Sue Monk Kidd Quotes

Text Quotes
It's always been my hope that I would write a story that would inspire and would connect with people in a way that would touch hearts (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Novels attempt to render human experience; that's really all they are. They are meant to convey empathy for the character (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
The True Self is not our creation, but God's. It is the self we are in our depths. It is our capacity for divinity and transcendence (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
When compassion wakes up in us, we find ourselves more willing to become vulnerable, to take the risk of entering the pain of others (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I think many people need, even require, a narrative version of their life. I seem to be one of them. Writing memoir is, in some ways, a work of wholeness (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
What has happened to our ability to dwell in the unknowing, to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty? Where is our willingness to incubate pain and let it birth something new? What has happened to patient unfolding, to endurance? These things are what form the ground of waiting (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
One day I will have to forgive life for ending, I tell myself. I will have to learn how to let life be life with its unbearable finality... just be what it is (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I realize that I can be with someone, but on a deeper level I’m not available to them at all. I have attention deficit disorder of the soul (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Betrayal of any kind is hard, but betrayal by one’s religion is excruciating. It makes you want to rage and weep (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Sometimes, in order to say yes to what matters most, I must say no to good things (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
It’s easy to operate under the illusion that what we are doing is so important we cannot stop doing it.... Stopping is a spiritual act. It is the refuge where we drink life in (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
To fashion an inner story of our pain carries us into the heart of it, which is where rebirth inevitably occurs (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Unraveling external selves and coming home to our real identity is the true meaning of soul work (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I learned a long time ago that some people would rather die than forgive. It’s a strange truth, but forgiveness is a painful and difficult process. It’s not something that happens overnight. It’s an evolution of the heart (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
All that paddling around in the alphabet soup of one’s childhood, scooping up letters, hoping to arrange them into enlightening sentences that would explain why things had turned out the way they had. It evoked a certain mutiny in me (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don’t even know it (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I have noticed that if you look carefully at people’s eyes the first five seconds they look at you, the truth of their feelings will shine through for just an instant before it flickers away (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Now and then sprays of rain flew over and misted our faces. Every time I refused to wipe away the wetness. It made the world seem so alive to me. I couldn’t help but envy the way a good storm got everyone’s attention (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
The most significant gifts are the ones most easily overlooked. Small, everyday blessings: woods, health, music, laughter, memories, books, family, friends, second chances, warm fireplaces, and all the footprints scattered throughout our days (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I watched him, filled with tenderness and ache, wondering what it was that connected us. Was it the wounded places down inside people that sought each other out, that bred a kind of love between them? (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Look, I know you meant well creating the world and all, but how could you let it get away from you like this? How come you couldn’t stick with your original idea of paradise? People’s lives were a mess (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
In the photograph by my bed my mother is perpetually smiling on me. I guess I have forgiven us both, although sometimes in the night my dreams will take me back to the sadness, and I have to wake up and forgive us again (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
There’s release in knowing the truth no matter how anguishing it is. You come finally to the irreducible thing, and there’s nothing left to do but pick it up and hold it. Then, at last, you can enter the severe mercy of acceptance (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
We need not avoid our active lives, but simply bring to them a new vision and shift of gravity. for in the center we are rooted in god’s love. in such a place there is no need for striving and impatience and dashing about seeking approval (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I don’t remember what they said, only the fury of their words, how the air turned raw and full of welts. Later it would remind me of birds trapped inside a closed room, flinging themselves against the windows and the walls, against each other (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
You create a path of your own by looking within yourself and listening to your soul, cultivating your own ways of experiencing the sacred and then practicing it. Practicing until you make it a song that sings you (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I’d forgotten how that sort of craving felt, how it rose suddenly and loudly from the pit of my stomach like a flock of startle birds, then floated back down in the slow, beguiling way of feathers (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
As an adolescent, I went to charm school, where I learned to pour tea and relate to boys, which, as I recall, meant giving them the pickle jar to unscrew, whether it was too hard for me or not (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
I vividly remember the summer of 1964 with its voter registration drives, boiling racial tensions, and the erupting awareness of the cruelty of racism. I was never the same after that summer (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)
Every human being on the face of the earth has a steel plate in his head, but if you lie down now and then and get still as you can, it will slide open like elevator doors, letting in all the secret thoughts that have been standing around so patiently, pushing the button for a ride to the top. The real troubles in life happen when those hidden doors stay closed for too long (Sue Monk Kidd Quotes)