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Suddenly Quotes

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As the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them  (Suddenly Quotes) It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing  (Suddenly Quotes) I sometimes wish desperately that I could write like someone else, be someone else. No one particularly. Just if I could put the pen down on paper and suddenly come out in a totally different way  (Suddenly Quotes) You’re married, and suddenly you have your own family. There’s a nice comfort in that. That part of your life is certain... You’ve got your home in that other person  (Suddenly Quotes) I wanted to be an artist, but at age 11, somehow all this musical knowledge and information and love for music that I had came out, and then suddenly it was very clear that I wanted to be a musician of some sort  (Suddenly Quotes) Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. Then suddenly we wake up and see all the mistakes we have made  (Suddenly Quotes) The reality comes first, and the symbol comes after. I see these things, and suddenly they become symbolic of life  (Suddenly Quotes) If you keep at it long enough, one day you may witness some greater disturbance, some rushing breach of the water’s surface so startling and violent and exhilarating that you too will suddenly, and always thereafter, believe in monsters  (Suddenly Quotes) I was sitting outside in our backyard on a summer day, I was around six, and suddenly the whole world dissolved before my eyes and I found myself in a timeless world of light  (Suddenly Quotes) When you’re younger, you think you’re in competition with everyone. You think everyone’s success is a threat to you, and this is a thing you grow out of. You get older and you suddenly realize the only person you’re in competition with is yourself  (Suddenly Quotes) Do not hover always on the surface of things, nor take up suddenly with mere appearances; but penetrate into the depth of matters, as far as your time and circumstances allow, especially in those things which relate to your profession  (Suddenly Quotes) The one who travels like a lover searching for a new passion is suddenly blessed with new eyes, new ears, new senses  (Suddenly Quotes) No matter how carefully you plan it, there are times when you suddenly find yourself a committee of one, in charge of lifting the entire world with a lever  (Suddenly Quotes) Writing has often been accompanied by terror, silences, and then wild bursts of private laughter that suddenly make all the dread seem worthwhile  (Suddenly Quotes) It is my belief that children are full of understanding and know as much as and more than adults, until they are about seven, when they suddenly become stupid, like adults  (Suddenly Quotes) While looking for the light, you may suddenly be devoured by the darkness and find the true light  (Suddenly Quotes) I suddenly realized that through no act of my own I had become biologically related to a new human being  (Suddenly Quotes) Our desire must be like a slow and stately ship, sailing across endless oceans, never in search of safe anchorage. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, it will find mooring for a moment  (Suddenly Quotes) And now that I don’t want to own anything any more and am free, now I suddenly own everything, now my inner riches are immeasurable  (Suddenly Quotes) People thinking for themselves have more energy in their voice, than any government, which it is possible for human wisdom to invent; and every government not aware of this sacred truth will, at some period, be suddenly overturned  (Suddenly Quotes) It is strange how long we rebel against a platitude until suddenly in a different lingo it looms up again as the only verity  (Suddenly Quotes) Often I am struck in amazement about a word: I suddenly realize that the complete arbitrariness of our language is but a part of the arbitrariness of our own world in general  (Suddenly Quotes) Crime like virtue has its degrees; and timid innocence was never known to blossom suddenly into extreme license  (Suddenly Quotes) The outcome that we wish suddenly manifests itself in our reality, and the truth is, none of those things suddenly appeared. It is we who have suddenly appeared on the scene where they existed always  (Suddenly Quotes) Suddenly many movements are going on within me, many things are happening, there is an almost unbearable sense of sprouting, of bursting encasements, of moving kernels, expanding flesh  (Suddenly Quotes) Like most arts, the link between the mind and the pen can chain you like an enslaved workaholic. Even on an intended vacation you suddenly have this killer urge to record whatever the vacation may teach  (Suddenly Quotes) Everyone has a story, the air is full of stories. The creative process is mysterious, I don’t know why it is that suddenly a theme will take hold of me and refuse to leave me in peace until I investigate it and write it  (Suddenly Quotes) I like to laze around. I think that’s a huge part of creativity. You have to let your mind relax and then another part of your brain suddenly connects with the solution you’re trying to find  (Suddenly Quotes) In small space a player has to be capable of acting quickly. A good player who needs too much time can suddenly become a poor player  (Suddenly Quotes) I suppose my life has always been about pleasing people, making sure theyre all right, doing the right thing. Then, suddenly, you have to face up to what you want and be honest about it  (Suddenly Quotes)
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