Suddenly summoned to witness something great and horrendous, we keep fighting not to reduce it to our own smallness

Suddenly summoned to witness something great and horrendous, we keep fighting not to reduce it to our own smallness
John Updike was a master at capturing the complexities of human experience, often delving into the depths of human emotion and behavior in his works. The quote, “Suddenly summoned to witness something great and horrendous, we keep fighting not to reduce it to our own smallness,” perfectly encapsulates the struggle that many of Updike’s characters face when confronted with moments of profound significance.In Updike’s novel “Rabbit, Run,” the protagonist Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom is suddenly summoned to witness the death of his infant daughter. This moment is both great and horrendous, as Rabbit is faced with the overwhelming grief and guilt of losing a child. Despite the enormity of this event, Rabbit struggles not to reduce it to his own smallness. He grapples with his own feelings of inadequacy and failure as a father, but ultimately must confront the larger forces at play in his life.
Similarly, in Updike’s short story “A&P,” the protagonist Sammy is suddenly summoned to witness a moment of rebellion and defiance when three teenage girls walk into the grocery store wearing only their bathing suits. Sammy is captivated by the girls’ beauty and audacity, but he also recognizes the larger implications of their actions. He must fight not to reduce this moment to his own small desires and fantasies, but instead confront the societal norms and expectations that shape his world.
Throughout his works, Updike explores the tension between the individual and the larger forces at play in the world. His characters are often confronted with moments of great significance that force them to confront their own smallness in the face of something greater. Whether it be the death of a loved one, a moment of rebellion, or a profound realization, Updike’s characters must grapple with their own limitations and vulnerabilities in order to truly understand the world around them.