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Stupid Quotes

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At times one feels that what is being said in the West is that the fact that you are a Muslim predisposes you to this blind, stupid terrorism.  (Stupid Quotes) Why can’t I be friends with somebody who’s gay? Why not? You can miss out on a lot by being so small-minded and stereotypical about people. It’s stupid.  (Stupid Quotes) People think I’m being stupid or false humble. It’s not. I don’t think I always fit in. Maybe it’s a complex you get as someone who has always been fighting on the outside.  (Stupid Quotes) You have to protect it too, you can’t let just any stupid person take it and do something demoralizing with it. At the same time, I don’t believe in being so rigid about controlling what happens either.  (Stupid Quotes) It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite.  (Stupid Quotes) Hollywood is not stupid, contrary to popular belief; it’s really a lot of intelligent people trying to figure things out.  (Stupid Quotes) It may sounds very stupid, I know, but I believe in love. As any important feeling and expression, it has been vulgarized a lot but what can we do?  (Stupid Quotes) I believe I am a person with unusual talents. I think I’d be a liar or stupid if I were to deny that.  (Stupid Quotes) To believe that one, or even three, mates can supply all the things one needs from one’s friends is as stupid as believing married couples must do everything together.  (Stupid Quotes) What I like about Kickstarter is it helps games that people want to play still get made, even if you don’t pump $20 million dollars into it to try and meet all the stupid bells and whistles that publishers feel must be in games nowadays.  (Stupid Quotes) I’m a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. And Ben [Carson] you’re a terrible surgeon.  (Stupid Quotes) When there aren’t any smart decisions, I suppose you just have to pick the stupid decision you like best.  (Stupid Quotes) I wasn’t the best student. I wasn’t stupid, but I wasn’t paying a lot of attention.  (Stupid Quotes) Which is better - to be born stupid into an intelligent society or intelligent into an insane one?  (Stupid Quotes) I was cursed with age, really. You do that stupid thing at 12 years old when you say something and it kind of sticks with you for the rest of your life. So, I believe I said I wanted to be a fishery manager. In hindsight, I think acting could be a better route.  (Stupid Quotes) I love to get to the underbelly of why people are up in arms about anything. Really, what I see is a big shadow in the West, in America especially, and everyone’s afraid of looking stupid. But the truth is, I’m a genius and I’m stupid at the same time.  (Stupid Quotes) 2-in-1 is a stupid term, because 1 is not big enough to hold 2. That’s why 2 was created.  (Stupid Quotes) The Pig, if I am not mistaken, Supplies us sausage, ham, and Bacon. Let others say his heart is big, I think it stupid of the Pig.  (Stupid Quotes) Our first album was a stupid mistake by the record company. They tried to sell us as an alternative act. A big mistake!  (Stupid Quotes) You’d be surprised how many stupid mistakes I’ve made. I make stupid mistakes all the time, and some of them have been very big stupid mistakes.  (Stupid Quotes) The best mistake I ever made was believing that I was stupid. It was a childhood thing, but it played out big-time as an adult. It scorned me the rest of my life - in a good way.  (Stupid Quotes) I drop styles on ears...the public bite ‘em. Not many went to school, so the dummies wouldn’t write ‘em. They say, Yo Keith! You’re Kool, you usin’ big words! I went to college, I’m even more stupid, herb.  (Stupid Quotes) I failed first grade, which is my biggest problem. You always feel like a failure, like you’re stupid.  (Stupid Quotes) I don’t ride a sport bike. If I’m riding a sport bike and trying to do tricks, and going 200 miles down the highway, that’s probably pretty stupid. But when you’re riding a Harley or a chopper, and you’re riding with a group of people and you’re not on the highway and you’re cruising, you’re relaxing.  (Stupid Quotes) Let us crush these so-called biological clocks that give us nothing but fear, and encourage us to make stupid decisions. Let us crush these biological clocks that hurt us and rob us of the fabulous lives that Jesus died to give us. These clocks that not only hurt us, but hurt many generations after us.It is time. We need you.  (Stupid Quotes) People couldn’t understand why my mama would have this blind kid out doing things like cutting wood for the fire. But her thing was: He may be blind, but he ain’t stupid.  (Stupid Quotes) Left to themselves people are noble, generous, uncorrupted, they’d create a completely new kind of society if only people weren’t so blind, stupid and selfish.  (Stupid Quotes) I remember I had to play a blind person once, and I did this stupid thing with my eyes, and I knew the minute I started it I’d made a mistake.  (Stupid Quotes) I think there are a good many Donald Trump voters who are sick of government as it is practiced in America and genuinely want to blow up the system and see what happens. They are stupid - or at least unwise - but not necessarily racist.  (Stupid Quotes) You start at the stupid end of the book, and if you’re lucky you finish at the smart end  (Stupid Quotes)
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