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Stupid Quotes

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We thought all this teaching was to make us smart. What it did was make us stupid. With all the little facts we learned, we never had the time to think  (Stupid Quotes) What were good and evil, really, but stupid categories? Stupid categories that restricted people and punished or rewarded them based on how they responded to their own natures, natures they really didn’t have any way to control  (Stupid Quotes) We’re always disappointed when we find out someone else has human limits, the same as we do. It’s stupid for us to feel that way, and we really ought to know better, but that doesn’t seem to slow us down  (Stupid Quotes) I scared myself, because once you’ve thought long and hard enough about doing something that is colossally stupid, you feel like you’ve actually done it, and then you’re never quite sure what your limits are  (Stupid Quotes) Humans were so stupid. They had something so precious, and they barely safeguarded it at all. They threw away their lives for money, for packets of powder, for a stranger’s charming smile  (Stupid Quotes) It’s like the psychiatrists themselves are buying into that stupid belief that therapy is something to hide  (Stupid Quotes) Take a note: it usually works better if you wait until I do something stupid before getting mad at me  (Stupid Quotes) I mean, it’s stupid to miss someone you didn’t even get along with. But I don’t know, it was nice, you know, having someone you could always fight with  (Stupid Quotes) One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision  (Stupid Quotes) Okay I’ve been stupid in the past. Not consistently stupid, but occasionally stupid. And I’ve made mistakes. You bet, I’ve made mistakes  (Stupid Quotes) He was one of the most supremely stupid men I have ever met. He taught me a great deal  (Stupid Quotes) Anybody can be charming if they don’t mind faking it, saying all the stupid, obvious, nauseating things that a conscience keeps most people from saying. Happily, I don’t have a conscience. I say them  (Stupid Quotes) And then everything was in the hands of gravity, which has never had much love for the terminally stupid  (Stupid Quotes) The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence  (Stupid Quotes) I may be stupid, as you say, to believe in honour and friendship and loyalty without price. But these are virtues to be cherished, for without them we are no more than beasts roaming the land  (Stupid Quotes) People who say its a long story, mean it’s a stupid short one that they are too embarrassed and couldn’t be bothered to tell  (Stupid Quotes) Let’s stay young forever. Young, stupid, and pretty. Sounds like a plan, don’t you think?  (Stupid Quotes) Vee never needed a reason to do something stupid. Sad thing was, most of the time I didn’t either  (Stupid Quotes) Because you have only known me for like fourteen seconds and seven of those were us making out and you still know more about me than all of my friends in this stupid place  (Stupid Quotes) Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you  (Stupid Quotes) Maybe we were all destined to just keep doing the same stupid things, over and over again, never really learning a single thing  (Stupid Quotes) Really, it had been stupid to expect anything anyway. A few late nights does not a habit, or a relationship, make  (Stupid Quotes) Werewolves? Oh please, just plain stupid. Who wants to get it on with a man ruled by his inner dog?  (Stupid Quotes) It’s easy to manipulate your children when they’re absolutely sure you’re stupid  (Stupid Quotes) You did what you did out of love. I can’t be mad at you over that. It was stupid, but that’s how love is. Do you have any idea what I’d do for you? To keep you safe?  (Stupid Quotes) Mere animals couldn’t possibly manage to act like this. You need to be a human being to be really stupid  (Stupid Quotes) Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring  (Stupid Quotes) I sighed. I hated the maze of bureaucracy with a passion, but I’ve found the best way to deal with it is to smile and act stupid. That way, no one gets confused  (Stupid Quotes) I had become a perfect fake human, saying the stupid and pointless things that humans say to each other all day long  (Stupid Quotes) If I gave my mother a knitted scarf she’d be worried I was wasting my time doing stupid stuff like knitting instead of school work. Presenting a homemade knitted object to my parents was actually like handing them a detailed backlog of my idleness  (Stupid Quotes)
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