Successful Quotes

Text Quotes
A strong, successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates favorable conditions. His own inherent force and energy compel things to turn out as he desires (Successful Quotes)
No man can be ideally successful until he has found his place. Like a locomotive he is strong on the track, but weak anywhere else (Successful Quotes)
I know I’m never going to be as successful as my dad, but I get bored doing nothing. I couldn’t go from vacation to vacation and have no motivation (Successful Quotes)
Don’t let anyone say you can’t do it. To be successful, you need to fail. The more failures you have, the more successes you will have. People just don’t get that (Successful Quotes)
People love you when you’re successful, but if you’re not, who really cares about you? (Successful Quotes)
Building a successful life is much like building anything else: it should be thoroughly thought about in advance and then carried through to completion (Successful Quotes)
We only have one life to live. Since everybody has the potential to be successful, I hope we’ll all take an action and actually live it (Successful Quotes)
Successful organizations understand the importance of implementation, not just strategy, and, moreover, recognize the crucial role of their people in this process (Successful Quotes)
Many women have been successful at breaking the glass ceiling only to find a layer of men (Successful Quotes)
All successful individuals have become such by hard work; by improving moments before they pass into hours, and hours that other people may occupy in the pursuit of pleasure (Successful Quotes)
In the long run, no matter how good or successful you are or how clever or crafty, your business and its future are in the hands of the people you hire (Successful Quotes)
I don’t have a problem with someone using their talents to become successful, I just don’t think the highest calling is success. Things like freedom and the expansion of knowledge are beyond success, beyond the personal. Personal success is not wrong, but it is limited in importance, and once you have enough of it it is a shame to keep striving for that, instead of for truth, beauty, or justice (Successful Quotes)
The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful (Successful Quotes)
As much as we don’t want to hear it, book marketing is a huge part of becoming a successful author (Successful Quotes)
I have always maintained that if a program is to be successful, it must... be voluntary... based on need and must not be financed through a payroll tax (Successful Quotes)
The terminology of philosophical art is coercive: arguments are powerful and best when they are knockdown, arguments force you to a conclusion, if you believe the premisses you have to or must believe the conclusion, some arguments do not carry much punch, and so forth. A philosophical argument is an attempt to get someone to believe something, whether he wants to beleive it or not. A successful philosophical argument, a strong argument, forces someone to a belief (Successful Quotes)
The purely formal language of geometry describes adequately the reality of space. We might say, in this sense, that geometry is successful magic. I should like to state a converse: is not all magic, to the extent that it is successful, geometry? (Successful Quotes)
The more successful you become, the more the demands of your ego will increase. In the beginning, you simply want to succeed, but your ego will not be satisfied. When you become a little more successful your ego wants to kill your competition. And when you become even more successful, it wants to make you the universal king. There’s no telling what ego wants because our desire doesn’t have any limit; therefore, its demands continually increase (Successful Quotes)
The secret of the true love of work is the hope of success in that work; not for the money reward, for the time spent, or for the skill exercised, but for the successful result in the accomplishment of the work itself (Successful Quotes)
The highest happiness on earth is marriage. Every man who is happily married is a successful man even if he has failed in everything else (Successful Quotes)
To me it seems pretty obvious that it would be simple to build a business around helping people achieve autonomy, a feeling of competence and relatedness. In fact, every web company that has been successful thusfar has their business build solidly on one or all of these. And I believe that as people discover that these things are within their reach, they will gravitate more and more towards companies that offer tools to helping them achieve happiness (Successful Quotes)
The more successful enterprises are the more they try to replicate, duplicate, codify what makes us great. And suddenly they’re inward thinking. They’re thinking how can we continue to do what we’ve done in the past without understanding that what made them successful is to take risks, to change and to adapt and to be responsive. And so in a sense success breeds its own failure. And I think it’s true of a lot of successful businesses (Successful Quotes)
Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty. In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times. Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn (Successful Quotes)
The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves (Successful Quotes)
Women asking for raises should not only know their value, but they should ask with the confidence that they’re helping the company to be successful (Successful Quotes)
Children are our crop, our fields, our earth. They are birds let loose into darkness. They are errors renewed. Still, they are the only source from which may be drawn a life more successful, more knowing than our own. Somehow they will do one thing, take one step further, they will see the summit. We believe in it, the radiance that streams from the future, from days we will not see. Children must live, must triumph. Children must die; that is an idea we cannot accept (Successful Quotes)
The best part of being in a band and being successful is you get to have hot girls lace up your shoes (Successful Quotes)
If you’re an attractive guy, everyone thinks you’re successful just because of the way you look (Successful Quotes)
Within you, whoever you may be, regardless of how big a failure you may think yourself to be, is the ability and the power to do whatever you need to do to be happy and successful (Successful Quotes)
Most successful people can identify one minute, one moment, where their lives changed, and it usually occurred in times of adversity (Successful Quotes)