Successful Quotes

Text Quotes
It would be interesting to inquire how many times essential advances in science have first been made possible by the fact that the boundaries of special disciplines were not respected... Trespassing is one of the most successful techniques in science (Successful Quotes)
Diet is the essential key to all successful healing. Without a proper balanced diet, the effectiveness of herbal treatment is very limited (Successful Quotes)
I observed that the successful farmer worked at his job. He would do his plowing, disking, harrowing, seeding, and harvesting in the proper season and at the proper time, while his neighbor was procrastinating, or off hunting and fishing while the work was still to be done. We must learn to set our priorities straight. No one can be successful in his line of work unless he works at it in the proper season and plays in the proper season (Successful Quotes)
In order to be successful at anything you choose to do, you must make a 100 percent commitment to what it is you are trying to do. If you put 50 percent of your ability into it, that is all that you will get out of it. You must discipline your body and your mind to work towards the goals you have set. Once you have made this decision, then the work begins (Successful Quotes)
I do not believe that there is any secret or single formula for success, but there are common threads of thought and action that characterize the successful people that I have been fortunate enough to know and observe. I do know, from my own experience, that our chance of succeeding is much greater when we organize and take charge of our lives. When we are willing to make decisions, we aggressively pursue those things in life that are important to us (Successful Quotes)
I think that’s the only way you can ever be truly successful in this world. You have to acknowledge that it is from above. And you have to have the confidence that even if you lose it all, things will be okay. You have to be willing to fail, and all the while work your tail off to succeed (Successful Quotes)
To pull off successful attacks in debates, you have to execute with nuance and subtlety. It has to be artful (Successful Quotes)
I don’t think an actor ever wants to establish an image. That certainly hurt me, and yet that is also what made me successful and eventually able to do more challenging roles (Successful Quotes)
To me, one of the greatest triumphs in doing a book is to tell the story as simply as possible. My aim is to imply rather than to overstate. Whenever the reader participates with his own interpretation, I feel that the book is much more successful. I write with the premise that less is more. Writing is not difficult to me. I read into a tape recorder, constantly dropping a word here and there from my manuscript until I get a minimum amount of words to say exactly what I want to say. Each time I drop a word or two, it brings me a sense of victory! (Successful Quotes)
Try to remember that being unsuccessful in school doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be unsuccessful in life. Lots of people who didn’t excel in school still went on to have successful lives (Successful Quotes)
A successful branding program is based on the concept of singularity. It creates in the mind of the prospect the perception that there is no product on the market quite like your product (Successful Quotes)
If people have to tell you how successful they are, they really aren’t that successful (Successful Quotes)
Okay, here is the uplifting part: Your life isn’t and has never been about you... about what you accomplish, how successful you are or are not, how much money you make, what sort of position you ascend to,... or how much good you do for others or the world at large. Your life, like mine, and like everyone else’s has always been about one thing: love (Successful Quotes)
I look back on my life with great joy. I think it was a very successful life. I always did what I wanted and never cared what anyone thought. Women’s lib? I was a liberated woman long before there was a name for it (Successful Quotes)
It was not until some weeks later that I realized there is no need to restrict oneself to 2 by 2 matrices. One could go on to 4 by 4 matrices, and the problem is then easily soluable. In retrospect, it seems strange that one can be so much held up over such an elementary point. The resulting wave equation for the electron turned out to be very successful. It led to correct values for the spin and the magnetic moment. This was quite unexpected. The work all followed from a study of pretty mathematics, without any thought being given to these physical properties of the electron (Successful Quotes)
I think your 20s are the hardest part of life. I mean, everyone goes on about how hard it is to be a teenager, but actually I think it’s tougher to be in your 20s because you’re expected to be a grownup and expected to earn your own living and be successful and I think you feel like a kid still (Successful Quotes)
It’s really critical to have your dream life in your mind so that you’re constantly adjusting and designing your business in such a way to accomplish it, because you could very easily be highly successful and not accomplish the lifestyle you really want to accomplish in your heart (Successful Quotes)
Our most successful leaders are people who put other people first … in the long run, that’s exactly what makes them successful (Successful Quotes)
Traditional credentialing really doesn’t have a lot of predictive value to if people will be successful (Successful Quotes)
The biggest hurdle is rejection. Any business you start, be ready for it. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the successful people do all the things the unsuccessful people don’t want to do. When 10 doors are slammed in your face, go to door number 11 enthusiastically, with a smile on your face (Successful Quotes)
When I read biographies, I’m only interested in the first few chapters. I’m not interested in when people become successful. I’m interested in what made them successful (Successful Quotes)
The most successful filmmakers are not always the most knowledgeable ones. They are the ones who put action to what they learnt. They do, not talk about doing (Successful Quotes)
You may have what it takes to be successful, but if you lose yourself in someone else’s priorities or societal expectations, you will be judged not by your potential but rather by your history (Successful Quotes)
Every endeavour pursued with passion produces a successful outcome, regardless of the result. For it is not about winning or losing – rather, the effort put forth in producing the outcome (Successful Quotes)
I am more scared now that I was at any point since I began trading, because I recognize how ephemeral success can be in this business. I know that to be successful, I have to be frightened. My biggest hits have always come after I have had a great period and I started to think that I knew something (Successful Quotes)
The biggest secret in venture capital is that the best investment in a successful fund equals or outperforms the entire rest of the fund combined (Successful Quotes)
If I could be lucky enough to just have radio as the base for the rest of my life, I could build off that. No matter how successful I become, I always look at radio as the only skill set I can really call on. I even know how to operate the boards (Successful Quotes)
I guess I’m the most successful man I know. I wouldn’t trade places with anybody in the world (Successful Quotes)
God plans for everyone to be successful. If we’re not, we’ve chosen to follow a different set of blueprints (Successful Quotes)
Designers need to be mavericks, because the best way to design a successful object is to pretend that either it never existed or that people will be able to have a new behavior with it (Successful Quotes)