Success Quotes

Text Quotes
The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Yes, more than enthusiasm, I would say excitement. I like to see men get excited. When they get excited they make a success of their lives (Success Quotes)
We measure success and depth by length of time, but it is possible to have a deep relationship that doesn’t always stay the same (Success Quotes)
Your surfing can get better on every turn, on every wave you catch. Learn to read the ocean better. A big part of my success has been wave knowledge (Success Quotes)
The growth of my love story had been gradual but my success had always existed and both coupled together formed a deadly combination that was detrimental to our love. I wanted people to love me. She wanted them to leave her alone (Success Quotes)
In life you are given two ends; one to think with and the other to sit on. Your success in life depends on which end you use most. Heads you win, tails you lose (Success Quotes)
As a people, we value family, education and success. Hunger is an enemy to all three. Scientific studies have demonstrated that even brief periods of hunger can permanently inhibit a child’s mental, emotional and physical growth. Kids who are hungry do poorly in school and are unlikely to grow into productive adults. For families, experiencing hunger means living in a world of isolation and shame. Caring citizens must put an end to this disgrace (Success Quotes)
Win or lose you will never regret working hard, making sacrifices, being disciplined or focusing too much. Success is measured by what we have done to prepare for competition (Success Quotes)
Success is ultimately realized by people who make more good choices and recover quickly from their bad choices. Our personal and professional success depends on repeating good choices, day in and day out, and avoiding repetition of bad choices (Success Quotes)
You have to be very nimble and very open minded. Your success is going to be very dependent on how your adapt (Success Quotes)
History can’t give attention to what’s been lost, hidden, or deliberately buried; it is mostly a telling of success, not the partial failures that enabled success (Success Quotes)
In the contest between talent and hard work as to which is the more important element of success, there’s no comparison. A mediocre talent with lots of hard work will go further than a stellar talent who coasts (Success Quotes)
Individual and team discipline ultimately come down to practicing a small set of principles over a long period of time. Success is not a matter of mastering subtle, sophisticated theory, but rather embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. Said in yet another way, discipline is to an athlete what scales are to a musician. Mastering the scales is what allows the musician to perform music. Mastering the skills of self discipline is what enables a person to become an accomplished elite athlete (Success Quotes)
I love inspiring people, and if I can make a difference in one person’s life, then that’s success for me! (Success Quotes)
Since you own your life, you are responsible for your life. You do not rent your life from others who demand your obedience. Nor are you a slave to others who demand your sacrifice. You choose your own goals based on your own values. Success and failure are both the necessary incentives to learn and to grow. Your action on behalf of others, or their action on behalf of you, is only virtuous when it is derived from voluntary, mutual consent. For virtue can only exist when there is free choice (Success Quotes)
Somehow, when everything is too easy it’s not necessarily the right recipe for success (Success Quotes)
That’s why people who seek out group flow often join startups or work for themselves. Serial entrepreneurs keep starting new business as much for the flow experience, as for the additional success (Success Quotes)
Success is not handed to you. You must work hard for it and you must never dishonor what you’ve achieved (Success Quotes)
Success is not what you have done compared to what others have done. Success is what you have done compared to what you were supposed to do (Success Quotes)
Success and vocabulary go hand in hand. This has been proven so often that it no longer admits of argument (Success Quotes)
The truth, or success, of any writer’s story lies partly in its specificity and its emotional honesty (Success Quotes)
Recognize that there will be failures, and acknowledge that there will be obstacles. But you will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, for there is very little learning in success (Success Quotes)
Material success may result in the accumulation of possessions: but only spiritual success will enable you to enjoy them (Success Quotes)
Failure can only exist from stagnant perceptions. Everything is a process of learning and if you learn something useful, you have success (Success Quotes)
The most important aspect of my personality as far as determining my success goes; has been my questioning conventional wisdom, doubting experts and questioning authority. While that can be painful in your relationships with your parents and teachers, it’s enormously useful in life (Success Quotes)
Building a cohesive leadership team is the first critical step that an organization must take if it is to have the best chance at success (Success Quotes)
Engaging in an authentic, meaningful conversation with consumers will be the key to marketing success and growth, even if that means acknowledging negative feedback; transparency is paramount (Success Quotes)
Our success is a direct result of knowing how to market a brand and having the right people representing the brand (Success Quotes)
The success or failure of any historical age is the extent to which those living at that time have fulfilled the special role that history has imposed upon them (Success Quotes)
I think the success of democracy is not really police security; it’s the presence of a broad middle class. The stronger the middle class of a people is, the less you have to worry about one group coming in and exploiting the democratic process for its own ends (Success Quotes)
The quality of the box matters little. Success depends upon the man who sits in it (Success Quotes)