Successful Quotes

Text Quotes
If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to use every connection you’ve got (Successful Quotes)
I’m surprised when the work appears beautiful, and very pleased. And I think work can be very good and very successful without being able to call it beautiful, although I’m not clear about that. The work is good when it has a certain completeness, and when it’s got a certain completeness, then it’s beautiful (Successful Quotes)
The successful businessman must be able to foresee possibilities, to estimate with sagacity the outcome in the future (Successful Quotes)
I don’t know if this is why everything has worked so well and I’m not sure I’d recommend this kind of thinking to anyone else, but I’ve always known I’d be successful in acting. I have certainly worked for it (Successful Quotes)
I never trust anyone who’s more excited about success than about doing the thing they want to be successful at (Successful Quotes)
I see only the ideal. But no ideals have ever been fully successful on this earth (Successful Quotes)
Most ideas that are successful are ludicrously simple. Successful ideas generally have the appearance of simplicity because they seem inevitable. In terms of idea the artist is free to even surprise himself. Ideas are discovered by intuition (Successful Quotes)
To be successful in life, you must get in the habit of turning negatives into positives (Successful Quotes)
Affirm for yourself that you are a success. Affirm that you are successful in getting rid of your clutter. If you are having a hard time getting started, be grateful that you are such a successful clutterer. Who else could have amassed such a collection of stuff? (Successful Quotes)
He will return with a greater understanding of himself, greater leadership capabilities, better work habits, and a better knowledge of what it takes to be successful. It really depends on the young man’s desire, commitment, work habits, and how important it is to him when he returns (Successful Quotes)
You have got to compete with them... you have to be working toward a future of your own. A picture of the future of your own that is contradictory to theirs, in which the things that they want to do have no place because you have been so successful at promoting the idea of sex within marriage... focus on transforming the society to be reinforcing of all these ideas... everywhere... When you do that then you create a climate in which these things really cannot get very far (Successful Quotes)
When men drink, then they are rich and successful and win lawsuits and are happy and help their friends. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever (Successful Quotes)
The successful always has a number of projects planned, to which he looks forward. Anyone of them could change the course of his life overnight (Successful Quotes)
Experts in aging make a distinction between passive aging and purposeful aging. Successful, purposeful aging calls for continued involvement, relationships, discipline, and an attitude of faith (Successful Quotes)
Successful gardening is doing what has to be done when it has to be done the way it ought to be done whether you want to do it or not (Successful Quotes)
In business, we often say that your best customers are the customers you have now. In other words, your most successful sales leads come from the selling you’ve already done (Successful Quotes)
Successful writers are not the ones who write the best sentences. They are the ones who keep writing (Successful Quotes)
What I always tell people is... Unless you are so passionate about filmmaking that you would rather live out of your car than not do it, find something else to do as a career and do filmmaking as a hobby. This industry is one of the hardest to break into and be successful. It takes a lot of passion and dedication for it to get anywhere (Successful Quotes)
Ideas are the engines of progress. They improve people’s lives by creating better ways to do things. They build and grow successful organizations and keep them healthy and prosperous. Without the ability to get new ideas, an organization stagnates and declines and will eventually be eliminated by competitors who do have fresh ideas (Successful Quotes)
Five years ago, the heroes were technologists. Today, the heroes are designers building out a user experience. You can have the most amazing technology in the world, but if it’s not put in a form that’s useful and desirable, you won’t be successful (Successful Quotes)
Learn the lessons of history. Don’t let how you feel about your tenure at your organization drive you to make poor investment decisions that could potentially derail a successful retirement (Successful Quotes)
Creativity is the generation and initial development of new, useful ideas. Innovation is the successful implementation of those ideas in an organization. Thus, no innovation is possible without the creative processes that mark the front end of the process: identifying important problems and opportunities, gathering relevant information, generating new ideas, and exploring the validity of those ideas (Successful Quotes)
Our nation must engage with the rest of the world. But to be successful, we must listen. Our interaction with the world must be a conversation, not a monologue... these exchanges are a strategic pillar of our nation’s public diplomacy (Successful Quotes)
If you’re going to be a successful entrepreneur, you’re going to have to be somebody who can tolerate a high rate of change, you have to be willing to put a lot more hours into it, you have to tolerate the fact that you’re going to make more mistakes and have a culture that responds to that (Successful Quotes)
It’s time for us all to step up. We’ve been extremely successful, but to be honest it’s a reality check for everybody (Successful Quotes)
Circumstances in the world of politics contribute substantially to whether or not you can be successful (Successful Quotes)
A successful current affairs television show seems to be more and more a cross between a music hall turn and a scene in a torture chamber (Successful Quotes)
In taking stock of a politician, the first question is not whether he was a good man who used righteous means, but whether he was successful in gaining power, in keeping it, and in governing; whether, in short, he was skilful at his particular craft or a bungler (Successful Quotes)
The most successful marketer becomes part of the lives of their followers. They follow back. They wish happy birthday. They handle problems their customers have with products or service. They grow their businesses and brands by involving themselves in their own communities (Successful Quotes)
Those who insert themselves into as many channels as possible look set to capture the most value. They’ll be the richest, the most successful, the most connected, capable and influential among us. We’re all publishers now, and the more we publish, the more valuable connections we’ll make (Successful Quotes)