Success Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes, she reflected, she dressed for courage, sometimes for success, and sometimes for the consolation of knowing that whatever else went wrong, at least she liked her clothes (Success Quotes)
Failure is hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you’re successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever (Success Quotes)
Let me conclude by saying in my experience the glittering prizes in life come more to those who persevere despite setback and disappointment than they do to the exceptionally gifted who, with the confidence of the talents bestowed upon them, often pursue the tasks leading to success with less determination (Success Quotes)
The success of any trap lies in its fundamental simplicity. The reverse trap by the nature of its single complication must be swift and simpler still (Success Quotes)
Most inexperienced cooks believe, mistakenly, that a fine cake is less challenging to produce than a fine souffle or mousse. I know, however, that a good cake is like a good marriage: from the outside, it looks ordinary, sometimes unremarkable, yet cut into it, taste it, and you know that it is nothing of the sort. It is the sublime result oflong and patient experience, a confection whose success relies on a profound understanding of compatibilities and tastes; on a respect for measurement, balance, chemistry and heat; on a history of countless errors overcome (Success Quotes)
Nothing is lost that we do not first see as lost. Visions born of fear give birth to our failing. Visions born of hope give birth to our success. What is possible lives within us, and it only remains for us to discover it (Success Quotes)
The secret of success in battle lies often not so much in the use of one’s own strength but in the exploitation of the other side’s weaknesses (Success Quotes)
Writing is really just a matter of writing a lot, writing consistently and having faith that you’ll continue to get better and better. Sometimes, people think that if they don’t display great talent and have some success right away, they won’t succeed. But writing is about struggling through and learning and finding out what it is about writing itself that you really love (Success Quotes)
If you are a success in life, there are places you must go and pay to be humiliated. It is an unwritten law that human beings must be tormented throughout their lives in one way or another. If you are fortunate enough to have risen to a social level where no one does it to you for free, then you must pay for the service (Success Quotes)
No relationship is without its difficulties and this is certainly true when one or both of the persons involved has an autistic spectrum disorder. Even so, I believe what is truly essential to the success of any relationship is not so much compatibility, but love. When you love someone, virtually anything is possible (Success Quotes)
I sit and feel lonely. Sitting and feeling lonely is something I am a spectacular success at. I can do it for hours. Everyone is good at something (Success Quotes)
Those who think he had lucky breaks are not only unaware of the real story but also fall prey to that sin of the mediocre: bitchiness about others’ success (Success Quotes)
I’d like to emphasize that when a reader finishes a great novel, he will immediately begin looking for another. If someone loves your book, it increases the chance that he or she will look at mine. So there is no competition between writers. Another writer’s success helps build a larger readership for all of us (Success Quotes)
This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experience. Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith. Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength. Therefore nil desperandum. March forward hero! (Success Quotes)
You tell them what a happy ending consists of, which is always individual success. You tell them that nothing irrational exists in this world, which is a lie. You tell them that conflict only exists only to be neatly resolved, and that everyone who is poor wants to be rich, and everyone who is ill wants to get better, and everyone who gets involved in crime comes to a bad end, and that love should be pure. You tell them that despite all this they are special, that the world revolves around them (Success Quotes)
True success is figuring out your life and career so you never have to be around jerks (Success Quotes)
Being a failure at living your own life as best as you can is better than being a success living the life somebody else says you should live (Success Quotes)
It is better to travel with hope in one’s heart than to arrive in safety... We should celebrate today’s failure because it is a clear sign that our voyage of discovery is not yet over. The day the experiment succeeds is the day the experiment ends. And I inevitably find that the sadness of ending outweighs the celebration of success (Success Quotes)
The measure of the state’s success is that the word anarchy frightens people, while the word state does not (Success Quotes)
Six essential qualities that are the key to success: Sincerity, personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity (Success Quotes)
Knowing how to distinguish between an ideal keyword and the reality of queries will help you to refine your strategy and success as an online marketer (Success Quotes)
And that destination for which we should strive is one of a successful life not necessarily a life of success (Success Quotes)
.. the more you believe in your own ability to success the more likely it is that you will (Success Quotes)
Success and failure are two edges of the same blade, two sides of the same coin. To fear one is to forever deny the possibility of the other (Success Quotes)
Because memory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present. In order to reach any kind of success in automobile racing, a driver must never remember (Success Quotes)
Any fool can hope when success lies plainly in view. It wants genuine strength to hope when matters are hopeless (Success Quotes)
Most people, after one success, are so cringingly afraid of doing less well that they rub all the edge off their subsequent work (Success Quotes)
Success comes in a lot of ways, but it doesn’t come with money and it doesn’t come with fame. It comes from having a meaning in your life, doing what you love and being passionate about what you do. That’s having a life of success. When you have the ability to do what you love, love what you do and have the ability to impact people. That’s having a life of success. That’s what having a life of meaning is (Success Quotes)
I break away from all conventions that do not lead to my earthly success and happiness (Success Quotes)
The success or failure of any relationship depends not just on how we feel about each other, but on how we make each other feel about ourselves (Success Quotes)