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Stupid Quotes

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I find it very stupid that teenagers could only see caricatures of teenagers but they couldn’t see films that you try to be a truthful context, a truthful portrayal of teenagers  (Stupid Quotes) I just find that humans are predictable and stupid and animals and nature are a lot more magical to me. I’m just interested in magic, and not the silly humans  (Stupid Quotes) The circus doesn’t stop. A federal appeals court has postponed the recall election. How stupid are we? Even our recalls get recalled  (Stupid Quotes) They climb the mountain like beasts, stupid and sweating; it seems that no one bothered to tell them that there are beautiful vistas along the way  (Stupid Quotes) If I write nothing but fiction for some time I begin to get stupid, and to feel rather as if it had been a long meal of sweets; then history is a rest, for research or narration brings a different part of the mind into play  (Stupid Quotes) I was not too stupid to learn, but too smart. Some instinct must have warned me that a woman accomplished in the domestic arts is frequently enslaved by them  (Stupid Quotes) One can’t live on love alone; and I am so stupid that I can do nothing but think of him  (Stupid Quotes) I’m the luckiest guy in the world in terms of what I do for a living. No one can tell me to do things I don’t believe in or things I think are stupid  (Stupid Quotes) A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand  (Stupid Quotes) Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature has made them  (Stupid Quotes) Do you still believe it impossible we exist? You didn’t actually think you were the only inhabited planet in the universe. How can any race be so stupid?  (Stupid Quotes) You can always meet stupid people in your life journey; you should treat them like the way candle treats darkness: Illuminate them!  (Stupid Quotes) Peace is not a dream; peace is an option! You either choose peace and prove that you are clever and angelic, or choose war proving that you are stupid and devilish!  (Stupid Quotes) What is your dream? To be the most famous man in the world? What a stupid dream you have! To conquer the whole world with an army? What a primitive dream you have! To earn millions of dollars? What a greedy dream you have! Question your dreams!  (Stupid Quotes) Angels want peace; devils want war! Wise man wants tranquillity and creation; stupid man wants noise and destruction!  (Stupid Quotes) If being stupid is the only way for an intelligent man to be happy, then let us hope that unhappiness be his choice!  (Stupid Quotes) When somebody calls you stupid, if your face turns red from anger, it means that a part of you believes in this! When you call a wise man stupid, his colour never changes!  (Stupid Quotes) Have hot, wild sex with a friend. Then go out and do something stupid, like bowl, afterwards  (Stupid Quotes) I’m not letting any stupid decisions get in my way. I want to be a role model, letting girls know that they can follow their dreams  (Stupid Quotes) The world will not end. This is ridiculous. I think it’s like 2000. It’s a great trick to do business and earn lots of money because stupid people hoard things. This is a stimulator of the economy  (Stupid Quotes) I’m rarely in a situation where, if you have a good idea, it’s not embraced. That’s stupid. And I don’t work with stupid people  (Stupid Quotes) I don’t find myself as sexy as everyone thinks. I’m a lot more insecure than people would assume, but with little stupid things. When I get dressed, I’m always so indecisive  (Stupid Quotes) In the birthing process, you come out just realizing how stupid and weak men are! I mean, I might as well not have been in there, we’re useless!  (Stupid Quotes) Regrets are stupid; they don’t mean anything and they don’t add up to anything  (Stupid Quotes) Stupidity really gets me going, when it’s just plain stupid, obvious stupidity. And I think that’s the reason my act has become more political. I’ve become somewhat more of a political comic because the level of stupidity I’ve watched is staggering  (Stupid Quotes) You do that stupid thing at 12 years old when you say something and it kind of sticks with you for the rest of your life. So, I believe I said I wanted to be a fishery manager. In hindsight, I think acting could be a better route  (Stupid Quotes) I never performed on drugs. That’d be stupid. It’s the same thing with athletes. They can’t perform when they have cocaine problems  (Stupid Quotes) You always got to be happy when somebody likes what you do. It’s stupid not to be happy  (Stupid Quotes) How can smart women be so stupid about men sometimes? Lack of knowledge. It’s what men have kept secret for so long  (Stupid Quotes) My songs are my kids. Some of them stay with me, some others I have to send out, out to the war. It might sound stupid and it might even sound naive, but that’s just the way it is  (Stupid Quotes)
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