Successful People Quotes

Text Quotes
All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether or not they feel like it (Successful People Quotes)
Happy people, enlightened people, successful people all share something in common. They have learned how to manage and increase their energy (Successful People Quotes)
I consider that success for anything, whether it’s being a musician or a writer. As long as you can support yourself, you’re successful. People need to change their idea of what success is (Successful People Quotes)
Writing offers fairly large rewards to a few successful people, but the rewards come late, and most writers are failures (Successful People Quotes)
Many successful people are no more talented than unsuccessful people. The difference between them lies in the old axiom that successful people do those things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people are not people without problems. They are people who have learned to solve their problems (Successful People Quotes)
I think if you look at most successful people, if you ask most of them, their biggest influence was their dad (Successful People Quotes)
I think a lot of people dream. And while they are busy dreaming, the really happy people, the really successful people, the really interesting, engaged, powerful people, are busy doing (Successful People Quotes)
The most successful people in the world are people who were rejected more than anybody else (Successful People Quotes)
Don’t be confused by what looks like luck to you. Lucky people don’t make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life (Successful People Quotes)
The one common denominator of all successful people is their hunger to push through their fears (Successful People Quotes)
Willpower is so common among highly successful people that many see its characteristics as synonymous with success (Successful People Quotes)
Don’t labor forever over the question of how or if you can do it. Studies have shown that the most successful people make decisions rapidly because they are clear on their values and what they really want for their lives (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people move on their own initiative but they know where they are going before they start (Successful People Quotes)
I have never met a successful person that was a quitter. Successful people never, ever, give up! (Successful People Quotes)
Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it (Successful People Quotes)
Success and likeability are positively correlated for men and negatively for women. When a man is successful, he is liked by both men and women. When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her less (Successful People Quotes)
How many people are completely successful in every department of life? Not one. The most successful people are the ones who learn from their mistakes and turn their failures into opportunities (Successful People Quotes)
One of the marks of successful people is they are action oriented. One of the marks of average people is they are talk oriented (Successful People Quotes)
Anyone can do something when they want to do it. Really successful people do things when they don’t want to do it (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people pay more attention to their visions and goals than to history and the opinions of others (Successful People Quotes)
The most successful people in life are the ones who ask questions. They’re always learning. They’re always growing. They’re always pushing (Successful People Quotes)
The most successful people are mavericks who aren’t afraid to ask why, especially when everyone thinks it’s obvious (Successful People Quotes)
The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people form the habit of doing what failures don’t like to do. They like the results they get by doing what they don’t necessarily enjoy (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people decide how they are going to live; they are not victims of circumstance. In good times or bad times, they know where they are going and they know that they are going to get there (Successful People Quotes)
Successful people aren’t born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do. The successful people don’t always like these things themselves; they just get on and do them (Successful People Quotes)