  (Stupid Quotes) Receptivity is the first requisite of the disciple, and of anyone who wants to learn anything. We can be anything else we like: we can be wicked, we can be stupid, we can be full of faults, we can backslide. In a sense, it doesn’t matter. But we must be spiritually receptive; we have to be willing and ready to learn. When we know that we do not know, everything is possible  (Stupid Quotes) You know, most people called rap stupid when it started, and it was one of the most innovative music forms of its time  (Stupid Quotes) Racist people are few, in the minority. But you can do nothing to change them. You can talk, you can do what you want, but you can’t do anything because they are just stupid people  (Stupid Quotes) You can get famous for doing something stupid and empty, but you do something stupid and empty and you’re already famous, you lose your career  (Stupid Quotes) I’d been through crappy day jobs and stupid garage bands. I was determined to make it as a musician  (Stupid Quotes) My mom and I are very honest with each other, almost to a fault. But that’s just the way I am in life. If you listen to my record, I’m just honest about stupid stuff most normal people wouldn’t put in a pop song  (Stupid Quotes) It’s really stupid to defend your own jokes. That is for other people to do if they choose to  (Stupid Quotes) Well, it’s not so easy to give an answer when you ask a stupid question!  (Stupid Quotes) We spend our lives fighting to get people very slightly more stupid than ourselves to accept truths that the great men have always known  (Stupid Quotes) The human mind is utterly stupid when it carries, quite willingly, the heavy burden of resentment  (Stupid Quotes) The history of science shows that great mysteries get solved. It may be that there’s an answer that humans are too stupid to understand. I’m intrigued by that possibility  (Stupid Quotes) To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from one’s mouth. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down  (Stupid Quotes) I make mistakes. I say stupid things. I do idiotic things. And, quite frankly, I’m proud of them. Why not make mistakes?  (Stupid Quotes) It is stupid to grieve for the loss of a girl friend: you might never have met her, so you can do without her  (Stupid Quotes) You ride in a limousine the first time, it’s a big thrill but after that it’s just a stupid car  (Stupid Quotes) I talked about becoming stupid, but I’ve always been stupid. Fortunately I’ve been just smart enough to realize that I’m stupid  (Stupid Quotes) There is a time on every job where you say, screw caution. I’m not foolhardy. I’m not stupid. But sometimes you have to be the battering ram  (Stupid Quotes) You can’t fix stupid. There’s not a pill you can take, or a class you can go to  (Stupid Quotes)
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