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Stupid Quotes

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Shall We Dance?’ takes a small, exquisite Japanese movie and turns it into a big, stupid American movie. Still, it must be said that as glossy and overproduced as the thing is, it’s a good big, stupid American movie.  (Stupid Quotes) I just didn’t understand the American political system, and I felt really stupid about that  (Stupid Quotes) The definition of stupid is the inabilitly to see another side to an argument other than one’s own.  (Stupid Quotes) Before I started a company, I was an employee with a bad attitude. I was always felt like, bosses are stupid, and people weren’t well treated.  (Stupid Quotes) I would love to do a really stupid character on ‘The Office’. I’m so an ‘Office’ fan.  (Stupid Quotes) Making jokes is about the most wrong and stupid thing a bemused, middle-aged, white heterosexual Anglo Saxon sort of Celt Australian male can do these days.  (Stupid Quotes) It’s not because nature is angry, it’s rather that we are stupid. We’re not doing the right thing with our planet.  (Stupid Quotes) Giraffes are completely tranquil - they have no predators as adults because there’s not an animal in the jungle stupid enough to go for them.  (Stupid Quotes) What if it lines up like it did in the Trojan War ... Athena versus Poseidon? I don’t know. But I just know that I’ll be fighting next to you. Why? Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?  (Stupid Quotes) As a teenager and a student, I totally cast away the Christian faith. I just believed it was stupid, and only stupid people could believe it. I actually became an anti-Christian, and very antagonistic.  (Stupid Quotes) I didn’t like anti-Vietnam War art. I didn’t like feminist art. I thought it was heavy-handed and stupid - as art.  (Stupid Quotes) An idiot will do anything, no matter how stupid, because he is afraid of what everybody will think of him if he does nothing. A genius, on the other hand, is content to do nothing, no matter what people think, if he can’t find anything worth doing.  (Stupid Quotes) When President Ronald Reagan asked me a stupid question once, I called him an idiot in public! I thought I was going to be arrested, but he laughed and appreciated me.  (Stupid Quotes) Writing about music is like dancing about architecture - it’s really a stupid thing to want to do.  (Stupid Quotes) When we were making ‘Arrested Development,’ it was the hardest thing I’d ever done. You know, nobody was watching. We weren’t getting feedback. The job wasn’t paying very well. But the one thing I did feel confident about was: No one will ever be able to do this again. Because no one would be stupid enough to try.  (Stupid Quotes) I’m definitely careful. I’m not reckless or stupid, but that’s how I was raised, to not be stupid or immature in as far as trying to grow up too quickly or putting forward a certain image that isn’t me.  (Stupid Quotes) I came out of the mall one day, and a guy was standing there with a coat hanger in his window, and I couldn’t stop myself. I asked the stupid question. ‘You lock your keys in the car?’ ‘Nope, just washed it, gonna hang it up to dry.’  (Stupid Quotes) When people ask me really stupid questions or get it really wrong, I feel embarrassed for them. I don’t really feel angry at them.  (Stupid Quotes) If journalists ask you again and again about the same bands, you’ll end up saying you hate them just because you’re so fed up with being asked all those stupid questions.  (Stupid Quotes) Not all journalists are really journalists. They ask such stupid questions sometimes, especially the newer ones, and because... these people can’t tell if you’re joking around, you just can’t have any sense of humour; you really can’t.  (Stupid Quotes) I was the youngest child. I got to be myself and ask stupid questions because I was the youngest. It is so important to listen to the questions children have and reward them for the wondrous questions they ask.  (Stupid Quotes) I get asked why there aren’t more female directors all the time. I’m kind of reluctant to talk about it. That’s not because I think the question is irrelevant or stupid. It’s just that there are so many mitigating factors.  (Stupid Quotes) Really smart people don’t want to say stupid things, and they really don’t want to be a part of a PR-engineered interview. People really do want to be smart, and they want smart questions. So, if you ask smart questions, there’s no way you can’t do well.  (Stupid Quotes) My thing was play as hard as you can, don’t be stupid, pay attention to details, and have enough guts in the clutch that you’re not afraid to make a play. Some things I thought were important for a young man to know.  (Stupid Quotes) I just think that people take me a little more seriously as a brunette. I don’t know if that’s just because of a societal preconceived notion that all blondes are stupid, but it’s a different kind of attitude.  (Stupid Quotes) I think a lot of times we don’t pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled.  (Stupid Quotes) Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that  (Stupid Quotes) I get nervous before everything - dates, filming, award shows. I just don’t want to say something stupid. But as soon as I step out on that stage, or as soon as I show up to a date, it all goes away, and I just have a great time with whoever I’m with.  (Stupid Quotes) The government does things like insisting that all encryption programs should have a back door. But surely no one is stupid enough to think the terrorists are going to use encryption systems with a back door. The terrorists will simply hire a programmer to come up with a secure encryption scheme.  (Stupid Quotes) Back in college, I remember shooting stupid videos with my friends. It would be us going around town in capes pretending we were superheroes.  (Stupid Quotes)
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