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Stupid Quotes

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Yes, it is true that sometimes unusually intelligent and sensitive children can appear to be stupid. But stupid children can sometimes appear to be stupid as well. I think that’s something you might have to consider  (Stupid Quotes) Picture anybody growing up so stupid he didn’t know that hope is just another phase you’ll grow out of  (Stupid Quotes) Whither will my path yet lead me? This path is stupid, it goes in spirals, perhaps in circles, but whichever way it goes, I will follow it  (Stupid Quotes) You occupied my space. But because you were not in my present, when I looked into my future I saw... nothing. Isn’t that sad? And stupid?  (Stupid Quotes) She was having some difficulty piecing together exactly why she deserved to be in this place, but she wasn’t stupid enough to deny that in the end life was cruel and didn’t pay attention to what was fair  (Stupid Quotes) I found myself staring at her, which was stupid since I’d seen her a billion times. Still, she seemed so much more mature. It was kind of intimidating. I mean, sure, she’d always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful  (Stupid Quotes) The right to be irresponsible and stupid is something I hold very dear. And luckily it is something I do well  (Stupid Quotes) Huge organizations and me don’t get along. They’re too inflexible, waste too much time, and have too many stupid people  (Stupid Quotes) He was in love, and people in that condition did stupid, unfathomable things. They were all flawed, every single one  (Stupid Quotes) When I leaned a little too close to the doorway, my inner voice piped up, telling me not to be stupid. The guy with the bionic senses was better equipped for this  (Stupid Quotes) People are not stupid. They believe things for reasons. The last way for skeptics to get the attention of bright, curious, intelligent people is to belittle or condescend or to show arrogance toward their beliefs  (Stupid Quotes) It’s so, so stupid what we do to ourselves because we’re afraid. It’s so stupid  (Stupid Quotes) You don’t care where I live or how I feel, or what I eat or how I feed my kids or how I pay the doctor if I get sick, and yes I am stupid and bored and weak, but I am still your responsibility  (Stupid Quotes) He’s a genius, she’s a genius, wow, you know alot of geniuses, you should meet some stupid people sometime, you might learn something  (Stupid Quotes) It sounded stupid, but of course everything does when you’re just getting the bare bones facts, only the basics  (Stupid Quotes) I wish to weep but sorrow is stupid. I wish to believe but belief is a graveyard  (Stupid Quotes) People.. were poor not because they were stupid or lazy. They worked all day long, doing complex physical tasks. They were poor because the financial institution in the country did not help them widen their economic base  (Stupid Quotes) Wow. The guy can make me feel stupid even when he’s telling me I don’t have to let him make me feel stupid  (Stupid Quotes) Loud, stupid and overeating will suffice as long as we also have the funny, the fierce and the intellectual  (Stupid Quotes) In 1919 I woke up famous. I’d never guessed it. If I’d known I was famous, I’d have stolen away and wept. I was stupid. I was supposed to be intelligent. I was sensitive and very dumb  (Stupid Quotes) All you have to do, I tell myself, is keep your mouth shut and look stupid. It shouldn’t be that hard  (Stupid Quotes) Men can be very stupid. We cease to value what we have until it’s gone, and only then do we realize the gold we glimpsed in distant hills pales as dross compared to treasure we had in hand  (Stupid Quotes) When your time came, it came, and that was that. You might say something smart on your way out, but you might just as easily say something stupid  (Stupid Quotes) Underground. Which I hate. Like mines and tunnels and 13. Underground, where I dread dying, which is stupid because even if I die aboveground, the next thing they’ll do is bury me underground anyway  (Stupid Quotes) I felt like the blonde in every horror movie who hears a noise in the basement and goes to investigate alone. Sometimes you smell the stupid all around you, but you step in it anyway  (Stupid Quotes) I care. They bother me. And that’s why I’m stupid. That makes me exponentially more stupid than stupid. I’m stupid to the power of stupid  (Stupid Quotes) Now I’m living out my life in a corner, trying to console myself with the stupid, useless excuse that an intelligent man cannot turn himself into anything, that only a fool can make anything he wants out of himself  (Stupid Quotes) I’ve always believed that a person is smart. It’s people that are stupid  (Stupid Quotes) I believe in equality. Equality for everybody. No matter how stupid they are or how superior I am to them  (Stupid Quotes) The world goes on, stupid and brutal, but I do not. Can’t you see? I do not  (Stupid Quotes)
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