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Submerged Quotes

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I respected it. I submerged myself into it. So on a lot of days off I would go and fish with the fishermen and the families that ran the boats. I would go work the fields with farmers. I would go and talk with farmers about growing particular products for me  (Submerged Quotes) I’m not aware that I was consciously influenced by any director, though these things often happen unnoticed, submerged in the unconscious  (Submerged Quotes) A reader is not supposed to be aware that someone’s written the story. He’s supposed to be completely immersed, submerged in the environment  (Submerged Quotes) Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world  (Submerged Quotes) To the pilot of a deep sea submersible, upon finding out what would happen if the craft sprung a leak while submerged. I'll trust you to make sure that doesn't happen  (Submerged Quotes) Why have we had to invent Eden, to live submerged in the nostalgia of a lost paradise, to make up utopias, propose a future for ourselves?  (Submerged Quotes)
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