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Stupid Quotes

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Swearing is, as I have said, learning to the ignorant, eloquence to the blockhead, vivacity to the stupid, and wit to the coxcomb  (Stupid Quotes) We have to fight for the freedom to be stupid, and smoking is one of the best ways to fight for your freedom, to be just as stupid as you can be  (Stupid Quotes) I will be very sad when global warming and toxins kill off all the toads and frogs and salamanders. Here’s hoping we, as humans, figure out a way to be less stupid  (Stupid Quotes) I don’t run outside, honestly. Sometimes I go out around my house, but mainly it’s the stupid treadmill. I wish I had a better answer, but I’m very businesslike about my runs  (Stupid Quotes) You’d be surprised how many stupid mistakes I’ve made. I make stupid mistakes all the time, and some of them have been very big stupid mistakes  (Stupid Quotes) Anybody who is stupid enough often stumbles on an effect that could never be thought up by the most brilliant. I suspect that there is a thing which you might call the genius of stupidity  (Stupid Quotes) If there’s anything I hate more than a stupid action comedy, it’s an incompetent stupid action comedy. It’s not so bad it’s good. It’s so bad it’s nothing else but bad  (Stupid Quotes) I did my fair share of stupid stuff in high school, like anyone. I had a healthy fear of my parents, and I certainly never wanted to disappoint them. That would be the worst thing I could ever do  (Stupid Quotes) I like mindless disco... they say the lyrics are stupid and repetitious. So what’s wrong with that? So is lying in the sun. Not everything has to be serious  (Stupid Quotes) I’ve done too many stupid things for there not to be movies made about me when I’m dead, so I might as well write the script  (Stupid Quotes) A stupid man behaves stupidly, not because he wants to, or tries to, or is motivated to, but simply because he is what he is  (Stupid Quotes) When you’re an artist, nobody ever tells you or hits you with the magic wand of legitimacy. You have to hit your own head with your own handmade wand. And you feel stupid doing it  (Stupid Quotes) What can be more stupid than to be in pain about future things and absent ones which at present are not felt?  (Stupid Quotes) Elvis was a major hero of mine. I was probably stupid enough to believe that having the same birthday as him actually meant something  (Stupid Quotes) What I believe in is love your neighbor as yourself and don’t call him stupid because they don’t agree with you politically  (Stupid Quotes) My mom and I had secret from my dad that we didn’t think we were stupid, that we didn’t think we needed feminism to be explained to us  (Stupid Quotes) Theres no amount of money that makes you feel better when people think of you as a joke or a hack or a failure or ugly or stupid or morally empty  (Stupid Quotes) At the start, I had no idea to go into fashion, because I thought people would think I was stupid. I don’t worry about those things anymore  (Stupid Quotes) The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of changing their views to fit the facts, they try to change the facts to fit their views  (Stupid Quotes) When you are intelligent and beautiful you face a lot of problems. If you are beautiful and stupid then it’s easy  (Stupid Quotes) Crime is stupid, lazy and weak. You can only exploit it and make money out of it  (Stupid Quotes) Some people, I think, think that because I don’t take it as seriously as a lot of the girls do, that I frown upon modeling or think it’s stupid. I don’t at all. This is my life. I would be nothing without this. But I really don’t take it seriously  (Stupid Quotes) I watch people’s behavior and notice things. I think that’s why I became a comedian. I notice how stupid the things we do are  (Stupid Quotes) Home is where you feel unjudged, and where what I do isn’t necessarily stupid or wrong  (Stupid Quotes) A year at the breast is quite enough; children who are suckled longer are said to grow stupid, and I am all for popular sayings  (Stupid Quotes) I’m a natural blonde, but I feel like a brunette. I feel like people treat me now how I should be treated. People used to be shocked, when I was blond, that I wasn’t stupid  (Stupid Quotes) The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental  (Stupid Quotes) I always found misogyny vulgar and stupid, and I found almost all the women I have known to be my betters. However, placing them so high, I used them more often than I served them. How does one make sense of this?  (Stupid Quotes) Tell a man something is bad, and he’s not at all sure he wants to give it up. Describe it as stupid, and he knows it’s the better part of caution to listen  (Stupid Quotes) I did plenty of crazy stuff, but I did a lot of charity stuff. You can’t stop. You want to continue to taste, and sometimes that’s crazy, stupid things  (Stupid Quotes)
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