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Stupid Quotes

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Life is so stupid an ordinary person makes you smile and a very special person always makes us cry. Still we care for the special one  (Stupid Quotes) Messy females talk noise, stupid hoes chase boys, ignorant tricks follow dick and bad bitches get rich  (Stupid Quotes) When people begin to philosophize they seem to think it necessary to make themselves artificially stupid  (Stupid Quotes) Heaven should be kind to stupid people, for no one else can be consistently  (Stupid Quotes) Maybe he most fulfilling thing about looking back is seeing, knowing, and realizing how seriously stupid you were before and how totally different you are today  (Stupid Quotes) Only stupid men trying to seem smart need to be with dumb women. Only weak men trying to look strong are attracted to compliant women  (Stupid Quotes) I’m stupid. But I guess it’s my fault to think we could ever be more than just friends  (Stupid Quotes) If you can laugh too hard about stupid things, than you know you’re with a real friend  (Stupid Quotes) If someone is stupid enough to love you after you broke their heart, I guarantee you, they are the one  (Stupid Quotes) I’m not a sore loser, I just don’t feel like playing this stupid game anymore  (Stupid Quotes) I’m always under the impression that I can change someone for the better and when I can’t, I get upset with myself for being so stupid  (Stupid Quotes) I wish I could control my stupid mood swings, how cranky I get, and some of the dumb things I say. Thanks for always putting up with me  (Stupid Quotes) With fame I become more and more stupid, which of course is a very common phenomenon  (Stupid Quotes) It is said that the public is stupid. That’s why those who hold it in contempt never dare to offer it something original  (Stupid Quotes) Ignorance can be educated. Crazy can be medicated. But there is no cure for stupid  (Stupid Quotes) You might be a nurse if you firmly believe that too stupid to live should be a diagnosis  (Stupid Quotes) Some people are just stupid. They have the best thing in front of them but turn around and go to the worst  (Stupid Quotes) Don’t do something stupid in the present, that can ruin your life in the future  (Stupid Quotes) That awkward moment when your sarcasm is so advanced, people actually think you are stupid  (Stupid Quotes) If wisdom were on sale in the open market, the stupid would not even ask the price  (Stupid Quotes) Laugh at stupid jokes. Cry. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Live life, because tomorrow’s not guaranteed to anyone  (Stupid Quotes) I think I’m smart unless I’m really, really in love and then I am ridiculously stupid  (Stupid Quotes) The most stupid thing about relationships, they love you when they see you but when they don’t, they flirt with someone else  (Stupid Quotes) For the first time in awhile the stupid smile plastered on my face isn’t fake  (Stupid Quotes) If you fail it doesn’t mean you are stupid, but it means you are clever enough to discover things that won’t work  (Stupid Quotes) It’s perfectly legal to be stupid at times but some people just completely take advantage  (Stupid Quotes) If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one  (Stupid Quotes) In the very darkness of a stupid society, even a little candle deserves a great honour  (Stupid Quotes) I’ll never get over the stupid feeling I get everytime you sign on. The one where I think maybe, just maybe. You’ll talk to me first  (Stupid Quotes) I know you think you’re going to get all kinds of laid. It’s not a magic place, it’s the same as here. Don’t be stupid  (Stupid Quotes)
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