Suddenly Quotes

Text Quotes
Age doesn’t arrive slowly, it comes in a rush. One day nothing has changed, a week later, everything has. A week may be too long a time, it can happen overnight. You are the same and still the same and suddenly one morning two distinct lines, ineradicable, have appeared at the corners of your mouth (Suddenly Quotes)
To suddenly be a hero on a world basis was hard for me to understand. God gave me a gift. I got the chance to use it. I didn’t think I deserved what people were saying. My talent is just more visible than theirs (Suddenly Quotes)
Something amazing happens when the rest of the world is sleeping. I am glued to my chair. I forget that I ever wanted to do anything but write. The crowded city, the crowded apartment, and the crowded calendar suddenly seem spacious. Three or four hours pass in a moment; I have no idea what time it is, because I never check the clock. If I chose to listen, I could hear the swish of taxis bound for downtown bars or the soft saxophone riffs that drift from a neighbor’s window, but nothing gets through. I am suspended in a sensory deprivation tank, and the very lack of sensation is delicious (Suddenly Quotes)
I sometimes feel that I am trying to dig in the world around me. I’m involved in another kind of archaeology to look for another kind of truth, and the moment I find, the moment I am separated from that life, the moment I am sort of in a world, every time I have gone out and performed in the, in the cinema for example, if you do two or three films on the trot you suddenly have this impression that you’re becoming separate or separated from the world around you (Suddenly Quotes)
He is so shaggy. People are amazed when he gets up and they suddenly realize they have been talking to the wrong end (Suddenly Quotes)
It’s a simple solution. You change one thing, and suddenly you’ve changed everything (Suddenly Quotes)
Coffee, the sober drink, the mighty nourishment of the brain, which unlike other spirits, heightens purity and lucidity; coffee, which clears the clouds of the imagination and their gloomy weight; which illuminates the reality of things suddenly with the flush of truth (Suddenly Quotes)
It’s terrifying. It’s so scary, because you get used to being around the crew and being friendly with everyone and then suddenly, at a certain point, everything switches and you’re the one standing behind the lights and nobody’s going to help you. And that can be really difficult sometimes (Suddenly Quotes)
One doesn’t like to appear vulgarly inquisitive. But if everyone one knows has suddenly started murdering everyone else, it would be terribly nice to know about it (Suddenly Quotes)
There is beauty everywhere on earth, but there is greater beauty in those places where one feels that sense of ease which comes from no longer having to put off one’s dreams until some improbable future – a future inexorably shrinking away; where the fear that has pervaded one’s life suddenly vanishes because there is... nothing to be afraid of (Suddenly Quotes)
Let us imagine, for example, that a mother is still in such a state of consciousness that she has forgotten the rest of the world while discovering her baby; suddenly somebody appears with two clamps and a pair of scissors in order to cut the cord. This distraction is a dangerous interference with the physiological processes (Suddenly Quotes)
Sometimes I can be walking down the street, or riding a bus, and suddenly I see somebody who remind me of somebody I know back home, and I close my eyes and find myself thinking of the sea, or the taste of grafted mango, or the smell of saltfish frying, and then I come back to myself and open my eyes and realise where I am (Suddenly Quotes)
Egyptians are like camels: they can put up with beatings, humiliation and starvation for a long time but when they rebel they do so suddenly and with a force that is impossible to control (Suddenly Quotes)
God gave music the power to carry his light into the darkness. That’s a mighty privilege. It means intentionally telling stories and writing songs that bear truth that outlasts the songs themselves. If I did this in hopes of thunderous applause and piles of cash, I would have quit years ago. But there are moments on the stage when I sense something magical, a connection with the band and the audience, when our stories intersect and suddenly we’re wading in an ancient river. Suddenly the song is secondary to the greater story being told through each of us (Suddenly Quotes)
I want you to understand the words. I want you taste the words. I want you to love the words. Because the words are important. But they’re only words. You leave them on the paper and you take the thoughts and put them into your mind and then you as an actor recreate them, as if the thoughts had suddenly occurred to you (Suddenly Quotes)
If you compromise what you’re trying to do just a little bit, you’ll end up compromising a little more the next day or the next week, and when you lift your head you’re suddenly really far away from where you’re trying to go (Suddenly Quotes)
To feel a full and untrammeled joy is to have become fully generous; to allow our selves to be joyful is to have walked through the doorway of fear, the dropping away of the anxious worried self... the vulnerability of happiness felt suddenly as a strength, a solace and a source, the claiming of our place in the living conversation (Suddenly Quotes)
You create your own decoration. You choose your color, you choose your mood... If you are depressed, you put some bright yellow and suddenly you are happy (Suddenly Quotes)
Death comes suddenly and life is fragile and brief. No one can alter this either by prayers or spells (Suddenly Quotes)
It’s a scary thing, when a person you admire is suddenly revealed to be absolutely, truly human (Suddenly Quotes)
Since childhood, I was afflicted with a sick hypersensitivity, and my imagination quickly turned everything into a memory, too quickly: sometimes one day was enough, or an interval of a few hours, or a routine change of place, for an everyday event with a lyrical value that I did not sense at the time, to become suddenly adorned with a radiant echo, the echo ordinarily reserved only for those memories which have been standing for many years in the powerful fixative of lyrical oblivion (Suddenly Quotes)
The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language... I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child (Suddenly Quotes)
If we’re distracted from the continual flow of perfect mind that we’re in, suddenly everything configures, everything solidifies. Suddenly a shape appears out of flux, a world appears, karmas appear, pasts, futures, presents, time structures, ying and yang appear (Suddenly Quotes)
I like to look at pictures, all kinds. And all those things you absorb come out subconsciously one way or another. You’ll be taking photographs and suddenly know that you have resources from having looked at a lot of them before. There is no way you can avoid this. But this kind of subconscious influence is good, and it certainly can work for one. In fact, the more pictures you see, the better you are as a photographer (Suddenly Quotes)
In the course of that night I suddenly realized that there are many tiny windows between the body and the spirit. If they’re open, emotions flow freely back and forth, but if they’re partially closed, not much can filter through. Only love can fling them open all together, all at once, like a gust of wind (Suddenly Quotes)
To simplify things down to their real essence, whenever things go wrong in our lives, whenever our plans go awry and the things we took for granted suddenly disappear, we have a very simple choice. We can either succumb to despair and assume the attitude of the put upon victim, powerless to change our fate, or we can decide to turn the tragedy into an opportunity (Suddenly Quotes)
I can’t believe 50 years have gone by since that film was released. I blinked and suddenly here I am. We all really felt blessed and as for me; how lucky can a girl get. Great music does more than enhance a film, it cements our memories in the film going experience (Suddenly Quotes)
The thing that I champion is sustainability. My terror is that suddenly we see it as a luxury, not an essential. That’s a danger (Suddenly Quotes)
A perfect run has nothing to do with distance. It’s when your stride feels comfortable. You’re on your toes trying to push it. Suddenly you realize you can open it up a bit more. You know you’re at one with yourself and the environment. You’re a little more alive than before you started (Suddenly Quotes)
You can’t expect insights, even the big ones, to make you suddenly understand everything. But I figure: Hey it’s a step in the right direction if they leave you confused in a deeper way (Suddenly Quotes)