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Subtle Quotes

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Etching is a beautiful medium. The result is rich, subtle tones achieved in no other way  (Subtle Quotes) There are subtle things you can do without crossing the line. If I see I’ve got up my opponent’s nose, I will be over the moon. Job done  (Subtle Quotes) There are beings who come into this world, from time to time, not simply with miraculous powers, which we call the siddhas, but with a miraculous awareness that is so strong yet so subtle that anyone or anything that touches that awareness is transformed forever  (Subtle Quotes) It is much easier for a woman to meditate than it is for men, innately. Their subtle physical bodies pick up the kundalini much more quickly  (Subtle Quotes) It seems strange, since the aspect of a woman is power and that her subtle physical body conducts light very well, that more women don’t attain enlightenment than men. I would suggest that the reason this is so, is cultural  (Subtle Quotes) Your very success is what’s going to destroy you. The survival mechanism that you’ve developed is the very thing which will cause the downfall of your subtle physical body  (Subtle Quotes) These energies when directed towards the subtle physical body cause the subtle physical body to break down, to lose its lumonisity  (Subtle Quotes) If it’s not true love, then that energy will gradually wear the subtle physical down  (Subtle Quotes) Meditation erases conditioning. It allows a person to channel the kundalini energy through their subtle physical body and reach enlightened states of awareness  (Subtle Quotes) The mind is but the subtle part of the body. You must retain great strength in your mind and words  (Subtle Quotes) Color is a powerful physical, biological, and psychological force. When less color and less intense color is present, trace amounts and subtle differences become highly significant and are strongly felt  (Subtle Quotes) Seemingly minor yet persistent things penetrate the mind over time making it difficult to ever realize the impact; hence, though quite unfortunate, the most dangerous forms of corruption are those that are subtle and below the radar  (Subtle Quotes) Cities with all their advantages have something hostile to liberal learning, the seductions are so subtle and accost the senses so openly on all sides  (Subtle Quotes) Science proceeds by successive answers to questions more and more subtle, coming nearer and nearer to the very essence of phenomena  (Subtle Quotes) Faith is the subtle chain which binds us to the infinite; the voice of a deep life within, that will remain until we crowd it thence  (Subtle Quotes) Success: a marvelous stimulant, bubbling with inspiration and incitement. But for all except the few who are strong and steadfast, there lurks beneath the effervescence a subtle poison  (Subtle Quotes) If the character is getting mad, getting upset or getting turned on, you’re getting to see that in the facial tones and the skin tones. That’s what I enjoy about acting. It can be very subtle, like that  (Subtle Quotes) The mind is vast in its combinations of time, space and form. It contains every vibration from subtle to gross  (Subtle Quotes) Everything is subtle. Everything has a million sides. Everything is a manifestation of God. Everything is light. All beings are infinite. All things are perfect, in their own way  (Subtle Quotes) The subtle differences in language and humor that get lost in translation, for example, make it almost impossible for big companies to do something that will appeal at home and abroad  (Subtle Quotes) My cousin just got married for the totally wrong reasons. She married a man for money. She wasn’t real subtle about it. Instead of calling him her fiancé, she kept calling him her financee  (Subtle Quotes) The delusions of the past seem fond and foolish. The delusions of the present seem subtle and sane  (Subtle Quotes) Our science is like a store filled with the most subtle intellectual devices for solving the most complex problems, and yet we are almost incapable of applying the elementary principles of rational thought  (Subtle Quotes) Words are the most subtle symbols which we possess and our human fabric depends on them  (Subtle Quotes) A history that should pursue all the subtle threads from end to end might be eminently valuable, but not as a tribute to peace and conciliation  (Subtle Quotes) The interesting thing that happens for many people when they first start meditating is that they’ll be doing it for a few months, and they will begin to change, but the experience is so subtle that they’re not even aware of it  (Subtle Quotes) American humor... is not subtle. It is something that makes you laugh the moment you hear it, you have not to think a scrap  (Subtle Quotes) There is only one sex. A man and a woman are so entirely the same thing that one can scarcely understand the subtle reasons for sex distinctions with which our minds are filled  (Subtle Quotes) Just sitting does not involve reaching some understanding. It is the subtle activity of allowing all things to be completely at rest just as they are, not poking one’s head into the workings of the world  (Subtle Quotes) Unfortunately, the issues of climate change, unlike many other issues, are very subtle because the changes we observe are very, very subtle  (Subtle Quotes)
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