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Subconsciously Quotes

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Silent Summer - a never-ending heat wave, devoid of birdsong, insect hum, and all the weird and wonderful living noises that subconsciously keep us company.  (Subconsciously Quotes) Computer programming is an art, because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because it produces objects of beauty. A programmer who subconsciously views himself as an artist will enjoy what he does and will do it better  (Subconsciously Quotes) After I became a citizen, I felt freer to say what I thought about this country, both negative and positive. I think I had been, consciously and subconsciously, biting my tongue in the past  (Subconsciously Quotes) I guess subconsciously that all the great people you work with have an influence on you  (Subconsciously Quotes) A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for his action  (Subconsciously Quotes) Film scores are often based on short themes, and it helps if youve got some way of developing these themes and making them sometimes last 4 minutes and sometimes last 40 seconds. One ends up doing it subconsciously  (Subconsciously Quotes) I suppose subconsciously I was thinking in terms of having the scale of it matching the scale of the images. Hence the sort of string quartet, jazz band and electronic stuff  (Subconsciously Quotes) Faffing is good. It is an important part of life. Faffing is when we disconnect from the matrix and idle for a while, like a car. Our body and spirit know deep down that human beings were not made for constant toil so subconsciously creates space through the mechanism of faffing  (Subconsciously Quotes) I think every artist subconsciously wants to evolve themselves. Sometimes they get stuck in ruts because of pop culture, peer pressure, stuff like that. But what excites me most is exploring my own musical insights and expanding upon them  (Subconsciously Quotes) I am aware that somewhere along the line, I’ve subconsciously turned down the pitch of my speech, like a silencer of a gun that softens the sound of its firing. Now, even when I yell, I don’t feel like I am using my full voice  (Subconsciously Quotes) If you are relaxing and subconsciously thinking about your coming race, you are going to perform at just about 100 percent efficiency  (Subconsciously Quotes) What you subconsciously want, you will get. And what you subconsciously do not want, you will avoid  (Subconsciously Quotes) All fiction relies on the real world in the sense that we all take in the world through our five senses and we accumulate details, consciously or subconsciously. This accumulation of detail can be drawn on when you write fiction  (Subconsciously Quotes) I find that through the sad times, work is what made my continuing, not breaking down, possible. In work, I was always someone else and I subconsciously reveled in that  (Subconsciously Quotes) We gauge risk literally hundreds of times per day, usually well and often subconsciously. We start assessing risk before the disaster even happens. We are doing is right now. We decide where to live and what kind of insurance to buy, just like we process all kinds of everyday risks: we wear bike helmets, or not. We buckle our seatbelts, smoke cigarettes, and let our kids stay out until midnight. Or not  (Subconsciously Quotes) When I turned 40, subconsciously, life was a blank sheet. Before, it was disjointed, and I was very displaced and quite mad, but it was a brilliant time. Everyone thinks I must have been unhappy  (Subconsciously Quotes) Sometimes ah think that people become junkies just because they subconsciously crave a wee bit ay silence  (Subconsciously Quotes) Well, subconsciously I suppose some things must stick but I’m not influenced consciously by them  (Subconsciously Quotes) Whatever it is that we put in our hearts and minds, whatever seed you plant in it, it will grow. We might not know it but subconsciously, in one way or another, it can affect us  (Subconsciously Quotes) I like to look at pictures, all kinds. And all those things you absorb come out subconsciously one way or another. You’ll be taking photographs and suddenly know that you have resources from having looked at a lot of them before. There is no way you can avoid this. But this kind of subconscious influence is good, and it certainly can work for one. In fact, the more pictures you see, the better you are as a photographer  (Subconsciously Quotes) When I make a film, I never stop uncovering mysteries, making discoveries. When I’m writing, filming, editing, even doing promotional work, I discover new things about the film, about myself, and about others. That is what I’m subconsciously looking for when shooting a film: to glimpse the enigmas of life, even if I don’t resolve them, but at least to uncover them. Cinema is curiosity in the most intense meaning of the word  (Subconsciously Quotes) We come unbidden into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot. I grew up and I found my purpose and it was to become a physician. My intent wasn’t to save the world as much as to heal myself. Few doctors will admit this, certainly not young ones, but subconsciously, in entering the profession, we must believe that ministering to others will heal our woundedness. And it can. but it can also deepen the wound  (Subconsciously Quotes) Subconsciously the genius is feared as an image breaker; frequently he does not accept the opinions of the mass, or man’s opinion of himself  (Subconsciously Quotes) A lot of men hate women subconsciously or just are very confused about them or are afraid of them or are afraid of their power, or want to suppress them  (Subconsciously Quotes) The reason why we’re not happy is because we believe consciously and subconsciously that we’re separate from God, eternal awareness  (Subconsciously Quotes) Oftentimes in a society when people of a certain type, whether individual or a group, are subconsciously portrayed by the media as abnormal, they also slowly, subconsciously become enemies of that society due to feelings of cultural guilt. Ultimately by this the inflated media is an enemy of its very own cause  (Subconsciously Quotes) Once you learn to do something consciously, you can move it into the subconscious and do it well. Everything you do well will be done subconsciously  (Subconsciously Quotes) Clothes are the way you present yourself to the world; they affect the way the world feels and thinks about you; subconsciously they affect the way you feel and think about yourself  (Subconsciously Quotes) Like manchurian candidates, we have been made into manchurian consumers, who subconsciously buy when we are triggered by our brand masters  (Subconsciously Quotes)
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