Suddenly Quotes

Text Quotes
And suddenly the moon withdraws her sickle from the lightening skies, and to her sombre cavern flies, wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze (Suddenly Quotes)
Is what makes moments caught up in the immanence of return suddenly appear as ends. In every other system, don't forget, these moments are viewed as means: Every moral system proclaims that each moment of life ought to be motivated. Return unmotivates the moment and frees life of ends (Suddenly Quotes)
The self-explorer, whether he wants to or not, becomes the explorer of everything else. He learns to see himself, but suddenly, provided he was honest, all the rest appears, and it is as rich as he was, and, as a final crowning, richer (Suddenly Quotes)
Many men on the point of an edifying death would be furious if they were suddenly restored to health (Suddenly Quotes)
But once you become active in something, something happens to you. You get excited and suddenly you realize you count (Suddenly Quotes)
When you become part of something, in some way you count. It could be a march; it could be a rally, even a brief one. You're part of something, and you suddenly realize you count. To count is very important (Suddenly Quotes)
If you don't have a spiritual practice in place when times are good, you can't expect to suddenly develop one during a moment of crisis (Suddenly Quotes)
Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come (Suddenly Quotes)
When the least they could do to you was everything, then the most they could do to you suddenly held no terror (Suddenly Quotes)
A collection is not just one basic idea. It comes from something that is in the air, something you suddenly like and put down on paper and then work out (Suddenly Quotes)
I've always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly, having my first child hit home what my dad went through (Suddenly Quotes)
See that you are not suddenly saddened by the adversities of this world, for you do not know the good they bring, being ordained in the judgments of God for the everlasting joy of the elect (Suddenly Quotes)
That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way (Suddenly Quotes)
There is probably no moment more appalling than that in which the tongue comes suddenly upon the ragged edge of a space from which the old familiar filling has disappeared (Suddenly Quotes)
Never did she find anything so difficult as to keep herself from losing her temper when she was suddenly disturbed while absorbed in a book (Suddenly Quotes)
And Charlie, don't forget about what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted. He lived happily ever after (Suddenly Quotes)
if I die suddenly, my gravestone might appropriately offer this insight into my departure: "God got tired." I require lots of work (Suddenly Quotes)
He felt very tired, not from the mental effort, but because he had suddenly seen what the world was like, how there are many lies and truths (Suddenly Quotes)
A cup brimful of sweetness cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, no matter how suddenly jarred (Suddenly Quotes)
Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind. Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation. Suddenly, you know you are alive (Suddenly Quotes)
I felt suddenly cruel, like i´d told dmall children there was no tooth fairy, that it was just their mom sneaking into their room after they went to bed (Suddenly Quotes)
I'm not besotted with the notion of being on CNN to the point that I'm going to suddenly morph into Anderson Cooper or Christiane Amanpour. I'm not a foreign correspondent (Suddenly Quotes)
Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible (Suddenly Quotes)
She did not suddenly start being disagreeable this afternoon, she was so good at it, she had evidently practised whatever are the scales and arpeggios of rudeness every day of her life (Suddenly Quotes)
Today, people can say anything they want. Suddenly it gets in the rumor mill and then it evolves and then somehow it becomes fact and you say, What is this? You know, why don’t you ask me? (Suddenly Quotes)
The children despise their parents until the age of when they suddenly become just like them - thus preserving the system (Suddenly Quotes)
When you have mastered the way of strategy you can suddenly make your body like a rock, and ten thousand things cannot touch you. This is the body of a rock. You will not be moved (Suddenly Quotes)
But when you know that you’ve got a real friend somewhere, suddenly all the others are so much easier to bear (Suddenly Quotes)
Suddenly I’ve had enough of all this. I’ve had enough of being made to feel insecure and paranoid and wondering what’s going on (Suddenly Quotes)
When night came on, the Macedonians and the barbarian crowd suddenly took fright in one of those mysterious panics to which great armies are liable, (Suddenly Quotes)