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Substance Quotes

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Designis a revelation to me. It’s like taking something that is not alive and giving it form, shape, substance, and life  (Substance Quotes) If you think a caregiver has an active substance abuse problem, that person should never be entrusted with your child  (Substance Quotes) So far we still don’t know whether angels are ethereal beings of light without substance or if they take a solid human form with real wings which actually enable them to fly  (Substance Quotes) Thus God alone is the primary Unity, or original simple substance, from which all monads, created and derived, are produced  (Substance Quotes) I don’t feel like there’s any need to hide the fact that I smoke pot. It’s a harmless herbal substance that increases sensory appreciation  (Substance Quotes) We had given it a name, a substance, and somehow, in doing that, we had condemned ourselves  (Substance Quotes) Style is the substance of the subject called unceasingly to the surface  (Substance Quotes) A drug is that substance which, when injected into a rat, will produce a scientific report  (Substance Quotes) This text is, in fact, a rerun of a great part of the substance of the constitutional treaty  (Substance Quotes) Form and substance are one and the same. Form is the life expression and substance the living painting  (Substance Quotes) Money is the only substance which can keep a cold world from nicknaming a citizen Hey, you  (Substance Quotes) American government is not dominated by engineers, it is dominated by lawyers. Engineers are interested in substance and building things; lawyers are interested in process and rights and getting the ideology correctly blended. And so there is sort of no really concrete plan for the future  (Substance Quotes) As a scientist Miss [Rosalind] Franklin was distinguished by extreme clarity and perfection in everything she undertook. Her photographs are among the most beautiful X-ray photographs of any substance ever taken  (Substance Quotes) To inquire into the origin of life is like seeking the origin of electrical machinery or the origin of music. Every increase in complexity of arrangement, of form, of substance, leads to new and often incalculable properties  (Substance Quotes) Art keeps its newness because it’s at once unforgettable and impossible to remember entirely. Art is too volatile, multiple and evaporative to hold on to. It’s more chemical reaction, one you have to re-create each time, than a substance. Art’s discoveries are also, almost always, counter to ordinary truths  (Substance Quotes) It never really felt like I had a lot of substance in my life. I had broken up with my former husband (Ron Samuels) and I kind of looked around. I didn’t have a lot of friends. I had become isolated by fame. I longed for a family and some substantive relationships. Fame is a vapor. You can’t grab hold of it  (Substance Quotes) Bill Clinton gives the appearance of taking stands-for some sort of tax cut, some sort of welfare reform, some sort of balanced budget-but these are ploys, mirages: they exist only to undermine positions taken by the Republicans. He doesn’t fight for anything substantive-except of course, re-election. ...He has fallen into the dangerous habit of lip synching the presidency: he gives the appearance of leadership, but not the substance  (Substance Quotes) I love writing pop songs and I love the challenge. I love melodies and wanted it to be classy. I wanted it to have some substance because I feel as if I have a lot of things to say and wanted it to have something to it  (Substance Quotes) Another California study counted 30,000 substance abusers who are pregnant are White woman. So, The Wire paints the picture of drug addiction, drug dealing, and drug abuse as being a specifically a Black issue  (Substance Quotes) Such simple and steady acts of kindness are the essence of love, the substance of life. All of us need love; all of us want love. Everything else is a consolation prize. What matters is love.  (Substance Quotes) Treatment for dependency at substance abuse treatment centers must change if alcoholism and addiction are to be overcome in our society.  (Substance Quotes) We all think we have time, you know. It’s this miracle substance and there seems to be so much of it, and then all of a sudden, it’s gone.  (Substance Quotes) In these times - where social appearance is more important than spiritual substance - what has become our longing to change is really the unconscious desire to control not just the shape of our bodies (according to prevailing values) but to dominate our environment as well, regardless of the cost.  (Substance Quotes) Trust arises from the mind’s instinctive feeling after fixed realities, after the substance of every shadow, the base of all appearance, the everlasting amid change.  (Substance Quotes) Sure, Tod’s makes shoes and bags. But we make them using leather, which is a living substance to me. And behind each shoe and bag, which in itself may be attractive and useful and comfortable to carry and wear, there is this Italian spirit, this Italian dream.  (Substance Quotes) The order of things established by the Romans in Libya rested in substance on a balance of power between the Nomad kingdom of Massinissa and the city of Carthage.  (Substance Quotes) Sometimes when you start losing detail, whether it’s in music or in life, something as small as failing to be polite, you start to lose substance.  (Substance Quotes) I like to have songs with me that have substance. That’s missing from a lot of today’s music. You might hear a song with a catchy beat, but what’s it about? It’s not empowering or helping anyone.  (Substance Quotes) We should cultivate the serenity, because in the substance of sincerity germinate the most beautiful flowers of the Spirit.  (Substance Quotes) I don’t need someone with a hot body. He can be fat or overweight and have a belly. It’s very much about style and substance and humor, interest, curiosity and really being smart.  (Substance Quotes)
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