Success Or Failure Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s no right or wrong, success or failure (Success Or Failure Quotes)
There is no success or failure in Nature (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The worth of a life is not determined by a single failure or a solitary success (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Most success springs from an obstacle or failure (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The difference between success and failure is not which stock you buy or which piece of real estate you buy, it’s asset allocation. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Failure or success in business is primarily not determined by mental capacity but by MENTAL ATTITUDES (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The determination in your heroic effort Will permeate your mind and heart Even after your success or failure Is long forgotten. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
There is no objective criteria for either success or failure. People who achieve their goals are successful, those who don’t are not (Success Or Failure Quotes)
I don’t put my ideas in a meeting for acceptance or rejection, I put them in the market for success or failure (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacity. Banish the fear-attitude; acquire the confident attitude. And remember that the only way to acquire it is-to acquire it (Success Or Failure Quotes)
I know success or failure in my life or ministry does not depend on my own skill or even on external circumstances, it depends only on my faithfulness. God will give me the gifts necessary to do whatever He calls me to do, and He will not be hindered in His work by circumstances (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Science and psychology have isolated the one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself (Success Or Failure Quotes)
What does so-called success or failure matter if only you have succeeded in doing the thing you set out to do. The DOING is all that really counts (Success Or Failure Quotes)
My life, my career has been like a roller coaster. I’ve either been an enormous success or just a down-and-out failure (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The answers to these questions will determine your success or failure. 1) Can people trust me to do what’s right? 2) Am I committed to doing my best? 3) Do I care about other people and show it? If the answers to these questions are yes, there is no way you can fail (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Two types of choices seem to me to have been crucial in tipping the outcomes [of the various societies’ histories] towards success or failure: long-term planning and willingness to reconsider core values. On reflection we can also recognize the crucial role of these same two choices for the outcomes of our individual lives (Success Or Failure Quotes)
If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do... HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO? (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The value of a moment is immeasurable. The power of just ONE moment can propel you to success and happiness or chain you to failure and misery (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man’s success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The attitude with which we approach the situation can determine our success or failure (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Man’s rise or fall, success or failure, happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude ... a man’s attitude will create the situation he imagines. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
I’ve got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot, success is my only option, failure’s not. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Your imagination can focus on ugliness, distress and failure, or it can picture beauty, success, desired results. You decide how you want your imagination to server you. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Sometimes you learn more from failure than you do from success, and in some ways it’s better to have failure at the beginning of your career, or your life. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The learning person looks forward to failure or mistakes. The worst problem in leadership is basically early success. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Anyone who critically analyzes a business learns this: that the success or failure of an enterprise depends usually upon one man. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
The more control you have over your life, the more responsible you feel for your own success - or failure. (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Success or failure is often determined on the drawing board (Success Or Failure Quotes)
Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity (Success Or Failure Quotes)
We create success or failure on the course primarily by our thoughts (Success Or Failure Quotes)